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I've been absent a good while now.. Sorry friends. Who is still here?
Over the past few weeks I have been asked by several members how to save their stats before re-installing CoD4 so here is the tutorial. The way to do this is fairly easy as all that is required is to save your players folder and place it somewhere else on your computer or on an external source and reinserting it when needed. IF YOU HAVE WINDOWS UAC DISABLED The players folder is located in the ActivisionCall of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare folder: for instance mine is located at C:Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfareplayers. See image below if needed. Simply right-click and copy the whole folder, paste to your desktop (or other storage location or external source), re-install the game, then put the players file back where you found it. IF YOU HAVE WINDOWS UAC ENABLED Unfortunately windows likes to hide your players folder in one of its many notorious hidden folders. To access your players folder go into your windows users folder and open the Window's user folder that you use when you sign in. To make the next step easier for those of you unfamiliar with finding hidden folders I have screenshots. These were taken in Windows Vista Home Premium but should be fairly close to other Windows OSs. Once in your user folder click the browser bar at the top and add appdata. for instance mine is located as you can see in C:users/chris/appdata. See below: Once in the appdata folder rightclick in the appdata folder but not on a subfolder and click properties. See below: Inside properties uncheck Hidden click apply and if prompted choose to Apply changes to this folder,subfolders, and files. This will unhide all the other needed folders and make it so you can see your appdata folder without doing this everytime. See below: Once this is done go back to your appdata folder then click local, then Virtual Store, then Program Files, then Activision, then your CoD4 folder, and then there it is the players folder. Simply right-click and copy the whole folder, paste to your desktop (or other storage location or external source), re-install the game, then put the players file back where you found it. BACK-UP FOR UAC AND NON UAC USERS If you are simply wanting a back-up follow the above minus the re-install. It is preferable to save your back-up to an external source- be it flash drive, external HDD, webpage, CD/DVD etc.... as this will prevent the loss of your stats/unlocks should your HDD fail. Also you should remember that you will need to periodically back-up your players folder if you unlock new things (say golden weapons) as they will be lost should the unfortunate happen and all you have is a backup from before your unlock.
1/14/2019 Rotation Vacant (TDM) Brodcast (TDM) Crash (S&D, first to 6) Chinatown (TDM) Killhouse (TDM) Showdown (TDM) Strike (S&D, first to 6) WetWork (TDM) Overgrown (TDM) Backlot (TDM) Ambush (TDM) Feel free to make any suggestions here:
Single player works great but after switching or directly starting multiplayer game it doesnt start at all. Tried to turn off display optimisation, full screen mode and the same shit happens. Updated to 1.8 as well. Any ideas? Running on i7 and GTX 1660 TI. Thanks for help in advance!
Hello! This is a forum thread for regulars to suggest changes and request maps in our rotation! Upon response to this topic with a request/suggestion, we will respond to you and let you know what we think about your request/suggestion! If your request/suggestion is approved, it will either be put into the map rotation or added at a later date. You can stay up to date with our rotations here: Happy Gaming! -COD4 Team
COD4 COD Beginners is back up ready for players
Spyderwebber posted a topic in COD Series Discussion
Hey all - Daredevil was able to get our Beginners server back up and running on the new 1.8 patch, but since we were down, and the patch change, we've been missing several of our regulars as well as F|A. This is a humble request for you all to give it a visit and help us get things rolling again. Are you having difficulty connecting? Let us know, maybe we can help. Want to see some changes on the server that will spark your interest again? Let us know! Thanks in advance! =F|A= Spyder -
Get your Smoke's n Stun's ready! Dear clan mates, friends and regular players, on behalf of =F|A= members, I would like to invite you all to participate in something very special. COD4 EVENT: =F|A=WINTER GAMEDAY DATE: Saturday, November 10, 2018 TIME: Noon to Midnight GMT+0 (convert your timezone at SERVER: Beginners (1.8) IP: What will be included?: Christmas Maps, Gravity, different gamemodes, and much more! DISCORD: On behalf of our Cod4 server management and regulars, this is a big event for us. We have recently been working for months to revive our server population through the 1.8 patch, and I would like to thank my fellow Cod4 players who have helped us climb over 300 server ranks within one full month. I encourage everyone to join us in this truly special event. IF you are wanting to participate but you are running the 1.7 patch, please PM me and I can easily get you running 1.8 in no time.
Was thinking of going active again on occasion and wanted to know if any of the old (OLD) players were still playing. Let’s get a roll call of the players that were, or still are, active back in 2008-2010.
The Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Rcon Tool For All COD4 Admins RconMax(MW) is a FREE Rcon tool for COD4 with an impressive list of features including (but not limited to): Multi language support, English, Dutch, French, German and Polish. System RconMAX 2 runs with process priority of "Low" so as to reduce any impact when playing COD4 at the same time as running RconMAX 2. Most significant for PC's with one single core processor. Connection Server Connection - Maintain a list of COD4 servers. Add / Delete / Update. Connect - Connect to the selected server. Send a manual command to the server and see the console response. Server General Game Name(ro) Short Version (ro) Map Types Location Host Name Admins Website Email Game Type (ro) Map Name (ro) Min Ping Max Ping Max Rate Max Clients Private Clients Public Clients (ro) Protocol (ro) Reconnect Limit Temp Ban Duration Spectate - OFF / Team / Free Friendly Fire - OFF / Normal / Reflective / Shared Private Client Password Server Password Pure - ON / OFF Anti Lag - ON / OFF PunkBuster (ro) Flood Protect - ON / OFF Allow Anonymous - ON / OFF Disable Client Console - ON / OFF Compass Show Enemies (ro) Voting - ON / OFF Kill Cam - ON / OFF Team Balance - ON / OFF Voice - ON / OFF Voice Quality - 0 to 9 Time Out Connection Time Out Shut-down / Restart Server Server Other Hard Core - ON / OFF Old School - ON / OFF Perks - ON / OFF Head Shots Only - ON / OFF Force UAV Hard Points Hard Points / Artillery Hard Points / UAV Hard Points / Helicopter Gravity Control - 1 to 9999 Restart Punk Buster Map Lost Of Maps Picture Of Selected Map Current Map Local List - Load a list of maps held locally in RconMAX(MW) Custom List - Allows the addition of custom maps to the map list. Next Map - Play the next map in the rotation Load Map - Loads the map selected from the List Of Maps Restart - Restart / reload the current map Fast Restart - Restart the current map without reloading it Map Rotation Get - Get the current map rotation from the server Edit - Edit the map rotation Send - Send the map rotation to the server Clear - Clear the map rotation text box Game Type - Select the game type for Add Map and Add All Add Map - Add the map selected in the List Of Maps to the rotation. Add All - Add all of the maps from the List Of Maps to the map rotation Lucky Dip - Randomly generate map rotation. Game Mode Game Type - Dom / Sab / FFA / S&D / HQ / WAR S&D Bomb Timer S&D Defuse Time S&D Multi Bomb S&D Plant Time S&D Round Switch S&D Score Limit S&D Spawn Time S&D Time Limit S&D Quantity Of Lives SAB Bomb Timer SAB Defuse Time SAB Hot Potato SAB Plant Time SAB Score Limit SAB Spawn Time SAB Spawn Delay SAB Time Limit HQ Auto Destroy Time HQ Capture Time HQ Delay Player HQ Destroy Time HQ Mode - Normal / Modern HQ Score Limit HQ Spawn Delay HQ Spawn Time HQ Time Limit DOM Score Limit DOM Time Limit DOM Spawn Time DM Score Limit DM Time Limit DM Spawn Time WAR Score Limit WAR Time Limit WAR Spawn Time Weapons Weapons - ON / OFF Turn individual weapons on or off Attachments - ON / OFF Turn individual attachments on or off for each weapon Grenades - ON/OFF Turn individual nades on or off Players View Players - No / Name /Score / Ping / GUID / IP Address / Port No / Qrate / Last Message Hide / show - GUID / Full data No Colour - View player names without colour characters Kick Player Temp Ban Player Ban Player Kick All Players Save - Saves player list to text file and opens it in Notepad Send Message To Player 8 User Definable Messages Send Message To Player - Free text message Auto Update Player List [unban Players] [Auto Kick Players With A Ping Of 999] [Auto Kick Players With A High Ping] [set High Ping Threshold] Messages Auto Messaging Auto Message Groups Auto Messages Auto Message Colour Code Buttons Add / Edit / Delete Auto Message Groups Add / Edit / Delete Auto Messages Schedule auto messages (every X seconds) Classes / Perks Class Limits - Limit the amount of players who can select each particular class Class Drop Weapons – Enable / disable the dropping of weapons by class Perk 1 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 1 Perk 2 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 2 Perk 3 - Enable / disable each perk in perk group 3 Loadouts Set the default loadouts by class. (Primary weapon and attachment, secondary weapon and attachment, perk 1, perk 2 and perk 3) Compact - Compact data file. My CP Build up a server command line and start a local server Create Configs - Create standard server config files Start Server - Start a local server Restart Server - Restart the local server Shut Down Server - Shut down the local server PBUCON - Live Chat Monitoring Detect your own internet IP Auto greet players as they join the server Customisable greeting message Adjustable log read interval Chat filter Customisable list of banned words Kick At X amount of infringements Kick At X amount of infringements Auto Warn Auto Kick Auto Ban Quick Message Quick Message Colour Code Buttons In Game Remote Admin Enable / disable remote admin Maintain a list of "Approved