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I hate it when...


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I hate it when people use the same damn moves over and over on Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Doa etc. I just got done playing my dailey routine of online ranked matches and lost twice to some a**hole who has no skill. People like that need to sell the game and dissapear lol... Thanks for listening, feel free to vent on this topic.

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Someone really good would have found a parry :P You need to become better to beat them all 

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Yeah well, I was always good at Tekken, but when my daughter was 4 she decided she wanted to play.. She sat the controller down on the floor and pounded it with her hands randomly I might add, and for most of the day she proceeded to make me look like a fool hehe.. I know where you are coming from Shinobi hehe :D

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I hate it when...

you spend 30 min in a forum because

  1) there are too many subforums.

  2) over 75% of the new posts are spam.

  3) most of the subforums can be merged into a few categories.

  4) the website is slow.


Wait, this wasn't a general complaining thread, was it?

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I hate it when...


1) People complain about people who are better at the game than them

2) When people in general complain (oooops look at me I am complaining)

3) I hate it when people put other people down for doing stuff wrong but are only learning.

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I hate it when...

you spend 30 min in a forum because

  1) there are too many subforums.

  2) over 75% of the new posts are spam.

  3) most of the subforums can be merged into a few categories.

  4) the website is slow.


Wait, this wasn't a general complaining thread, was it?


Just press New content button, then you don't need to search through subforums.

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I hate it when...


1) People complain about people who are better at the game than them

2) When people in general complain (oooops look at me I am complaining)

3) I hate it when people put other people down for doing stuff wrong but are only learning.

Are you talking about yourself :P

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  • Clan Friend

I hate it when people use the same damn moves over and over on Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Doa etc. I just got done playing my dailey routine of online ranked matches and lost twice to some a**hole who has no skill. People like that need to sell the game and dissapear lol... Thanks for listening, feel free to vent on this topic.

you should read playing to win by David Sirlin :D


quote from that book

I once played a scrub who was actually quite good. That is, he knew the rules of the game well, he knew the character matchups well, and he knew what to do in most situations. But his web of mental rules kept him from truly playing to win. He cried cheap as I beat him with “no skill moves” while he performed many difficult dragon punches. He cried cheap when I threw him five times in a row asking, “Is that all you know how to do? Throw?” I gave him the best advice he could ever hear. I told him, “Play to win, not to do ‘difficult moves.’” This was a big moment in that scrub’s life. He could either ignore his losses and continue living in his mental prison or analyze why he lost, shed his rules, and reach the next level of play.

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Haha yeah i found a parry and I beat them most of the time. Lol


oh shinoobi i know you dream to win against me but :( i'm sexy and i know you can not beat me  :punk  :dollar:  (kidding )

 Haha Sas you are on!! 



Yeah well, I was always good at Tekken, but when my daughter was 4 she decided she wanted to play.. She sat the controller down on the floor and pounded it with her hands randomly I might add, and for most of the day she proceeded to make me look like a fool hehe.. I know where you are coming from Shinobi hehe :D

 Haha yeah its those moves that are the one button power ups that you cant block, like a grab for instance haha. Even smart people get taken down so all the haters who bring up the block or find a way to not get hurt... its hard when you are fighting in a small box arena XD.

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why they have no skill? at least they haven beaten you.

Because a master with skill uses every weopon in a harmonic fluid motion to earn a perfect score. They contact their innner Zen and assend from the heavens raining the slick amber like fire from the mouth of the dragon. They are able to use the methods of the four elements taught from their ancestors to pin point the innner chakra sort of like Byakugan and destroy every vessel with their eyes closed. That is why they have to soul nor skill. Use your sharingan and you will see their true form.

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1) When people say "Lows" on CoD4

2) When people say "Scrubs" on CoD4

3) When people use n00btube on CoD4

4) When people use Last stand on CoD4

5) When people cry and beeing bitchec on CoD4. Like Geogr on Beginners.

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1) When people say "Lows" on CoD4

2) When people say "Scrubs" on CoD4

3) When people use n00btube on CoD4

4) When people use Last stand on CoD4

5) When people cry and beeing bitchec on CoD4. Like Geogr on Beginners.

I hate last stand too haha

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