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Software/tools for COD4 (Call of Duty 4)

12 files

  1. COD4 1.8 Security Patch - how to update to COD4 1.8 patch

    COD4 - call of duty 4 - client 1.8 security patch. How to update your COD4 to 1.8 pach -
    If you are on 1.7, please download this and replace it with your current iw3mp.exe. It will move you to 1.8 client patch version for multi player.. Now you will be able to join 1.8 patch.
    Steam clients are auto updated. CD and old users - need to manually patch their client. 
    Please ask for support if you required assistance. We are here to help.



  2. RconMaxMW

    The Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Rcon Tool For All COD4 Admins
    RconMax(MW) is a FREE Rcon tool for COD4 with an impressive list of features including (but not limited to):
    Multi language support, English, Dutch, French, German and Polish.
    RconMAX 2 runs with process priority of "Low" so as to reduce any impact when playing COD4 at the same time as running RconMAX 2. Most significant for PC's with one single core processor.

    Server Connection - Maintain a list of COD4 servers. Add / Delete / Update.
    Connect - Connect to the selected server.
    Send a manual command to the server and see the console response.

    Server General

    Game Name(ro)
    Short Version (ro)
    Map Types
    Host Name
    Game Type (ro)
    Map Name (ro)
    Min Ping
    Max Ping
    Max Rate
    Max Clients
    Private Clients
    Public Clients (ro)
    Protocol (ro)
    Reconnect Limit
    Temp Ban Duration
    Spectate - OFF / Team / Free
    Friendly Fire - OFF / Normal / Reflective / Shared
    Private Client Password
    Server Password
    Pure - ON / OFF
    Anti Lag - ON / OFF
    PunkBuster (ro)
    Flood Protect - ON / OFF
    Allow Anonymous - ON / OFF
    Disable Client Console - ON / OFF
    Compass Show Enemies (ro)
    Voting - ON / OFF
    Kill Cam - ON / OFF
    Team Balance - ON / OFF
    Voice - ON / OFF
    Voice Quality - 0 to 9
    Time Out
    Connection Time Out
    Shut-down / Restart Server

    Server Other

    Hard Core - ON / OFF
    Old School - ON / OFF
    Perks - ON / OFF
    Head Shots Only - ON / OFF
    Force UAV
    Hard Points
    Hard Points / Artillery
    Hard Points / UAV
    Hard Points / Helicopter
    Gravity Control - 1 to 9999
    Restart Punk Buster


    Lost Of Maps
    Picture Of Selected Map
    Current Map
    Local List - Load a list of maps held locally in RconMAX(MW)
    Custom List - Allows the addition of custom maps to the map list.
    Next Map - Play the next map in the rotation
    Load Map - Loads the map selected from the List Of Maps
    Restart - Restart / reload the current map
    Fast Restart - Restart the current map without reloading it

    Map Rotation

    Get - Get the current map rotation from the server
    Edit - Edit the map rotation
    Send - Send the map rotation to the server
    Clear - Clear the map rotation text box
    Game Type - Select the game type for Add Map and Add All
    Add Map - Add the map selected in the List Of Maps to the rotation.
    Add All - Add all of the maps from the List Of Maps to the map rotation
    Lucky Dip - Randomly generate map rotation.

    Game Mode

    Game Type - Dom / Sab / FFA / S&D / HQ / WAR
    S&D Bomb Timer
    S&D Defuse Time
    S&D Multi Bomb
    S&D Plant Time
    S&D Round Switch
    S&D Score Limit
    S&D Spawn Time
    S&D Time Limit
    S&D Quantity Of Lives
    SAB Bomb Timer
    SAB Defuse Time
    SAB Hot Potato
    SAB Plant Time
    SAB Score Limit
    SAB Spawn Time
    SAB Spawn Delay
    SAB Time Limit
    HQ Auto Destroy Time
    HQ Capture Time
    HQ Delay Player
    HQ Destroy Time
    HQ Mode - Normal / Modern
    HQ Score Limit
    HQ Spawn Delay
    HQ Spawn Time
    HQ Time Limit
    DOM Score Limit
    DOM Time Limit
    DOM Spawn Time
    DM Score Limit
    DM Time Limit
    DM Spawn Time
    WAR Score Limit
    WAR Time Limit
    WAR Spawn Time


    Weapons - ON / OFF Turn individual weapons on or off
    Attachments - ON / OFF Turn individual attachments on or off for each weapon
    Grenades - ON/OFF Turn individual nades on or off


