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    =F|A=Bow =F|A=Badmin
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  • Server
    COD4 #3
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I like Boobies.
    Also Taco's.
  • Location
    Vermont, USA


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  1. Hello dude, lets play some Cod4!!

  2. Hey I recently completed DS2 aswell and started doing Vorkath. I'd say just practice and really get to know his attack styles and pay attention to when he's going to do his acid phase, which is every 14th attack. This is my setup with my stats. If I'm paying attention I can get 2 kills per trip. And also for my prayer I have my quick prayer setup for protect from magic, and eagle eye. I usually only take 2 doses of prayer per kill. I usually average around 2:45 per kill. EDIT: I also equip a holy blessing for extra prayer bonus
  3. I'm still lurking around. The servers are dead last I checked. Sad to see but it's inevitable. Guess its time to buy the new modern warfare.
  4. I watch quite a few OSRS Youtube channels. Framed Torvesta C Engineer SirPugger Those are the main ones I keep up with. I also watch Settled's Swampletics series.
  5. I've setup my Clan chat as a hub for everyone here to use in game to chat. You can join it using my name bow in honor Please be respectful of each other and have fun!
  6. We have a Runescape club where you can post her username and add other members. You can find it here https://fearless-assassins.com/clubs/15-runescape/ We also have a voice channel for RS on our discord server.
  7. Hello all my fellow FA bois, and girls. I asked DD if we could get a RS club going and here it is! Please comment in this thread with your RS usernames so we can all connect in game. Also specify whether you are a RS3 player or OSRS. If we get enough people or if I'm just not lazy enough I'll get a CC going so you all can join so we have a place to talk in game. Don't forget we now have a dedicated OSRS channel on discord! I'll be the first to start it off: Bow In Honor
  8. Glad to see u back in action!

    1. Bow_In_Honor


      Thanks Dare!. Thanks for keeping our servers up and running. :)

    2. Sonofdoc


      I very much enjoy seeing players like him on Cod4 again! It's great seeing how full our Cod4 server is getting again.

  9. Nothing but good things to say about this game. Feels like the left for dead 3 that we never got. Sort of...Anyways, Looking for clanmates to group with on KF2. Friend me on Steam @ Bow In Honor.
  10. The new GTAV Heists are finally here!

  11. Photobucket wants me to pay for 3rd party hosting??? f*** you. Hello Tinypic

  12. I'm looking for an external HDD because my 1tb HDD is full. I wanted some opinions on any that you guys have owned that have worked good, and ones I should avoid. I'm currently looking at these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713WPGLL/ref=twister_B00D5KK930?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Expansion-Desktop-External-STEB5000100/dp/B00TKFEEBW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1502506151&sr=8-3&keywords=external+hard+drive+5tb https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Backup-Portable-External-STDR5000100/dp/B01LWRN7Y1/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1502506240&sr=8-6&keywords=external%2Bhard%2Bdrive%2B5tb&th=1 Lemme know what you guys think!
  13. Is Hello Neighbor worth spending 30 dollars on?

  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Are you by chance a fan of As I Lay Dying?
  15. Thanks for the promo. Haven't been much of a recruiter as of late but I'll try more.

    1. St0rmSlaSh


      Congrats m8 :)

    2. RedBaird


      That is all that we can do: try. :)

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