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CoD4 Demo-Viewer

3 Screenshots

About This File

Tool for easy playing demos of game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

It's a great way to explore the demo and of course, exploit it a little bit. The various features should allow you to get as much of a customisable experience out of COD 4 as your online poker games. So download it and install, and in no time you'll be watching a COD 4 that looks more like The Matrix than the gritty realism of Call of Duty.


You can use slowmotion, faster playing, freezing demo, toggle third person view, toggle view HUD info and some keys for cheathunters.


Installation and run:

1. Download file cod4player.zip (227 kB, cod4player.exe + readme.txt).

2. Just unzip file "cod4player.exe", but rather don't put it into the COD4 folder. Then simply run it.



* In main screen click on the keybord to show info about controls.

* You can set association demos in Setup menu and then just click on demofile to playback.




- If You have CoD4 just as copy on HD (no info in registry), cod4player ask You for path to iw3mp.exe.

- Windows Vista: When get this error "Permission denied", run cod4player as Administrator (right mouse on cod4player ad select from menu Run as..)

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