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3 hours ago, 4estw1zzard said:

@Snuffs99 Do you use 2.60b client or legacy? legacy client seemed to fix the prob for me


I do use 2.60b yes but this problem is quite new (2-3 months maybe) so just bugs me that i cant figure why its doing it tbh.

I can update to legacy but i've pretty much had the same ET for 10+ years without issues so am reluctant to use legacy without knowing why its crashing 2.60b of late, just doesn't make any sense. lol


I'll keep trying new things and see if i can "fix" it without the need to update to legacy and obviously if i find the problem and possible fix i'll post here.


Is everyone who has the problem using windows 10?




Thanks for the info but for NQ etconsole is in the NQ folder and not ETMain, i will have a play later and post the log here.

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1 hour ago, GHARIB said:


Have you got the same bug?

We all have same crash error. I believe in nq server someone was tweaking sound packs that lead to inevitable error.

But only one  server was "infested".  I am silent  hermit,  but after visiting last gameday - my ET started to crashed like everyones else. But I have second ET on my old travel laptop . 


So Gharib, I will reccommend to use pk cleaner, or Cheeps advise, or evade some server untill it will be fix. 


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Ignore, thought i had it sussed and fixed but seems i jumped the gun, still crashing so back to testing ideas :( :(



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Cant edit my above post so sorry for the new one.


I've been trying to fix this issue over the last few days by changing cfg settings, shortcut parameters etc and no luck.


However i have noticed that if i connect to a server that crashes for me through HLSW and i do get booted (crashes) if i then open console while ET is still running and use \connect serverip:port it no longer crashes for the remainder of the map....not a proper fix but only means i get booted the once.


I've tried using \connect serverip:port by running ET.exe and bypassing HLSW altogether and i've even tried \reconnect after a boot but it still crashes each time unless i connect with HLSW let it crash and then open console after first crash and \connect serverip:port......at that point the game no longer crashes.


Very odd tbh and makes no sense but i'm happy with the one crash, get that out the way and i'm good to play whatever map is on without any more crashes



EDIT***seems to stop all crashes, since joining server with HLSW and crashiing then joining same server using \connect serverip:port my game has not crashed on any map....as yet, so with hope its just the one crash at start and good for the remaining time your on server.

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1 hour ago, Snuffs99 said:

Cant edit my above post so sorry for the new one.


I've been trying to fix this issue over the last few days by changing cfg settings, shortcut parameters etc and no luck.


However i have noticed that if i connect to a server that crashes for me through HLSW and i do get booted (crashes) if i then open console while ET is still running and use \connect serverip:port it no longer crashes for the remainder of the map....not a proper fix but only means i get booted the once.


I've tried using \connect serverip:port by running ET.exe and bypassing HLSW altogether and i've even tried \reconnect after a boot but it still crashes each time unless i connect with HLSW let it crash and then open console after first crash and \connect serverip:port......at that point the game no longer crashes.


Very odd tbh and makes no sense but i'm happy with the one crash, get that out the way and i'm good to play whatever map is on without any more crashes



EDIT***seems to stop all crashes, since joining server with HLSW and crashiing then joining same server using \connect serverip:port my game has not crashed on any map....as yet, so with hope its just the one crash at start and good for the remaining time your on server.

Just type /vid_restart straight away when you join a server and you have no crashes - thats a work around fix for now. If you let it crash, you have to do /snd_restart to get the sound back and ends up being longer before you can actually play.

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1 hour ago, CheepHeep said:

Just type /vid_restart straight away when you join a server and you have no crashes - thats a work around fix for now. If you let it crash, you have to do /snd_restart to get the sound back and ends up being longer before you can actually play.

Thanks Cheep but I did try that and it still crashed for me (will certainly try again next time, just in case (lol)), every way i've tried has crashed other than doing what i've said in my last post, doing \snd_restart is needed but it only takes seconds....If i have to endure a few more seconds of wait for the sound to come back on but i'm then good to play the server all night afterwards i'm happy with that. lol


Easily pleased me mate and will let you know if a vid restart works next time i join up. lol.


Suppose if i stick to just FA NQ1 i wont have the problem, my penance for not playing an FA server lol



Out of curiosity just tried vid_restart and yes it does work...Thx (whistle emoji)

I thought i had \vid_restart in my config but will add it to the end and see if it works that way, if so all good.

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Did you have a look at your console to see what the error messages are ?

I must say i got tired of the crashes i had with 2.60b. So i moved to ET legacy that works fine for me on any FA server.



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3 hours ago, Gengis said:

Did you have a look at your console to see what the error messages are ?

I must say i got tired of the crashes i had with 2.60b. So i moved to ET legacy that works fine for me on any FA server.



I did look at etconsole file but there are no error messages at all, i think that is what makes the whole thing quite annoying. Even on a crash the message it gives is simply client crash information and nothing else.


I totally get why some move to legacy to sort the problem but i cant more because i want to know why its crashing. lol In the meantime i'll vid_restart and take it from there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I encountered this crash also for the first time. 




