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Achiyan last won the day on August 29 2014

Achiyan had the most liked content!


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    Augusta, GA


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    ET: 1-1

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  1. i'm giving free headshots but ive gotta get a new GUID and whatnot. or, im taking free headshots and still need a new GUI. any oldheads and the new ready for me??? 😂🤣
  2. just want to say that i had a BLAST! blowing shit up, burning shit up, and i was drunk until i was throwing shit up the next day lol. on to the next!!!
  3. yeah bro. its crossplay
  4. so...nobody?
  5. I believe ive been around since then. Maybe '09. Activity however...thats a different story...omg I miss/love/adore this F|Amily
  6. I'll add you Moazer. My name is my name lol But my battlenet is Achiyan#8853805
  7. She remembers 😍😍 I'm unforgettable lol. Welcome back! I'm transitioning into a grand return myself
  8. haii haii :D

    do you remember me ;)

    i'm back and gonna stay here :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Achiyan


      Well, for now, you're here. I've become much busier now but we'll have to catch up

    3. DELETED


      i'm on jay1 if u search me ;)

    4. DELETED


      i'm on jay1 if u search me ;)

  9. yo, i've never felt so famous in my life....is this what love feels like? gosh, i love you all too 😂
  10. I'm not dead guys... Some of you see me on facebook, others have seen me hop in server here and there. A lot has been going on and I believe that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Being a father to 3 and moving/being in between jobs took up a lot of time. both mentally and physically. anywho, things have been great lately. i've met a beautiful woman who stuck by my side and pushed me to push on and get things together... last week she moved in with me, this week i go from 9.50 an hour to 20.50. everything seems to be coming together and soon i'll be able to relax and give my life back to you guys lol. there are a helluva lot of new members who i havent had the chance to meet as well as members who have changed their name and have me all confused lol. see you all in-game soon!
  11. building a pc isnt hard. once you find a motherboard that suits what you want/need then its all downhill from there. order everything in one go and when it all arrives it takes maybe 20 minutes to put together. i've never bought a pre-built PC because its a major waste of money and future proofing is almost zero
  12. i'd probably be playing CoD lol
  13. I'll be able to pew pew soon! Whose ready to die by my hand? By die, I mean whose ready to completely dominate me lol
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