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A few thoughts about pub servers


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Well I'm typically known as a med whore, but I don't always want to play this role, via going rnade etc but I find that those roles are almost gimped to the point of uselessness. The following are just a few points I've noticed that cause some unbalances between the clases.




-Rnade dmg is really weak but buffing the dmg may make it too strong

-at lvl 4 panz becomes almost too powerful hitting like rtcw did at half the shot time. In result, damage seems too high/or spread too wide, and shoots way to fast, this is all due to the level ups though from which Everybody practically gets all four in 1-3 maps.

-Flak Jacking -I find that engies can't be killed by any explosive when it touches there chin and goes off, which is a bit over done to help them survive. In fact when I try to suicide nade as engy instead of killing out, my own nade which blows up in my own hand still leaves me with 20-35 hp...

-Knifing (dmg, fronstab, backstab are all over damaging) Now I know assassin increases your back stab damage but this is affecting everything I think.


*possible fixes*


-Change flak to reduce explosive damage by 30% and bullet damage by 20% to compensate- This will only take 1-2 more bullets to kill, but allow facial explosives to actually kill people as perfect hits with explosives should.

-Rnade blast effectiveness can be increased by 10-15% so that the damage fall off doesn't take such a toll, this wont make everything one shot, but it will certainly help when u hit a person directly with it having them survive which is extremely frustrating. I'm rocking 80% acc with rnade hitting people in the face, bouncing off them landing at their feet, all it does is send them flying to their death which is stupidly annoying. Numerous rounds last few days I've been on the rnade trying to test its efficiency and it seems it takes 4-6 hits with it to average a kill. By this I mean for every 40 hits i barely get 8-10 kills with it, and I can tell you I put the rnade right on their feet most the time.

-Panzer just make it so that level 3 doesn't increase the dmg and blast radius so much. The effectiveness buff makes even the worst players on the server impossible to kill. Also which ever level increases shot speed, change it so that it doesn't drop the panzer below 1 sec shot time, because right now this panzer is like instant shot making it impossible for him to be killed without 3 perfect headshots before he even starts shooting. even a .1-.2 added shot time would fix it greatly. giving players least 1-2 more shots before their nuked.

-Knifing, now I'm not sure what is intentional or not, but the knife damage is ridiculous, frontal knifes are hitting for back stab amounts being 50 damage a hit... this negates the back stab entirely which is what knifing is supposed to be about. Knifing bodies from behind hits for about 100 which is a bit insane but would be fine if frontal knifes didn't hit so hard. I'd much rather see people going for backstabs than easy frontal kills. The ability to throw knifes is awesome, which I thought helped frontal knifing enough. Also the knifing from behind on a body to gib doesn't work. Your supposed to be able to gib bodies with 3 knife hits if you do it from behind the head as it acts as a back stab, which is weird because it seems as though the damage changes dramatically to gib. It takes 3-4 frontal knifes to kill but 6+ to gib, kinda weird that the damage would change so dramatically. My suggestion is make the frontal knifes hit for the stock 18 damage, keep back stabs hitting hard, leave the throwing dmg and timer the same and add back stab gibbing.


I don't expect anything to change, just putting these up for thoughts up for grabs not demanding changes at all. This is what I think will help balance the server a bit, taking only a nudge off the "over-powered aspects" and adding to the weak points. I'm not a K/D whore, as I always try and be around the objectives, but I would certainly like to be a bigger help in the objective department when I go engy, but when I get off smg, it seems as though everything is unkillable no matter how accurate I can be. Just let me know what you think about some of this, I'm not trying to force change, just want to see if others agree or feel somewhat the same way.

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I forgot to mention that I'm only critiquing the et-pub and the hardcore servers, I don't play on the others enough to get a good feeling of how strong each thing is relevant to number of people and spawntime etc. How settings are on each server vary and should due to the type of style played.

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yeah please make it easier for me to get highest fragger with rnade lmao.rnade is good as it is.

And i agree on panza thing,its way too easy with such spread + have an smg to make ridiculous frags.

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Imho its fine like it is , flak , panzer , powering up , its all there for a reason . As soon youre starting to fiddle around with the settings , it unbalances too much . its like a rattail following , fiddling here , some setting there , and noone ever will be satisfied ! Out of experience i can say it isnt worth it .

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This is like an old topic but i will share my opinions too:


- I have to agree with the comments about rnades, as i asked for it before, rrade damage should be increase (like in hardcore server).

- Covers shouldnt have his "shield" everytime he steal a uniform.

- The Engis resistence to explosives (specially landmines) are fine to me.

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  • Clan Friend

It's the good old topic about balancing in games, in my opinion there are 2 aspects for every weapon:


1. balanced/unbalanced weapons: how it is, if compared to the 'standard' weapon (in this case mp40/thompson)

a balanced weapon should be comparable with mp40 in most situations, the 'stupid' way of balancing is creating weapons which are overpowered in some cases, and useless in others (see poison knives, m97, flamer, etc.) no wonder flamer is not allowed or was not allowed in many competitions, because that kind of gameplay sucks.


2. skilled/unskilled weapons: the difference between a good and a bad player using it

Take 2 players with a huge skill difference and let them duel with sten first, and with some gay weapon after that, and guess the difference in k/d ratio. The good player will always win, but with sten he/she will own the other much more, because it is a 'skilled weapon'.



I think that if compared with etpro with xp disabled, in fun mods with xpsave many weapons are totally unbalanced, for example take m97 in jaymod... it is almost useless from a distance and in close range even a noob can frag a pro, I don't think anyone can call that 'balanced', rifle with no xp is balanced, even overpowered in some maps, rifle with all players with full xp and adrenaline is almost useless, etc. etc.

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I've noticed that also on NQ the rnade power is not the same.. (even if you shoot at ones feet)...


The guess the problem comes from all the cry babies..

- I'm getting owned by engies with rnades

- I can't kill the panzer noob

- How can the mortar guy frag more than me..


with all this.. the servers have been tweaked time after time.. and I'm guessing they are becoming a bit unbalanced..

and my fear it that ppl no longer "identify" themselves with the gameplay.. it happens to me sometimes..

maybe he need to ask dare to make a reset to those tweaks and start againg.. to see if we can get it right...

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maybe he need to ask dare to make a reset to those tweaks and start againg.. to see if we can get it right...


NQ is on stock settings and was never tweaked :P To tweak NQ you need to add weapon files. It's doable but then after few weeks you will here engineers saying rifle nades are useless.


Etpub players complain for rifle nade being too weak and NQ team complains for rifle nade being too strong :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

rifle is not too weak on hardcore, it depends on who you shoot. engies, flakjacket, >= 140 hp, medics 156 hp...


if you are used to play scrims, ofc rifle "feels" weak on pub servers, where every1 got battlesens 3.


i fully agree to covert ops, the knife and the disguised shield are overpowered. Its hard to spot a covert ops, so they dont need these extra features imo.

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Its hard to spot a covert ops, so they dont need these extra features imo.


As you said, everyone has battlesense. Therefore everyone can 'see' a covert. 'Disguised Player'. If the knife is nerfed, then I suggest removing the ability to change between binocular and scope, since it is proven the binoc's and scope swapping is overpowered. :thanks

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LOL looking forward to fighting you and kronos at the same time. If I could learn how to snipe like you guys, we should set up a time to get on at same time and see how well 3 snipers/knifers can own a map B)

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