Every time I would press T - Y - U for global, Team, fireteam chat I would get this error. If I reconnect there is no sound anymore but I then can use chat. If I make sure to have sound back it crashes. After the map was over and changed map the problem was gone. Tested many times and so far it crash for every first map when I log in. If I let 1 map go and then enter next one, my problem is solved ----->?  But like cheep said if you do /vid_restart after entering the server problem seems fixed strait away.


In Etmain folder log:

handle 2: etconsole.log
76555 files in pk3 files
ERROR: -8<------- Crash Information ------->8-

SNDDMA_BeginPainting: Lock failed with error 'DSERR_INVALIDPARAM'
RE_Shutdown( 0 )
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- R_Init -----


In silent folder log:

-8<------- Crash Information ------->8-






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That error is generated on this page https://github.com/id-Software/Enemy-Territory/blob/master/src/win32/win_snd.c in the ET source code.


"DSERR_INVALIDPARAM" is an error-parameter used in Windows DirectSound, which seems to be used in the ET-code to deal with a "lost_buffer" in ET/windows or a problem using DMA for sound. 


Do you normally hear a sound when you press a chat-key?  What is your snd_hunks size?   I wonder if doing a /snd_restart when you first join a server might help?


Actually, that "DSERR_INVALIDPARAM" name is a generic error-code used in DirectSound to indicate that an 'invalid parameter' was received by a function.  That might be true of other c++ coding, but it seems to be the only one in the ET-source in GitHub.  I will check again.


I didn't hear any sounds when I press the chat-keys in Jaymod or Silent.


Can you open your etconsole.log and look in it for the beginning Initializations section?


My sound_section looks like this:


----- finished R_Init -----

------- sound initialization -------
Initializing DirectSound
----- Sound Info -----
sound system is muted
    1 stereo
32768 samples
   16 samplebits
    1 submission_chunk
22050 speed
0x31500860 dma buffer
No background file.
Sound memory manager started
--- Common Initialization Complete ---

(If it even has anything to do with the sound subsystem :) )












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6 hours ago, rambozo37 said:

I encountered this crash also for the first time. 




Every time I would press T - Y - U for global, Team, fireteam chat I would get this error. If I reconnect there is no sound anymore but I then can use chat. If I make sure to have sound back it crashes. After the map was over and changed map the problem was gone. Tested many times and so far it crash for every first map when I log in. If I let 1 map go and then enter next one, my problem is solved ----->?  But like cheep said if you do /vid_restart after entering the server problem seems fixed strait away.


In Etmain folder log:

handle 2: etconsole.log
76555 files in pk3 files
ERROR: -8<------- Crash Information ------->8-

SNDDMA_BeginPainting: Lock failed with error 'DSERR_INVALIDPARAM'
RE_Shutdown( 0 )
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- R_Init -----


In silent folder log:

-8<------- Crash Information ------->8-






Same here, for me it's when i press escape to open options menu my ET closed on jaymod and disconnect me from server on silent.....If i wait few minutes without using these buttons all is ok.

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24 minutes ago, RedBaird said:

That error is generated on this page https://github.com/id-Software/Enemy-Territory/blob/master/src/win32/win_snd.c in the ET source code.


"DSERR_INVALIDPARAM" is an error-parameter used in Windows DirectSound, which seems to be used in the ET-code to deal with a "lost_buffer" in ET/windows or a problem using DMA for sound. 


Do you normally hear a sound when you press a chat-key?  What is your snd_hunks size?   I wonder if doing a /snd_restart when you first join a server might help?


Actually, that "DSERR_INVALIDPARAM" name is a generic error-code used in DirectSound to indicate that an 'invalid parameter' was received by a function.







Yeah I found that website also and did a few test. But still scratching my head. Every single details points to sound problem but.... the only solution was a vid_restart. I do believe that "DSERR_INVALIDPARAM" happens just after the crash so maybe its a problem that starts on top of the other one after it crashed. After all I tried I will rule this out for now. 


- /snd_restart does not help

- I don't recall hearing a sound when opening chat

- com_hunkMegs "250" --- com_soundMegs "64"

- Its only on the first map when I enter the server on next map all is good

- Only /vid_restart so far worked 


EDIT** I just tried what @AnG3L said about pressing esc and it happens also

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I just searched for "SNDDMA_BeginPainting" and found similar code in ID's Quake 3 Arena source code, where it has a comment "Makes sure dma.buffer is valid".



But you are right as the Silent Crash is printed before the Sound Error line.  If Silent had crashed with an abend (abnormal ending) and only got as far as printing that 'crash header line' on screen and in the silent crash log, then all bets are off :D


6 hours ago, rambozo37 said:

If I make sure to have sound back it crashes.

Does that mean that Silent crashes (but not out of ET) and IF you /reconnect to join the server again and THEN you do a /snd_restart without using chat-keys, that Silent crashes again?  


The order of those Silent and SND error statements may be misleading.  We don't know if their 'different routes out to us' delayed one or the other. :D 😵


Have you tried turning the sound off in the menu and then trying to chat on the first map?  That might have an "interesting, but useless" result or it might be a true-clue!


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Ok this time reconnecting and snd_restart did help. Tried a few times and every time it worked. IDK why it didn't work the first time unless I did a mistype.


Turning sound down and joining game does not help. Still crash


I have other game installs on this PC that I use to dump body's in server and none of them crash when opening chats or pressing ESC



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