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I have some very old demos from 2003 and 2004 that I would love to watch, but I have never been able to figure out how and fear it may be impossible. The files end in a .dm_83 extension, and all of my current demos end in .dm_84. From my own research it appears you must run the same version of ET and the mod that created it, but I really don't know much more than that. I tried renaming them to .dm_84 which caused them to show up in the list of replays, but they failed to play with the following error demoMsglen > MAX_MSGLEN I figured if anyone would know how to watch these, it would be the big brains here on FA. Thanks!
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File Name: ET DemoView Edition File Submitter: SunLight File Submitted: 11 Mar 2012 File Category: Software ET DemoView Edition by SunLight This is an alternative ET version with some extra features for demo reviewing. I made it at first because on Linux I couldn't use image-et to rewind demos, later I compiled it for Windows too, because I liked the new features, and I wanted to use it instead of image-et, which is a great tool but more movie-making oriented The main purpose of this modified version is to check possible cheaters demos, but you might like such features as demo unlagging, movement graph, watching demos from other players p.o.v., attacker view, even for reasons other than cheater busting. Changelog: 1.0 - added sdl sound support for Linux, no need for et-sdl-sound anymore - disabled alt + enter on Linux, it was annoying for me, sorry... (you can still set r_fullscreen 1 and /vid_restart) - blocked /connect command, this game version is only for demo review! - demo unlagger, to see real players aim without delay - improved r_shownormals with new modes, to check for wallhackers more easily - 'real view' of player aim without screenshakes (can be enabled or disabled) - you can toggle shownormals, real aim view, and player names with your keyboard - demo seek/rewind (beta! there could be bugs, but it's mostly working) - demos are now sorted in alphabetical order in et main menu 1.1 - added a command to show player names - you can watch demos from another player's point of view (beta) - attacker view, to automatically follow all players who attack the player who recorded the demo - added a 'movement graph' to check for warp in player movement 1.2 - bug fixes and new seek algorithm (fixes warmup bug, and it's faster) - added more infos in the hud - custom fov and zoom - pause / timescale 0 support - 2 alternative timescales 1.3 - fixed skipping when watching 'laggy' demos - added a new key bind ('A') for automatic unlag and shownormals, based on the player you are currently watching - fixed a bug in the hud with low resolution r_mode 1.4 - Alternative demo auto-unlagger. It interpolates players in a way similar to antilag. You can still use the old (manual) one - Fixed Silent mod crash when watching demos from other players point of view - Improved player names visuals, now you can also see only team mates or enemies - Fixed Goldrush and Adlernest map bug, when watching in slow motion - Player body in r_shownormals 6 or 7 now looks like r_showtris - Linux version has less dependencies see readme.htm inside the zip for more infos Click here to download this file
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Version 1.1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMOSTATS 1.0 by SunLight - Readme -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This little tool will extract some statistics from a Wolfenstein-ET demo. It is fully working *only with etpro demos*, but jaymod demos and silent mod demos are partially supported. So you will get full headshots and damage statistics only with etpro demos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux version is command line only, example usage: $ ./demostats demoname.dm_84 | less -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows version has both a command line version (demostats.exe) and a gui (demostats_gui.exe). Since Winblows console sux hard, I decided to put a gui , so if you use Win run the gui, and drag and drop a demo file inside the window. (note: demostats.exe must be in the same path as the gui) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some infos about the stats: - damage is only bullet damage, no grenades or any explosive weapon is counted - 1on1 damage is when both players didn't receive damage from others - accuracy under fire and 1on1 is higher than the one shown by the game because gibbing is not counted, and prefire as well It's based on a test mod I had made years ago, probably nobody will find it useful, but some (me, for example) might want to know if they just suck in 1on1 and accuracy, or they are just crossfired from all sides enjoy p.s. no installation is required, just put the files in some folders- 1 review
- demo
- statistics
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.4
ET DemoView Edition by SunLight This is an alternative ET version with some extra features for demo reviewing. I made it at first because on Linux I couldn't use image-et to rewind demos, later I compiled it for Windows too, because I liked the new features, and I wanted to use it instead of image-et, which is a great tool but more movie-making oriented The main purpose of this modified version is to check possible cheaters demos, but you might like such features as demo unlagging, movement graph, watching demos from other players p.o.v., attacker view, even for reasons other than cheater busting. Changelog: 1.0 - added sdl sound support for Linux, no need for et-sdl-sound anymore - disabled alt + enter on Linux, it was annoying for me, sorry... (you can still set r_fullscreen 1 and /vid_restart) - blocked /connect command, this game version is only for demo review! - demo unlagger, to see real players aim without delay - improved r_shownormals with new modes, to check for wallhackers more easily - 'real view' of player aim without screenshakes (can be enabled or disabled) - you can toggle shownormals, real aim view, and player names with your keyboard - demo seek/rewind (beta! there could be bugs, but it's mostly working) - demos are now sorted in alphabetical order in et main menu 1.1 - added a command to show player names - you can watch demos from another player's point of view (beta) - attacker view, to automatically follow all players who attack the player who recorded the demo - added a 'movement graph' to check for warp in player movement 1.2 - bug fixes and new seek algorithm (fixes warmup bug, and it's faster) - added more infos in the hud - custom fov and zoom - pause / timescale 0 support - 2 alternative timescales 1.3 - fixed skipping when watching 'laggy' demos - added a new key bind ('A') for automatic unlag and shownormals, based on the player you are currently watching - fixed a bug in the hud with low resolution r_mode 1.4 - Alternative demo auto-unlagger. It interpolates players in a way similar to antilag. You can still use the old (manual) one - Fixed Silent mod crash when watching demos from other players point of view - Improved player names visuals, now you can also see only team mates or enemies - Fixed Goldrush and Adlernest map bug, when watching in slow motion - Player body in r_shownormals 6 or 7 now looks like r_showtris - Linux version has less dependencies see readme.htm inside the zip for more infos -
1. Start the game from steam. 2. Join any F|A server.. 3. When you are in any one of the servers mention above. Press console button ~ . . 4. It will show you this ------> 5. Type record <Name of the File u want it to be > ( Ex: Record karizmatictutorial) 6. Then once it records then when u want to stop the demo open the console again by pressing ~ and write stopdemo. 7. Then go to \steam\steamapps\common\Insurgency2\Insurgency and u shall see the name of the file u saved ( for mine i saved it with karizmatictutorial) so i shall find karizmatictutorial. Like this ---> ( NOTE: This is my Steam directory- I moved it from "C:\Program Files (x86)" Most of you may find it there..) 8. If your want to play it back on Insurgency server do this ---> 9.. Thats how u record demo in insurgency and once u record it and want to post on forums . Unzip it and attack it on forums there is option on forums. Good luck enjoy if u have any question feel free to ask...
