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  Blade said:
the maxfps 71 does, but its only reduces the recoil.


Capping FPS does help in reducing recoil, some say its a game engine flaw. I personally think capping fps at a steady rate gets rid of fps lag and makes adjusting for recoil easier. From what I have read there was an issue with rtcw that made lower capped fps reduce recoil but this didn't apply to ET.


Hobbit, I have a feeling that "dude" was thinking of a hack like a gl hook and not a script in having zero recoil.


Shit, I've even had some idiot tell me that while it looks like I have recoil while specing me, I don't actually have it and its some strange hack or something (can't remember exactly what he called it). rofl.


Oh, one more thing, alot of people will scream hax/scripts after I put 3 bullets in them faster than they can accept. What they don't realize is that most of the time I actually fired twice that many bullets at them and only hit with 3 (meaning my speed and rate of fire is twice what they may think). Just find that funny.


Even funnier, if there was a server setting that got rid of recoil and I went to play there, I would suck at sniping (if you ever saw me try to snipe with an fg42 you would understand why as I literally cannot snipe with that gun as I always want to move my mouse to compensate for recoil that isnt there, hence why I never use it). That gun gives me a headache (hurts my brain) every time I have ever attempted to snipe with it.

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Maniac, I respect the fact that you just typed out all of that. I'll admit, I am wrong for accusing you of using a script. I am sorry and I hope you accept my apologize.

  dude said:
Maniac, I respect the fact that you just typed out all of that. I'll admit, I am wrong for accusing you of using a script. I am sorry and I hope you accept my apologize.

thanks, apology accepted.

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  SuicidalManiac said:

Why don't we even take the step further and have dare check my cfg while I am slaughtering everyone on fuel next time? (or everytime, I don't mind)


1. PBSS clean. (taken Nov 2008)

2. cvars return clean.

3. You play with same style on Etpro where 71 and +cvars for no recoil scripts don't work.


Any player should play 4 years+ only sniper class and then he/she could be also like suicidalmaniac. Give that guy a break, when he is just enjoying his drink and playing. Suicidal feel free to !mute anyone who keeps bitching about you on server and you have level 5 admin so feel free to use it.


Hey Suicidal Maniac whats up..

I've seen people accuse you of cheating at times and would come in say no it's not true.

You taught me few things about snipe and i thank you for that.I watch you in spec all the time and its all good.

Best sniper ever seen.Whine bags will always cry foul when they get owned LOL.

Don't let them get to you...Keep pawning them for being whine bags if you ask me.

You owned me few times but i use to make me stronger and go after you.Thats what makes it so fun. :D

Keep up the good work and i'll see you out in the field lurking in the shadow somewhere :lol:


im just made cause i use to be one of the best ..Timberwolf lumpra .338 is a Canadian sniper rifle ..used to make the world record long distance kill (2 miles) about 8 years ago in iraq i think or afgan


but ya he cheated ..used U.S.A. ammo to pull it off lol


Manic doesn't cheat if he does then its been the same unoticed hax for the 3 years i have known him...PB must be retarted then :)


Next time they say it pm them and tell them you'll sell them the hax down load 29.95 lol

  SuicidalManiac said:
Oh, one more thing, alot of people will scream hax/scripts after I put 3 bullets in them faster than they can accept. What they don't realize is that most of the time I actually fired twice that many bullets at them and only hit with 3 (meaning my speed and rate of fire is twice what they may think). Just find that funny.


I believe the first time I played against you, tht was me :lol:

  JoeDirt said:

2. nrgy himself told me that most "good" players have at least one pbban including himself.

Not true whatsoever (I know you know that, I'm just backing you up). 95% of ETL 6v6 players don't have a red PBBans MPi entry linked to them within 2 IP's... and a few of them have been playing for 5+ years and at one time have been sponsored.


Fair warning... NetCoders' forums have been compromised. A few people have the full database, including myself. That means if you're a customer, you don't have long until you get banned.


Let me say that most pro players do not have a pb ban, but some *Pro* players do. He's just a pubber that tried to cheat. Don't let him him get to you.


Okay first thing is to JoeDirt - you stated that I said:

"2. nrgy himself told me that most "good" players have at least one pbban including himself."

No I didn't. You twisted something I said about a month back and made it seem like I said something like that. Correct me if I am wrong, but what I said below doesn't mean nearly what you just said. What I REALLY said:


"5. If you randomly selected a certain number of players who have

(a) Played ET many years and play very often and (b)Who don't really play that much and would rather be playing other games on their PC.

Wouldn't you suspect the ones in part (a) would be the ones who have probably tried a cheat before? Well, those are the type of most players in God clan and can often be found in other high ranking pub clans."


So how does my statement mean the same thing as yours? I don't see the comparison. My statement was not at all saying that most "good" players have at least 1 pbban. As I am typing this and what you said I really am surprised you changed my statement entirely to make me look like I said something very stupid when I didn't at all. Cmon dude..



To SuicialManiac - I don't just straight up accuse you of cheating - I said you have a script or are cheating. I don't think cheating cuz it's fairly easy to see a cheat most of the time. I believe a script myself - something other than DEFAULT.cfg which you claim is all you use. I don't want to argue anymore about this because in the end nobody really knows if you have no config changes to assist your recoil. I didn't read all of yours posts since they are lengthy, but I did see a few times you mentioned trying scripts yourself. So you have been down that road before even though you may not be using one now. As I said - no need to argue cuz it cannot be proved 100%. I know you will come back and here and say default.cfg etc etc. I don't care - it's done.