    View Players - No / Name /Score / Ping / GUID / IP Address / Port No / Qrate / Last Message
    Hide / show - GUID / Full data
    No Colour - View player names without colour characters
    Kick Player
    Temp Ban Player
    Ban Player
    Kick All Players
    Save - Saves player list to text file and opens it in Notepad
    Send Message To Player
    8 User Definable Messages
    Send Message To Player - Free text message
    Auto Update Player List
    [unban Players]
    [Auto Kick Players With A Ping Of 999]
    [Auto Kick Players With A High Ping]
    [set High Ping Threshold]


    Auto Messaging
    Auto Message Groups
    Auto Messages
    Auto Message Colour Code Buttons
    Add / Edit / Delete Auto Message Groups
    Add / Edit / Delete Auto Messages
    Schedule auto messages (every X seconds)

    Classes / Perks

    Class Limits - Limit the amount of players who can select each particular class
    Class Drop Weapons – Enable / disable the dropping of weapons by class
    Perk 1 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 1
    Perk 2 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 2
    Perk 3 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 3


    Set the default loadouts by class. (Primary weapon and attachment, secondary weapon and attachment, perk 1, perk 2 and perk 3)
    Compact - Compact data file.

    My CP

    Build up a server command line and start a local server
    Create Configs - Create standard server config files
    Start Server - Start a local server
    Restart Server - Restart the local server
    Shut Down Server - Shut down the local server
    PBUCON - Live Chat Monitoring
    Detect your own internet IP
    Auto greet players as they join the server
    Customisable greeting message
    Adjustable log read interval
    Chat filter
    Customisable list of banned words
    Kick At X amount of infringements
    Kick At X amount of infringements
    Auto Warn
    Auto Kick
    Auto Ban
    Quick Message
    Quick Message Colour Code Buttons

    In Game Remote Admin

    Enable / disable remote admin
    Maintain a list of "Approved Players" for remote admin
    Enable / disable individual approved players
    Available commands: Fast Restart, Next Map, Call Map, Change Game Type, Change Kill Cam, Kick, Temp Ban, Ban
    Enable / disable available commands
    Approved players issue commands by typing chat messages. No need to give them your rcon password.


    Check - Check for updates on the web.
    Get Updates - Launches IE to get updates from the web
    Auto Update Frequency - Set how often RconMax(MW) should check for updates
    Admin Name - Set the name you use as your admin name
    Use As Message Prefix - Select if admin name should be used as a server message prefix
    Language - English / Polish / German / French / Dutch / Swedish
    Maintain - Data file maintenance
    Import Data - Import server auto messages from a previous version of RconMax(MW)
    Create Files Server - Create server config files based on settings in RconMax(MW)
    Create Files Player - Create player control config files based on settings in RconMax(MW)
    Create Files Weapon - Create weapon control config files based on settings in RconMax(MW)



  3. COD4 Patch Selector Software

    1. Install COD4 straight from the box. If you have "Game of the Year" you should be on 1.6 straight up. A fresh installation would be best.
    2. Install the patches you would like to play on starting with the lowest first. eg 1.5 then 1.6 and then 1.7.
    3. Once the patches are installed correctly find then download the UK version (There are multi language versions as well) of the patch selector here. Click Me To Download Patch Selector
    4. Follow the installation process. This is straight forward and easy.
    5. Now open the program and you will have this. Click on the patch you want and play. REMEMBER you must have the patch installed correctly in order to play on it.
    6. COD4 should start.
    7. Click find game and research servers.
    Credit: Software belong to original author of software.



  4. CoD4 Demo-Viewer

    Tool for easy playing demos of game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
    It's a great way to explore the demo and of course, exploit it a little bit. The various features should allow you to get as much of a customisable experience out of COD 4 as your online poker games. So download it and install, and in no time you'll be watching a COD 4 that looks more like The Matrix than the gritty realism of Call of Duty.
    You can use slowmotion, faster playing, freezing demo, toggle third person view, toggle view HUD info and some keys for cheathunters.
    Installation and run:
    1. Download file cod4player.zip (227 kB, cod4player.exe + readme.txt).
    2. Just unzip file "cod4player.exe", but rather don't put it into the COD4 folder. Then simply run it.
    * In main screen click on the keybord to show info about controls.
    * You can set association demos in Setup menu and then just click on demofile to playback.
    - If You have CoD4 just as copy on HD (no info in registry), cod4player ask You for path to iw3mp.exe.
    - Windows Vista: When get this error "Permission denied", run cod4player as Administrator (right mouse on cod4player ad select from menu Run as..)