Hey there. I would like to know how I will be able to watch demo which give me a message that says - "cannot load the map XXX.bsp". Also, can somone explain to me the demo option bar and what everything does and how to make them work ? Moreover, do I able to watch the player stats ? (K/D, Acc etc..) Thank you Puni.
What is the CONSOLE? How do I open it? * Press your ˜ (tilde) key to bring down the console. (Normally the key above the TAB and below the ESC). Every command should be entered in the console to make it work. Too bring down the console in full screen press "SHIFT" + ˜ (tilde) and use the scroll wheel of your mouse to navigate up or down inside the console. Demos: You can take a demo doing this: /recordThis is to start recording.(It goes into the console) /stoprecordAnd this is to stop it. (It goes into the console) Other way to take a demo is inserting this in your cfg:: Bind F12 "record" Bind F9 "stoprecord"This gonna start recording when you press "F12",and then stop it, when you press "F9". The videos that you take,gonna be placed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\demos Well, this is the default location. To see the video,you need to save them into you C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\Mods\ModWarfare\ folder under demos (you may have to make it) then launch the game and load the "ModWarfare" mod then type in console /demo (name) OR,here is another program that will let you watch your videos: CoD4 Demo-Viewer If you want to share your video or post it in forums,you can do it from here: Mediafire Screenshots: You can take a screenshot in CoD4 doing this(It goes into the console): /screenshotjpeg(It goes into the console) Other way to take a screenshot is inserting this in your cfg:: Bind F11 "screenshotjpeg" This gonna take a screenshot every time that you press "F11" The screenshots that you take,gonna be placed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\screenshots Well, this is the default location. If you want to share your screenshots or post it in forums,you can do it from here: ImageShack PS: You can find your config here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles\"Your name" .
- 14 replies
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Today, I was browsing computer for old stuff, lost in the deep and dark places somewhere on the hard drive. Naturally, I found lots of stuff noone actually needs. There was a folder full of pictures I collected. You know, the kind of pictures or images you get through constructive chainmails from friends and acquaintances. These mails that tend to spam your email account, till the provider tells you to upgrade your account for more space to collect even more stupid shit. Still, it was really funny. Some of the stuff was worth the time spent on reading/looking at. To be honest, the contents of these messages mainly dealt with stereotypes and prejudices we have towards women / men and their interrelationship. Always good for a laugh, but deep inside you know these stereotypes simply are not true. I mean, we all know women can park their car if there is enough space and no other vehicles in the adjoining parking bays. No secret here... We all know they can do multiple tasks better than men - They can have sex and think about a new kitchen at the same time. We all know that women generally are very open to criticism. And well all know that I am just living these stereotypes in order to fill my blog. Besides these things, I found other interesting stuff on my hard drive. I stumbled upon an old demo. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the demo scene . A group of people gets together and sets up an incredible work of art. For some time I was fascinated by these real-time presentations which unfold on your computer if you click the .exe file. The demo art is often tested in competitions where you have to create an audio-visual presentation and compress as much as possible. A demo of 64 kilobytes can unfold to more than one gigabyte, which I did not want to believe at first. A very known group is called "farbrausch". They have some amazing demos on their webpage and for those who are interested to know more about it, I can only recommend a visit. Here is a little 64kb presentation from around 2000 / 2001 I think. It is pretty amazing what is possible and what they did. I highly suggest to watch it. Demo (in case you do not want to download the 64kb file, here is a video link: video) Enjoy =)
File Name: ET Demo Stats File Submitter: SunLight File Submitted: 16 Jul 2012 File Category: Software -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMOSTATS 1.0 by SunLight - Readme -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This little tool will extract some statistics from a Wolfenstein-ET demo. It is fully working *only with etpro demos*, but jaymod demos and silent mod demos are partially supported. So you will get full headshots and damage statistics only with etpro demos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux version is command line only, example usage: $ ./demostats demoname.dm_84 | less -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows version has both a command line version (demostats.exe) and a gui (demostats_gui.exe). Since Winblows console sux hard, I decided to put a gui , so if you use Win run the gui, and drag and drop a demo file inside the window. (note: demostats.exe must be in the same path as the gui) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some infos about the stats: - damage is only bullet damage, no grenades or any explosive weapon is counted - 1on1 damage is when both players didn't receive damage from others - accuracy under fire and 1on1 is higher than the one shown by the game because gibbing is not counted, and prefire as well It's based on a test mod I had made years ago, probably nobody will find it useful, but some (me, for example) might want to know if they just suck in 1on1 and accuracy, or they are just crossfired from all sides enjoy p.s. no installation is required, just put the files in some folders Click here to download this file
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We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.