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    Excitesz #9280

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    Jay #1
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    ET 1-1

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Yearly Platinum VIP payment Paypal transaction ID: 5F8198017V488641E
  2. Purchased Platinum VIP Membership Invoice #4452 ❤️F|A
  3. Sorry about the second one, didn't realise i actually posted it half an hour ago as I could still submit it, you can delete this thread.
  4. Hey, I was inactive since 04/'16 and have recently came back to W:ET, I will be active again and was wondering if i could have my rank back Kind Regards, Bajan*|Excitesz*
  5. Hey, I was inactive since 04/'16 and have recently came back to W:ET, I will be active again and was wondering if i could have my rank back Kind Regards, Bajan*|Excitesz*
  6. Enjoying some W:Et games lately, glad to see some people are still around & active 😆

    1. Smileyyy


      We are still alive and kickin'!

  7. I'm going to try to come online every now and then; mostly on jay2. but may I ask why I still have my trial rank on the site? d(^.^)b

    1. Mr.Karizmatic


      cause you are trial. you arent accepted as full member yet. see your application.

  8. I'll be back sooner or later 04-04-2016

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bajan


      Fixed it! Don't ask me how though, just went through all possible commands xD

    3. Bajan


      As I broke it again I know how to fix it now :)

    4. Eazy


      glad you made it !


  9. why do they always put me in a match vs MGE - LE? i only won 5 of my first matches so i'm not even ranked yet. It sucks to get owned by an LE :c
  10. #PrayForParis

    1. Syroox


      I rewatched the game now and just can say WTF

  11. Jay2 171-23 k/d ratio 7.43
  12. what the f***, bought 8 bottles of grey goose last night, can't remember a thing xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bajan


      I can recall buying the first 2, friends tell me I bought 8; Checked my wallet and they could be right xD

    3. D..X


      post the pix and videos or it did not happen :P



    4. Bajan
  13. Happy birthday to me :D,

  14. I have a drinking problem, atleast that's what they told me :/ Totally fine with it though :D

    1. Raskin


      Long as not ruining your health and your life is OK in my book .. cheers :D

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