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    ogeazy #9793
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  1. Hope all is well man, can you come back now?

     Sad Am Fine GIF by MOODMAN

    Spider Man Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

  2. works on my machine! 🙂


  3. So outside of mon ami, Dju my top 5 have to be: Paperboy Doctor_Queef Seemless BIG_RIG Carbon All terrible players who I love to troll, especially #5! In all seriousness - For good players and teamwork I really like playing with Koby, Alias, Hoff, Federcrit, and Maxpower. For people who I just have fun bantering with it's Randall, Petrovski, Stalker, a bunch of others.
  4. ogeazy


    Awesome to see HC so full. Can't wait to drop in for a few games.
  5. ogeazy


    Can we start with a small change and make bots either 2v2 or 3v3? That would make it more pleasurable to camp out and get players to join. More complex idea that I have no idea if it's possible or not. Is there a way to have a banner on S1 that can pull the # of human players playing at HC and flash that once every intermission?
  6. Hi DD & CrMa, So if I understand correctly, the panzer damage is either a direct hit or splash damage and there isn't a gradient to splash? You're either hit by it or not? As for the charge, I have mixed feelings because while the panzer does seem to recharge way too quickly, it can feel like forever if you're playing mortar. Are all the soldier charge bars treated equally?
  7. That works pretty well! Something I noticed is that because I play on silent, the smg binds are a bit wonky. It would be better if I could cycle between thomp, mp40, and the ppsh which is allowed on soldier, engi, and field ops class. otherwise it works great and I love it already!
  8. Hey everyone, I'm sure it's simple but for some reason I'm failing. I'd love to be able to do either of the following: Press F8 to cycle through all the different covie loadouts F9 to cycle through soldier loadouts Is that doable?
  9. Game 4 was excellent lets go avalanche! 

  10. Hey @Haruhi Suzumiya - yes my binds would need to work on Silent1 or HC which I believe is also silent. I'll msg you on Disc in a few
  11. Hey Everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me out with a class-specific config. For example, let's say I have two binds - 1 for medic and another for covie. I want to bind F5 to choose medic. It'll use a standard load out and my typical settings for weapons. (M1 shoot, M2 alt, left mouse button 1 is grenade, left mouse button 2 is knife, scroll is a 30s timer) I want to bind F8 to choose covert ops. Here's where it gets a bit complex. Is there a way to select my loadout to specifically be K43/Garand, single pistol that is already unsilenced, and now to change my left mouse button 1 to pistol slot and keep left mouse button 2 as knife? Then if I swap back to any other class, I want my controls to default back to my typical settings. I'm not sure if I'm really explaining it so well, but I'd be happy to discuss on here or on Discord. FYI my current class binds are below. Thank you!
  12. Hey RubyWeapon - I think I saw you on our Silent1 server today. Stick around and I promise you'll have fun! And it looks like you have some previous clan leadership experience - if you're ever open to tagging up with a new clan let someone know and we'll be happy to help. Happy fragging!
  13. Merry Christmas. It sure has been an interesting year, but hopefully we can all put that aside for the next few days and have a great Christmas
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