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  • Alias
    LuckystaR, Gibberish
  • Admin
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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Dogs, frisbee, Nature, Chilling, ...
    I love Football especialy Club Brugge and the RED DEVILS (belgain national team)
    also follow Manchester City, Barcelona and Chelsea.

    I can speak English, Dutch (nederlands dus) and (une petit peu) Francais.

    I also have TeamSpeak... but I'm so lonely there... so I don't use it that often
  • Location


  • T-M
    ET: 2-1

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  1. Missing the =F|A=m. I'll be back when I got more time, few more mounths work in my house.

  2. Sorry for the inactivity, I'm in the last phase off buying a House. Been a long ride, not easy when you are single. Going to be a big renovation (+- 1year).

    1. Olykiller


      gl with your plans!

    2. RedBaird


      Woo, work, work, work, get some play in there! :)

  3. Ik kan niet veel zeggen, raakt me hard. Mijn gedachte zijn bij heel de f|amilie. We will miss you
  4. american stafford
  5. Dunglish by Louis van Gaal
  6. hi, welcome to the forum Enjoy the =f|a=mily & see you on jay1
  7. De nederlandse taal is nonsens.
  8. lol I started playing this, like 1 mounth ago =) I'm lvl 6 now =) Any other belgain players ? (I'm in the resistance-team)
  9. Working @ Home

    1. Helsen


      yeah, me too ;). at least I should be

  10. I started playing on jay1 today (after long time, feels like year to me) I asked some members on jay1 if I could use the -F|A- tag. After resetting pw (forum) I could see that I still had lvl's. I wasn't online and didn't say I was gonna quit so noone was able to take my admin lvl off. when I read rules again I know I would be OK as admin. So is it ok to ceep my tags & admin lvl? Cheers
  11. been long time. . . but I'm back I just (re)started to day in Jay1: happy "killing luckystar" days + everybody enjoy the holydays
  12. You are moving up the the Digital World! You are now a Level 14 admin on FA servers! Congrats!

  13. I almoste bought myself a house! Next week gonna get the papers signed, I hope to get more time off when the deal is DONE. Can't wait to own a house :)

    1. Artanis



    2. Jhonny/Shinobi


      Good luck with sealing the deal :)

    3. von Rantala

      von Rantala

      Good luck mate!!

  14. Belgain newssite - The 10 moste painfull logo-fails - next pic = right top "volgende"
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