Players" for remote admin Enable / disable individual approved players Available commands: Fast Restart, Next Map, Call Map, Change Game Type, Change Kill Cam, Kick, Temp Ban, Ban Enable / disable available commands Approved players issue commands by typing chat messages. No need to give them your rcon password. Settings Check - Check for updates on the web. Get Updates - Launches IE to get updates from the web Auto Update Frequency - Set how often RconMax(MW) should check for updates Admin Name - Set the name you use as your admin name Use As Message Prefix - Select if admin name should be used as a server message prefix Language - English / Polish / German / French / Dutch / Swedish Maintain - Data file maintenance Import Data - Import server auto messages from a previous version of RconMax(MW) Create Files Server - Create server config files based on settings in RconMax(MW) Create Files Player - Create player control config files based on settings in RconMax(MW) Create Files Weapon - Create weapon control config files based on settings in RconMax(MW) -
Congrats Shoes! You deserve this promo to Leader for the help both in DOI/INS and CoD4 that you help with. Look forward to many good things from you. Keep up the good work buddy. When you catch me on servers bug me to set your level.
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The current map rotation sucks everyone one was complaining about it so here is a great map rotation that everyone will like Strike Vacant Chinatown OverGrown Backlot Crash Its short but they are the most popular maps
I did a hosted a pole between 10 friends and here where the outcomes
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls the time has come for the best and biggest party you have ever witnessed as Fearless Assassins clan is hosting a Game Month featuring not one, not two, but three different gamedays. Yes you have heard that right, we will host in upcoming weeks Enemy territory, Call of Duty and Insurgency gamedays for you to enjoy and have fun in three different games, so even the most fancy gamers will come to their share of fun and enjoy at one of the three gamedays hosted by us. So lets kick it off and share some more details for each party we will hold, starting off with one of the most favorite game around here, our beloved Enemy Territory. As mentioned above, first among our three gamedays we will start off with Enemy Territory hosted on our beloved F|A #2 XPSAVE FOREVER and this will be one of the biggest fun days ever to be known to gamers, so you better mark 20th August "occupied" so you won't have any disturbance from anyone and will be able to play all day long with the rest of folks out there! How better to spend your day than enjoying on our server, shooting that panzer half a cross the map only to get a multi kill or pretend to be a sniper pro and make opposite side wonder where on bloody earth have you hidden yourself while getting killing spree and the best thing is that everyone is able to join whether you are a professional ET player, a casual gamer who annoys others by killing them always or just a lover of this great game given to us who wishes to enjoy their free time among the rest of us, so make sure to bring your friends, bring your parents, heck you can even bring your dog and cat and make them have a showdown on the battlefield! Event: =F|A= ET Gameday Date: Saturday 20th August Time: 14:00 London time (GMT +1) - Convert to your timezone here Server Name: F|A #2 XPSAVE FOREVER Server IP: or by IP: =F|A= Teamspeak IP: Mods: Sniper and panzer war, on top of that we will spicy it up with your favorite setting, crazy gravity. Second game that we will host is our new addition among the collection of games we are already supporting, so if you are in the looks for something new, something fresh, this is the chance for you to grab it with your both hands and take part of the gameday that will go down at the end of August. Explore the new maps, test your aiming ability with new fresh weapons and enjoy yourself as we will hold this gameday on both of our servers. Join us on this wonderful day to have fun and a great time, test yourself fighting like a security forces soldier, take down the insurgents and capture/destroy the objectives or fight like an insurgent holding/capturing objectives and SMASH the security forces to make them retreat from the city! Event: =F|A= Insurgency Gameday Date: Saturday 27th August Time: From 14:00-22:00 London Time [GMT+1] - Convert to your timezone here Servers IP: =F|A= #1 and =F|A=#2 =F|A= Teamspeak IP: If you feel that neither Enemy Territory or Insurgency are going to bring you fun and you feel that your rockstar moment comes when you hear the name Call of Duty 4, then look no more, as we will host this gameday as well, making unique experience for all those who are still loyal to the game and have a lot of passion among it to keep enjoying it on daily basis or just whenever your wife or girl give you some spare time. The gameday we will host will be on our new cracked server "NEW KILLSTREAK", as the name says new "killstreak" so we have included new rewards on game and we hope to see everyone there to join us on a funny and great day to play with friends, feel free to invite your buddies to come as everyone is welcome to join, from clan members to regular players. We will also have a custom map rotation (maybe even with your favorite map in the list ) Event: =F|A= COD4 Gameday Date: Saturday 10th September Time: 14:00 London Time [GMT +1] - Convert to your timezone here Server name: FA NEW KILLSTREAK Server Ip: Teamspeak ip: So here we are beloved gamers, at the end of introducing our lovely game month to everyone, we presented details, time and place and now it's up to every single one of you to make difference and join event you feel will suit you best or even better, join all three of them and become an all star in every game we will host. Remember that gamedays are free to join for everyone, no restrictions, either be a casual gamer or some epic super pro, it won't matter, everyone is welcome to join. Bring your friends who would love to try new game out, tell your parents, maybe you make them join as well, maybe even ask your goldfish to join, the more the merrier, nonetheless make sure you use our teamspeak as that will bring extra fun to the gaming. Thanks to everyone who will take part of each gameday and we will see you on the battlefield. Special thanks to: - SinfulRaevyn for making these lovely banners. - Night Hunter for contributing with COD 4 and Insurgency - von Rantala for being the big boss watching over everything - And of course as well to everyone from FA clan who has contributed their efforts for this game month to happen
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HI all am back looking forthworth to play with some of u XD!!
Thoughts and feedback?? I've already pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition from gamestop of infinite warfare and the remastered version (MOSTLY ONLY FOR REMASTERED BUT IT WAS $80)!!!! I hope to be playing with some of you. add me on xbox, oh and daredevil get a mic please so we can play :>. who's psyched for this?
Omg!!! I got this awesome photo after Docwarren caught my shotgun bullets like OBJ! (Odell Beckham Junior)
I recently upgraded my PC from windows XP to win7 64. I downloaded COD4player again, recorded a cheater, and as I was trying to create a topic on him, couldn't find the folder "demos" where the demo is located by the COD4player. It simply does not appear in my "main" subfolder of the activision COD4 file, and therefore cannot upload it. I tried to alter its properties by rightclicking on it through the COD4player (only there I can see it), but nothing. It doesn't appear to be hidden, and Win 7 are still elusive in their details to me. Please help! What angers me is that cheater will walk free if I am unable to post demo in forums.
Just wanted to post a fresh topic pertaining to the status of COD4 #3 and any lag issues, or re-boot requests. I may be way off as to doing such here. But, since I couldn't readily/easily find a place to report the current lag on the Beginners server, I thought I'd add a topic for the next guy to find and add-on to... 7/29/15 @7pm lag with constant connection interruptions, may need a server reboot I leave for a trip tomorrow, so I'll see yall on Monday ...
COD4 Server Monthly COD4 Highest Kills Award May 2015
Angry Mosquito - Alex posted a topic in COD Series Discussion
Congrats to (Wolfie) for the uncontested win! whopping 116 kills. Rules for this months contest: Has to be on =F|A= server, highest score wins and in case of tie kdr will be the deciding factor. -
No stabbing on April? wtf!!! start cutting people and posting streaks here!! Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing or in demo format -Must use knife the whole time, must be a kill streak. Once you die, streak is over. -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
Aight so deagle up! Post at least a 1 kill for May, It sux that no one wins (or everyone looses?) Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing or in demo format -Must use pistol the whole time (meanin it must be consistent) -Must be a kill streak. Once you die, streak is over -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
cod4 server Monthly COD4 KDR Award May 2015
Angry Mosquito - Alex posted a topic in COD Series Discussion
Gratz to @Dak with a 4.93 KDR this month!! Bring it on this month!! The rules for the KDR award: - 50 Kill minimum - Screenshots must be from an F|A server - in the case of a tie the person with a higher amount of kills wins. Example, 100-20 beats 50-10 - Map must be played in full. Start to Finish. - Screenshots submitted must be of the final score screen - From now on the person who wants the award has to be the submitter -
Gratz to @Krayzie, grabbin most of this months wins, this time with a 23 killstreak! Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must submit a SS of the console say "streak ended:..." or show the console saying "___ streak" (recommend open console) -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.