  5. Pk3 creator

    PK3 Creator Source Files Readme
    Version 0.2

    PK3 Creator is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 9 using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 2.0.
    In the PK3Creator directory, I have included all the files you need to view or edit my application.
    Please note that the code is not extensively commented and might be messy in some places.
    I have tried to keep the code of similar sections in Regions which you can expand or collapse (all the code of one TabPage for example goes in one Region).
    This might make it easier to find what you need.
    You are free to use the source to track down bugs or find out how I did certain tasks.
    Please do not use this to create the exact same application and claim it as yours. I have published the source for your pleasure and for the sake of the community, so that if I go missing or lose interest, someone else can take my place and fix some bugs or develop this further.
    You can always try to reach me on my email: r0fnick@gmail.com

    How to use
    To read the source files you will need Microsoft Visual Studio.

    Select an option below and follow the instructions:
    1. I do not have any version Microsoft Visual Studio
    No problem, you can download the free Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition here:
    Open the PK3Creator.vbproj project file in the PK3Creator directory to start.
    2. I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later (Standard or Professional)
    You're good to go. Open the PK3Creator.vbproj project file in the PK3Creator directory to start.
    3. I have Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2008
    You should be good to go. Open the PK3Creator.vbproj project file in the PK3Creator directory to start.
    4. I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or earlier (Standard or Professional)
    Since my project is made in Visual Studio 2008, you cannot directly open the project because of small compatibility issues.
    You can still view my project but you will have to manually add all the files, which can be quite a difficult task depending on if you know what you're doing or not.
    An easier solution is to download the free Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express, see step 1.



  6. COD4 Log Parse

    A tool for server admins to extract chat from their console_mp.log files.



  7. COD4 Quick Launcher

    New small application with some nice and helpfull tools for COD4
    Quick launch your favourite COD4 server from desktop
    Backup and restore your profile
    Record and playback demos easily - watch yourself in action!
    Easy access to your screenshots

    HPH had originally developed this program for internal use. After months of good experience we decided to release a public version of it. With this tool you can easily join our servers, or servers of your choice



  8. COD 4 Cleaner

    COD4Cleaner 1.0
    by Smearlap <smearlap@fresh-gaming.de>
    About: COD4Cleaner will scan your COD4-folder for 3rd party files
    that are not part of the original game (eg. Mods, Maps...).
    How to use: Simply run the program, select your COD4 installation directory and
    start the scanning process. The cleanup-process will depend on the amount of
    3rd-party files you have installed. You can also delete all your profiles if you
    want, or just clean 'em up.
    Disclaimer: Feel free to send this program to anyone for free, including this Readme-File.
    Modifying or earning money for it in way is prohibited! I am not responsible for any data loss
    caused by this tool. It has been fully tested with my local copy of COD 1.5 and worked fine.



  9. Modern Rcon

    - Rcon Limiter tool for granting lesser Rcon access to friends and clan mates.
    - Fixes to PBUCON / Chat tab IP detection.
    - Significant security / encryption re-write, which requires you to FRESH INSTALL. I will reiterate; your old server list will alert you it is detecting tampering if you do not do a fresh install. You have to then remove those servers from your list, and re-add them from scratch. Sorry! but I figured v0.8 was more important than that minor inconvenience.



  10. Cod4 Updater to 1.7

    Best updater
    works real good
    Just run the exe file



  11. COD4 1.7 Patch

    The Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare patch 1.7 has been released already! It addresses some pretty important issues:
    * Fixed an exploit that allowed players to access certain console dvars during multi-player matches.
    * Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chinatown Sabotage match would go into over-time.
    * Fixed a bug where the MP icons (Bomb, Defend, Capture, etc) were always showing up as English regardless of the install language.
    Important: this patch is incremental. That means it requires patch 1.6 for those of you upgrading from a fresh install.



  12. COD4 Patch Selector

    1. Install COD4 straight from the box. If you have "Game of the Year" you should be on 1.6 straight up. A fresh installation would be best.
    2. Install the patches you would like to play on starting with the lowest first. eg 1.5 then 1.6 and then 1.7.
    3. Once the patches are installed correctly find then download the UK version (There are multi language versions as well) of the patch selector here. Click Me To Download Patch Selector
    4. Follow the installation process. This is straight forward and easy.
    5. Now open the program and you will have this. Click on the patch you want and play. REMEMBER you must have the patch installed correctly in order to play on it.
    6. COD4 should start.
    7. Click find game and research servers.
    Credit: Software belong to original author of software.



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