Sorry you got so upset about it and sorry you felt the need to come here and start an "insult nrgy" topic. Thanks..

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  nrgy said:
Okay first thing is to JoeDirt - you stated that I said:

"2. nrgy himself told me that most "good" players have at least one pbban including himself."

No I didn't. You twisted something I said about a month back and made it seem like I said something like that. Correct me if I am wrong, but what I said below doesn't mean nearly what you just said. What I REALLY said:


"5. If you randomly selected a certain number of players who have

(a) Played ET many years and play very often and (b)Who don't really play that much and would rather be playing other games on their PC.

Wouldn't you suspect the ones in part (a) would be the ones who have probably tried a cheat before? Well, those are the type of most players in God clan and can often be found in other high ranking pub clans."


So how does my statement mean the same thing as yours? I don't see the comparison. My statement was not at all saying that most "good" players have at least 1 pbban. As I am typing this and what you said I really am surprised you changed my statement entirely to make me look like I said something very stupid when I didn't at all. Cmon dude..



To SuicialManiac - I don't just straight up accuse you of cheating - I said you have a script or are cheating. I don't think cheating cuz it's fairly easy to see a cheat most of the time. I believe a script myself - something other than DEFAULT.cfg which you claim is all you use. I don't want to argue anymore about this because in the end nobody really knows if you have no config changes to assist your recoil. I didn't read all of yours posts since they are lengthy, but I did see a few times you mentioned trying scripts yourself. So you have been down that road before even though you may not be using one now. As I said - no need to argue cuz it cannot be proved 100%. I know you will come back and here and say default.cfg etc etc. I don't care - it's done.


Sorry you got so upset about it and sorry you felt the need to come here and start an "insult nrgy" topic. Thanks..


no u said "all good players have at least one pbban including myself" thats a quote from our xfire conversation, i wish i had saved it but whatever, half of .god| is always on my xfire crying about suicidal, suicidal is not some punk ass kid getting his boner from pwning u guys he is an old fart that just wants to blow some steam off after a stressful day. As I suggested earlier to settle this once and for all, have a 1v1 match on our etpro


nrgy you should have taken the time to read Suicidals posts, as they explained what you are talking about.

Yes, it can be proved that Suicidal doesn't script. I don't know much about it, but from basic knowledge of configs it looks like a sniper script is just +lookdown; wait ??; -lookdown.

EtPro does NOT have +lookdown, or any command that points your aim downwards, making it IMPOSSIBLE to have a working snipe script there. And if you read his posts you could see that he has said that he would gladly have people spec him there.

As far as cheating goes, someone else posted this somewhere on here, but I'll put it in since you obviously don't want the read the complaint topic about yourself. Suicidal has been playing ET since the start, and owning shortly after. Do you really think that there is any sort of hack that has been undetected by PB for 6 years?

Also with my limited knowledge of configs, I am fairly positive that there are no legit cvars(non-botting) that reduce recoil. And he isn't using the botting cvars as he plays primarily on PB streaming servers.

The only thing that helps recoil is getting level 3 covert ops, which gives you recoil that is easier to manage. I'm not sure about the capping fps, as i can never reach my cap to test it out.




A server op can actually check my cfg:


/rcon pb_sv_cvaruser slot#




/rcon PB_SV_BindSrch [search text(ie "lookdown")] [player name or slot#] (output into pb log)


My cfg is basically default. Only thing I do to my cfg is getting rid of bob like most vets (if I remember right it's forcecvared off on FA servers anyway), particles, blood, capping my fps, and binding /kill. There is nothing that I know of personally that reduces recoil (except maybe capping fps but my view on that is reduced fps lag and not actually reducing recoil), no magic cvar, no script. Pitch is default, the sniperzoom crap is default, etc. Textures, lighting, all that crap are default. I don't have a special cfg like alot of top players, no binds other than /kill. No 180 scripts, no spawn timers, no spawn selection script, no scripts of any kind. Alot of players have cfgs with all sorts of crap changed, I just never bothered. My cfg is the same now as its been since 04. Nothing fancy about it.


I've never used a script on a pub, I did download and test it once on a private server after having this same arguement with an even dumber asswipe, just to see wtf he was talking about. All it did was piss my ass off further as any moron that actually has seen what that script does/looks like can tell I don't use it. The thing is a joke and in my opinion worthless. That idiots name was "chainsaw" who took over from clan RRx their old FATT server (fueldump all the time). After playing that server as a reg for at least a year I got banned by that idiot. He eventually banned all the old etpro vets that used to play there for "cheating" and the server is now dead.


I used to have players scream script on etpro where I mostly played, and those noobs would be informed by other players on a regular basis that the script didn't work on etpro and they needed to stfu (lol some just got banned for stupidity). When I started visiting ETpub an Jaymod servers noobs there would scream the same shit like you do. Basically I get called shit on any mod I play, just cause other players can't quite grasp the fact I am a pro with a sniper rifle, just like some are pro rnaders or great mp40 shooters.


I'm used to noobs like you talking shit nrgy, but what really pissed my ass off, is your stupid ass saying I got "caught" hacking. Never happened, never will.


FYI AC-130 aka SuicidalRambo who was using a script and probably hacks as well got pwned by my ass everytime I played him. There is no subsitute for real skill.

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