As the title hints, my mouse 3 button finally wore out after 2+ of gaming on the Razer Viper 8k Hz, 20k DPI WIRED mouse.
How do I find out the name of said part? I've looked and searched abroad which leads me here as an almost last resort.
Do we have any Razer Experienced/Tech people out there who know where to purchase a replacement part? (I've already searched Ebay/amazon/google for parts only sales and asked sellers what the "heck is wrong with this item to be parts only?" but would rather opt for a small new part instead of taking the risk of buying junk).
No tutorials are available on said Razer WIRED mice but I did find a tuto which led me to a website named DigiKey --> I would need a similar part found here (this is a Logitec m3 button)
Any leads, advice, etc are greatly appreciated.
Razer Viper 8k Motherboard. (that QR code was a dead end)