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    Love the outdoors and anything sports. Enjoy going to the range to keep my trigger finger satisfied. MMN2/SS in the US Navy
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    Chesapeake VA


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  1. After many hours of thought, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to step away as a member of this clan. There have been some personal things I've been dealing with that take precedence and the lack of time I have set aside for the clan isn't fair to the community as a whole. As of today I hereby retract my membership and wish you all happy gaming and further growth as a clan.
  2. After many hours of thought, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to step away as a member of this clan. There have been some personal things I've been dealing with that take precedence and the lack of time I have set aside for the clan isn't fair to the community as a whole. As of today I hereby retract my membership and wish you all happy gaming and further growth as a clan. 

  3. Ok yall, i pitched an idea via a review in the forum. Glad to hear from yall! back to wedding planning!

  4. so for the game as to which platform, the trading and such is in my opinion better on pc, as well as the servers and party options. If you dont have a strong pc tho/ would just rather it on console then the choice is truly up to you. I just know more people on PC that play it which makes for easier party making. Cross-platform parties will happen later this year according to Psyonix's road map for the future updates. Personally i chose pc b/c it has a little more of a feel. Totally your preference though bud.
  5. Hope yall are doin well, I have missed ya. Hoping to be able to be around more, just sortin stuff out. Gotta love life.... lul

    1. Neuro


      Hope all is well. Still here :)

  6. Rocket League ​Type of game- Sports/ Car Soccer ​Cost- $19.99 USD ​Available platforms- PC, XBOX 360, PS4 ​This game encourages teamwork play, which when done correctly can lead to some of the best satisfaction and rewarding feelings. The concept is simple: Car + Boost + soccer ball/hockey puck/ basket ball + Teams= Hilarity and solid competition. If you like sports this game takes you out of the monotony and throws a twist into it. Many cars to choose from for you to get your style, tons and tons of customization options from wheels to paint skins/decals, to hats and more. You can get ultra rare items that everyone is yearning for and trade them, the community for the game is growing rapidly. Loot crates if you're into that stuff, so I recommend you be careful not to dig yourself a hole. The trade scene is awesome in the game/community and crates can be traded for items, just gotta find the right person that has what you're lookin for. Some Pros' -Good community -Challenging and Rewarding -Teamwork based (HEAVILY) -Updated regularly-ish, game is still growing! lots of things can happen! -Dev's listen to community feedback -Growing community Note- This game is a full game, but is still having game modes and such added to it over an extended timeline. I have played 254hrs of this game. One of my favorites so far, tons of fun with friends. Has the option for private party games of up to 4players per team. Different settings for powerups/ vanilla or even super bouncy ball. It's a different game from the typical shooter side of things, it's growin fast, and has a more lighthearted feel.... when you're not getting super competitive.
  7. I apologize for the hiatus, i've been reaching out in other games with some of my friends that stream on twitch. People are taking interest in the clan and recognizing the tag from their COD4 days :)

  8. CONGRATZ ALL YALL! and Thank you <3
  9. Thank you all for the promotion, was very unexpected.

  10. Cant wait for a lonely thanksgiving

    1. Flible


      Not sure if sarcasm. I'm about to have the loneliest Christmas, followed by a New Year's celebration with my Anatomy and Cell Biology courses.

      If a brother dies on the 1st of January, you know that marks those celebrations for the rest of your life.


      Either way, I hope you're gonna be fine.

  11. Everyone keep pabbatt blue and his fam in your thoughts! Hard time for them today :/

  12. New blog is up for teh eyeballs

  13. Howdy folks! Been a few days, I know. My consistency has gone out the window and I apologize to those of you who take the time out of your lives to read my random babblings. So I'm currently engorging myself with a large pizza and cheesy bread, and a 2 litre of coca-cola. Not healthy I am aware, but due to my active history/lifestyle I require about 4000 Calories a day or else I become lightheaded and all around dont feel good. Ugh main problem with that is when i grocery shop for just myself it costs about 400$ per trip which is about once every 3-3.5 weeks. My favorite meal: Jambalaya with Andouille sausage. Also, kinda depends on the time of year... Xmas time and such i really like chicken and dumplings. Or some reallllllllly good from scratch chicken noodle soup/ beef stew. What are yalls favorite meals?? I wanna get to know yall as best as possible because who knows, we may end up running into eachother without even meaning to ... would be one hell of a meet and greet lol. Hope yall are doin alright and keeping your spirits up. If ever yall need anything/ anyone to talk to just let me know and i promise to do whatever it is i can so as to help. Take care yall, until next time!
  14. It's great to boot up insurgency for a few rounds and see our FA#1 server full of peeps, great feelin for sure

  15. this awful thing was the first mobile phone i ever had xD and it technically wasnt even mine but my parents lmao this was right before Cingular became super popular
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