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    mountain biking, rock climbing, outdoors hardcore sheet! and on-line gaming when my back is fooked!
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    UK, Manchester


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  1. Rob Schneider is... A Stapler! Derp der derp, der derp der derrrr.

  2. get back on jay2 you wanker, we miss you :)

    1. TheJuice


      i keep trying to play, but i forgot how :o

  3. well, over a few months now, i've been up iin the youtube. here's some of what i found: these are link's to the channels. not individual tunes. hope you all explore and enjoy MOR network - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkfMJApxxdy-h41xy_8AHNw Monstercat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6td3C9QlPO9O_J5dF4ZzA TheFatRat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_UMppcMsHIzb5LDx1u9zQ MrSuicideSheep - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5nc_ZtjKW1htCVZVRxlQAQ Copyright Free Music - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFyT4-A90rCWgcsVL_ICXQ No Copyright Sounds - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg Free Songs To Use - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSX-g40Ti1c5C7sbGNtGzA Goblins From Mars - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7r8TN-JGGrTyCmIJSShdkw Richi Majencus - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHvwA8accRvtj5rPq5llSpw UKF Drum & Bass - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr8oc-LOaApCXWLjL7vdsgw Have fun
  4. the juicy bomb is so dirty!

    1. St0rmSlaSh
    2. Flible


      Whats new old man, you been gone since forever.

  5. i really enjoy it, got about 70 hours play so far, one of the better free games ive played, drjoske was right with the match making. but if you're good at it, you can stomp enemy no matter what. but the chances of getting stomped are also quite high. that being said, its still good fun.
  6. i didn't weigh it, easily over 7lb's. was just happy to have caught it after it spent a few hours milling around my fishing peg, picking up scraps but ignoring my hook bait, after not seeing it for a few more hours and actually baiting up the area it came back and devoured everything. including my bait & hook, i was only using a little 6ft spinning rod and 11lb braided line. it was a very thrilling fight. had him/her back in the water within a couple of mintues. will be going back to that place again in a few weeks. will add more pictures of my catches then.
  7. now celebrate in my name! you are all under oath to get completely hammered! you can send a birthday present if you like https://www.paypal.me/Matty83
  8. Happy birthday man !

  9. i see your status update and raise you.

    1. St0rmSlaSh


      raise me to the roof

  10. free pc in the mail today. free upgrade! woohoo!!! :D bigger better harder faster stronger :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBaird


      FREE?........I just had a lot of fun Googling "free pc in the mail today" hahaha

    3. TheJuice


      its not liike some special offer you can all get, only i got it, because im awesome :D

    4. Flible


      What'd you get? o.o

  11. TS - its team speak, not translation service. now lets all remember that ;)

  12. when you take it all to seriously, the fun is lost.

    1. St0rmSlaSh


      Indeed my friend



      Take it out it hurts!!!!

  13. bought a month of game time for wow, felt like playing it again now i can run it in max gfx settings. i'll be around still.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheJuice


      pepperoni plays?

    3. Bowly


      ieuw, horde, so pleb

    4. Pepperonipizza


      I played a little bit ways back. Enough to know I'd get hooked immediately if I had the time to play again :-P

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