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Everything posted by Belo

  1. This won't happen on next match GG France and gl to Germany Btw, another option .. stop commenting football if you don't like it
  2. Eagles map is cool but laggy as hell and will never be added if i'm right.
  3. So happy Spain team is out, ty Chile
  4. Because its $hitty and they didn't deserve to win the Premier League
  5. MLB Egypt
  6. Norwegian Battery b6 and waypoints View File Story: its the late summer of 1943 and the axis are loosing control over the north sea. The allied has noticed that and a new power is growing in the allied forces. The allied high comand has desided to use the new mobility over the north sea to attack german bases in norway. But before they can start the offensive they need to destroy a battery so they can get close into the rocky beaches with their battleships.. Mission: the allies need to unlock the battery with a keycard and then destroy the guncontrols. Map by oVe - TheWolfTeam. norwegian_battery_b6 waypoints.rar Submitter Belo Submitted 05/13/14 Category Maps Map Type Objective Map Size Medium Large Map Theme Night Attacking Team Allies Waypoints Yes Known Issues  
  7. If you were my fan on Trackbase you could know
  8. Thanks for that joke, made my day. You got a like And btw, Applaud.
  9. Which map(s)?
  10. Waypoints are done and waiting approval in download section
  11. 308 downloads

    Waypoints for the map =F|A= Base designed by Deathbringer. (.way file)
  12. The map lol .. its not approved in our download section yet.
  13. I can make them but i need the file .. and also few days @DD : another waypoints requested by oVe are waiting approval in download section.
  14. Version Beta 6


    Waypoints (.way file) for the map Norwegian Battery designed by oVe. Map link : http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1019-norwegian-battery/
  15. Version Beta 6


    Story: its the late summer of 1943 and the axis are loosing control over the north sea. The allied has noticed that and a new power is growing in the allied forces. The allied high comand has desided to use the new mobility over the north sea to attack german bases in norway. But before they can start the offensive they need to destroy a battery so they can get close into the rocky beaches with their battleships.. Mission: the allies need to unlock the battery with a keycard and then destroy the guncontrols. Map by oVe - TheWolfTeam. norwegian_battery_b6 waypoints.rar
  16. Can we unlike this?
  17. I don't like to play the same maps over and over again, but hell do you want the server to get empty?
  18. What is soccer? -.- It's called FOOTBALL, you know the sport we play with feet not the fake one with hands Are you kidding me? No real fan can love both United and City. Funny to see how Shitty has gained lot of new "fans" past few years
  19. Its ok i didnt start it. Just PM me the link.
  20. You don't really need them, the way files are enough. Your bots will be moving, etc - that's what everyone wants i guess. Anyway we would test them before we use them in public servers. And FYI, the last waypoints i made worked better without these script files But if you find somebody able to create them, give it a try. Just give me a week for the .way file.
  21. What are you looking for? Just the .way files in order to get bots moving? Or you also need the extra scripts? I can provide .way files, just gimme a week but i'm not expert with coding so i can't provide scripts. Also give a link to download the map if the link provided above isn't the one you want. Thank you. @johnny : The long weekend is only for state employees
  22. You want to remove Oasis? Are you crazy? Do you know all noobs will blame you for this? "Where the f*** is oasis? I love to get gangbanged by nades,flamer,panza,rifles..." Turn off Hydro Dam instead, long time on server, lot of people cry about it and add Vesuvius
  23. It's not the final tournament, its qualifications. There will be another draw after all the teams got qualified
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