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wow ,, i will always love F|A but this new forum interface is horrible ,, i hate it ,, and i will try , but i can tell that it will lead to me spending less time on it ... , unless this addressed ,, i dont use facebook or twitter , or any other marketing tools in disquise as a social media site ,, but i used this site as an internet social expierience,,  mayby i need a nap , some prune juice and some geritol , but i have no idea why you would "fix something that wasnt broken " ,, at least in my opinion ,, again , mayby i am just too old , but it appears that the gallery section of my profile is gone , and well ,, i just simply do not like it at all,, im too old and grumpy to learn new things ...ok just kidding , .. ,,, my news that i wanted to post is  that my band ( that i am in , not mine exclusively) is opening for orgy , in atlanta in september ... is why i have been away ,, oh well .. like i said i will never leave F|A unless asked to ,,, but i can not support this new move .. not when so many other tech issues seem to need attention ,, but then again ,,, what do i know ,, i was only around when the internet was still a fantasy of geeks at cal tech , and the mouse was being toyed with by XEROX ,, you know ,,, long before apple or gates stole it lol ,,.. ok take care peeps ,, here is some art work from my new album ,, due out in september ,,, what a coincidence lol ..   both are the work of my ex - wife ( and well mayby to be wife again if i am extremely fortunate ) .. Katherine Tsconos Williams ... someone who knows me better  than i know myself , and still loves me to this day (yeah i messed up bad , and thought i had a good reason at the time , and no i didnt cheat ,, i divorced her ,, possibly the biggest mistake of my life ,, but life isnt over yet  lol )  ... ok my F|A mily ... see you soon



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ok .. scratch that .. i figured out the gallery thing ,, but i still dontlike it .,,, its slow bloated , and everything wrong with code today =P


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Hey Vehx!


How are you doing man, miss playing with you on the server!


Haha! I'm not surprised with how you feel at all. I am pretty sure you are not the only one, the old layout was with us for a very long time and now that it has changed it may take some time to get used to. Yes, perhaps for you older folks, it'll take longer to get used to as you prefer to keep things relatively similar because as you said, you ain't got the patience to learn new things (Obviously to a certain extent and not for everyone) but you'll learn to like it in the end. 


When I first came across this new layout, I honestly found it a lot of fun. I am on the forums a lot and this move allowed me to go on a bit of an exploration, trying out and discovering some of the new features. So I guess everyone has their own reasons for liking or disliking the new forums but its staying now so you gotta make do with what you have. Your love for FA is obviously and clearly unconditional, being a long time member and our overall Top Donor, so whether you spend more time on the forums or not, your efforts are still cherished. My advice is to just try it out for a while and check out the new stuff, you'll learn to like it eventually. ;)


I believe this new forum allows for a little more experimentation and also it fixed quite a few issues, one being IPhone logins. Probably many other faults were fixed that most of us aren't aware of as well.


Also, tip. Get VIP! The VIP theme is sick as!


If you need any help with navigating with the new forums, you can always PM me. I think im up to speed with everything now and don't worry, most of us were lost on our first few visits so you're not in the minority!


Anyway, Vehx, I hope you learn to like it and i hope i get to frag with you again on Hardcore in the near future!


See you around mate! ;) 

Lots of love!



Edited by CheepHeep
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9 hours ago, vehx said:

but i have no idea why you would "fix something that wasnt broken

problem being it was kinda broken 

the forum was old and outdated there were things we wanted to update/add and 

it was not possible anymore with technology things need constant updates in order for things to run properly 

hence our new forums it takes getting use to but it will come hang in there :)

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Give it some time man and you get used to this forums :) I was too first like wtf, but now a new theme got added and like Cheep said, you have that vip theme (damn you lucky ppl) which is awesome.

Anyways wb from the abyss and cya around :D

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yes , i am sorry for my haste in judging the new interface ,, it was mainly because it was very late at night , i was not entirely sober , and had been away for a litte bit , so i log in and am too tired and buzzed to process the new look lol ,,, btw the slow and bloated comment was just me teasing ,,, its a term one of our coders uses  , i just like to use it to be snarky =p , and yes im getting use to it .... still dont like the profile layout yet , but im getting there


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Hi vehx, nice to meet you. You briefly logged on to Jay 1 the other night and talked about your band. That's awesome. I just saw my uncle play this weekend. Buncha old farts and a singer in her 20s, LOL, what a mix.


About the forums- yea it seemed super bubbly to me at first and different than before's version like "omfg" where is everything taking me?! Now I like it. Something I learned was the Activity button. You gotta set up something in there to see all the status updates ;)


See ya, Neuro

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I didn't like it myself on first hand.. didn't wanted to learn , but slowly as I'm exploring features , I'm started to like new forums. fk we all old ppl are same lol  -_-   

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  • Senior Member

First of all, i dont think anyone is here only because of how the fórum looks Like. 

Obviously this new layout has Its drawbacks as it is not the same fórum as the old one. however this also means We have some positive things that came with this new fórum. and i would say that the benefits We got massively outweigh What We lost with the old one. and im sure that if you give it some time and effort, you will also discover lot of extra things that make up for the losses. 

First i was also a bit skeptical, as i got familiar with the old one and knew nothing about this, but át the end of the day, Its not rocket science, and anyone can learn how to use it.

I would say só far that this change worths it


(im ön phone, só impossible to write properly, sry for that)

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