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A few thoughts about pub servers


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you run the server, dare devil.


But i play on it, and from my experience of many years playing and many years running server on my own(pub,jay, pro), i know that front knife damage is not etpub default.


As I said, it's on default. There is nothing much I can do to believe you.


Why you think I posted exact cvar name from start? If you feel it's not right, I can't do much.


There I again rechecked:


"g_knifeDamage" is:"35^7" default:"35^7"

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Dare, please don't change the knife damage on hardcore. It is fine the way it currently is. I say this because you plan on changing hardcore to silent mod. You see, currently a player is able to throw a knife at the same time they are stabbing. Combined with a player using a uni, I am pretty damn tough atm. On our silent mod pub, I rarely use the knife because it is useless. The stabbing is slower, I cannot throw at the same time I stab, and the 'arm throw' makes it too slow to really be affective. You see, I have become a pro knifer. I can kill promedics in close range combat 90 percent of the time. Usually it only takes about 2 seconds if I surprise jump out on them. (I am currently training a bunch of people how to effectively use the knife on hardcore lol When I get on, there are 5 or 6 of us going around knifing everybody, and its a blast!!) This is a frontal assault. I stab, throw, stab and their usually dead. The good players will jump backwards and side to side (at same time) to avoid me. This is really the only way to beat a proknifer. But then, I'm not very good at throwing knives unless its point blank lol. If you want to stop proknifers on hardcore, just take away the ability to throw the knife at the same time someone stabs. This will dramatically affect the knife in such a way as to make it a last resort weapon again. Dropping the damage I think is not fair, because a person has to get up close to cause damage anyways, and if a person does that they deserve to give a couple battle scars.


Secondly, I will admit at first I did NOT like silent mod because the knife was nerfed so badly as to be practically useless. I stated the reasons in the previous rant. BUT

the game plays slower. People don't run/dash as fast as they do on hardcore. Therefore I find that I can actually use a gun on silent mod. I have been playing more on silent, and have seen my accuracy go up because my slow ass arthritic cramped butcher hands can have the necessary time to react. Thank you and the dev team for such a great mod. I enjoy the experience of being able to frag with those so much better than me. I still lose, but I live 1.3 seconds longer :lol:


As I said, it's on default. There is nothing much I can do to believe you.


Why you think I posted exact cvar name from start? If you feel it's not right, I can't do much.


There I again rechecked:


"g_knifeDamage" is:"35^7" default:"35^7"


Is stabbing and throwing at the same time also default? Alot of players complain about my ability to kill them from up close front assault. Dare if you would like we could set up a time and I can show you what I am doing. Perhaps you can deduce what is wrong with the knife and be able to tweak it until you change hardcore over to silent.

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the default knife damage in ET since the start was 18. Et pub i guess felt like they needed more but that doesn't make it better. 35 damage means it will never take more than 4-5 hits to kill an engy, and only 5-6 to kill a med. For some ungodly reason the backstab kills you in 2 dealing 100 damage a hit being twice the default for every other mod, which paired with stab+throw is instant death, I find that I can get multi kills easier with a knife than smg if i just camp and run in behind with knife cause u can 2shot anyone easily. I think that the throwing and stabbing at same time makes the mod fun as I tried the others when u cant do both at same time, and you start to feel like you don't stand a chance with the knife, the wind up is slow, inaccurate because movement affects your throws with momentum etc.


Not sure why knife is the only weapon with momentum effects in those mods as packs, bullets, rockets etc don't. Rockets with gravity also makes me laugh because gravity barely affects a rocket when shot, the propelled momentum + lack of wing control cause non-straight rocket paths which is better displayed by call of duty games, the gravity would barely play a part in the rockets flight path so dunno what mod maker said hmm gravity would make it more realistic when in fact it does just the opposite, I know it wasn't F|A because gravity panzers have been around since the start of jaymod and noquarter, I just personally think it is a stupid way to balance it when tweaking the damage output and blast radius so that it isn't some free easy kill weapon that anybody can pick up and kill the best without even trying. Some aim should be required "See quake rocket launcher". It would actually be cool to see a panzer with 15-30 ammo but did 1/3 of the damage and shot slightly faster like quake speeds. Like 2-3 hits per kill would be awesome as long as they could shoot fast enough and have the proper ammo per life with less blast propulsion so people wouldn't be blasted all over the place.


I do feel as though in hardcore that if the knife was reduced to 18/25 range paired with tossing same time would still keep the knife fun, but would drop it's damage speeds enough so that people aren't instant killed and have a slight chance of reacting. 25 damage a frontal and 50 instead of a 100 for backstabs would make it a lot more balanced considering you get the addition of throwing too. Level 4 covy skill is assassin, which instantly kills anyone you stab in the back, I think this is retarded, nuff said. Too many people will argue with the removal but it is such a stupidly strong power-up like the level 3 soldier, level 3 field op, level 4 medic, level 4 engy. Every class has their too strong power up, but instant kill is just stupid. Medics had adren taken out because it takes the fun out of the style of game play, I think covert should get their instant kills removed because I'm sure sick of these 200 pinging players who can stab me 10 feet away and kill me in one hit. It is about as stupid as the poison knife in jaymod that has no cure other than another medics packs and causes you to miss when you aim directly on people. It's no good running around with that stupid knife cause its hard to hit people, and hoping that someone doesn't take your kill when you actually do hit someone. So it goes both ways for frustration. Seriously how do my med-packs contain the antidote to cure everyone else but me, what kind of stupid forethought is that.


Aside from all the unrealistic aspects of ET's billion theres a 1000 things you can tweak on the server to make it better but are probably not worth changing because it would make this and that person mad, IMO the best option is to host a practice server with varied tweaks for a day-week at a time, and change the settings over the course of the test duration and ask what people like best before making changes to the actual pub hosted daily. I think that if people find that they like certain new settings better than old, then adaptation should take place as it would allow the most people to have more fun than they previously had, keeping people happy and newly entertained with different style of game play. After all we play video games to have fun and if you can enjoy the same thing you do every day better by changing a couple of things, why not try. This is why I propose this testing idea, and simply just make a forum section for test server suggestions and the ideas will come flowing by the community. People won't know if they like the game play better until they try it, and who knows some people may have really good suggestions that you could implement on all the servers. GoGo quake mod

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