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It's that Daredevil is so nice and helpfull

but the first thing that came up in my mind was again the same people want change and whine about it i wonder did your own server failed or ? ;)

lets assume you are talking about me. I did not make the topic, and I anything I am being conservative about the whole topic instead of supporting it meaning I want things to stay the same (in this regard) but yes, I do indeed partake in this topic because the wellness of the server is important to me as it should be to all. I think about my own suggestions and I think about what others are suggesting because its in my and everybodies best interest to keep this game/clan alive. I am sorry if you cant agree to my view that progression is the only way to reach survival.


but haha, writing some backseating text that has nothing to do with the topic at all, good on you. Please dont embarrass yourself further and either partake in the topic or get lost.



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I love dd members

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It's that Daredevil is so nice and helpfull

but the first thing that came up in my mind was again the same people want change and whine about it i wonder did your own server failed or ? ;)



I love dd members


This is exactly why good topics die. This posts bring nothing to this discussion, which is a good one imo. 


Just stick to the discussion and dont go this way, its pretty sad.


From my point of view, do you really think that players will play obj just because the only availble class is engi? I don't think so, and you will be pretty naive if you think otherwise.


Im not here to whine or anything about it, dont get me wrong. I think it is a pretty good idea to transform Jay1 or Jay2 to a EU server just because 90% are EU based players.. Its simple marketing, really easy. 

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can someone please delete the posts that are not on topic including my own reply to df of course? would be a waste to let an alright topic die once again

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Moving Jay1 or Jay2 to EU server makes some sense, but it really only benefits EU players. Having the server where it's at is kind of a good "middle ground"- we all have pretty much the same latency +- 20ms.
As someone on the West Coast of the US, it's nice to have an option that doesn't involve a near 200ms latency. I mean sure, it's playable... but not optimal.

And sadly, yes FA Management is always doing our job... I'm debating whether certain replies should be hidden. I don't want to have to hide anything, and I certainly don't want to have to lock a perfectly good topic.
So please guys, let's stick to the discussion at hand, I think it's a great one with good points, counterpoints, there's solid ideas being brought up... and for the most part it's respectful. Let's keep it that way.

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"From my point of view, do you really think that players will play obj just because the only availble class is engi?"


I don't know if I sounded like I only wanted people to play engi, that's ridiculous indeed. But locking classes to a max amount of players could let people have experience with other classes, maybe some medic players will like other classes like engi, covie,.. U never know. 

-> Also I don't know if this is possible but maybe there is a possibility of giving a lot of XP for doing OBJ tasks, like repairing a tank, destroying a barrier, etc..


seems i hitted some nerves but don't blame me for saying the ovious
knifes nades rifles it are always the same persons complaining about it or that want a change
and interest of the servers ?
i wonder what would happen if the half of jay1 go to it then we would end up with 2 servers half full and on many moments of the day half empty 
atleast now you have 1 final server where you can go to 24/7 knowing there will be players and almost never bots
there are continuesly map updates spawntimes constantly get fixed incase a map isnt fair or a team can't win

the last month it became so crowded again we have almost the same player average as during the xmas holidays in jay1

i for one am not eager to change much nor a 1000 other players just a few same shouting people

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Posted (edited)

"From my point of view, do you really think that players will play obj just because the only availble class is engi?"


I don't know if I sounded like I only wanted people to play engi, that's ridiculous indeed. But locking classes to a max amount of players could let people have experience with other classes, maybe some medic players will like other classes like engi, covie,.. U never know. 

-> Also I don't know if this is possible but maybe there is a possibility of giving a lot of XP for doing OBJ tasks, like repairing a tank, destroying a barrier, etc..

given xp per task is locked by... mod? or maybe the whole game Im not completely sure. But it would become a mess if you reward bonus xp because raters would be even worse then they are now (rating is purely xp/min for those who didnt know). At least if the raters that are out there just rate by getting kills the gameflow doesnt drastically change.


It should be entirely possible with lua to write a script that adds one additional class slot (for example the team is now 4 medics, engi, rnade, fops. Open slot is soldier panzer for the next guy who joins). Or at least I think thats scriptable, the question is tho if you would want such a thing on a server and I am not too certain.


Moving Jay1 or Jay2 to EU server makes some sense, but it really only benefits EU players. Having the server where it's at is kind of a good "middle ground"- we all have pretty much the same latency +- 20ms.

As someone on the West Coast of the US, it's nice to have an option that doesn't involve a near 200ms latency. I mean sure, it's playable... but not optimal.

Im not sure if you thought this through too much to be quite frank. Arguments like the one you just gace are certainly not unique but they more ofthen than not are used in a situation where there is only 1 server (for example when you organize a scrim vs americans). However FA doesnt have this restriction. Jay1 and Jay2 are by far the most 'normal' jaymod servers you run, however besides just serversettings you also decided to make both servers US. From my point of view jay2 seems like the perfect candidate to switch to EU. We just did a little headcount on jay1 and there seemed to be 8 people from the 54 only that had north american ping, and thursday night 1:00 AM is certainly not a 'prime time' for EU so you can imagien that number to be able to reach higher early in the EU evening.

Of course not every EU guy would leave jay1 for jay2, as some people choose emotional value above a good connection. So the numbers on jay1 might (or might now, who knows) go down slightly making the server more accesible in peak hours (no redirections which people might choose to click away to play a different game).


are we talking about copying jay2 or editing jay2?

To clarify, I wanted to ask this because there is a massive difference between the two. You could see jay1 as a top product, whereas you could see jay2 as a defect one. In basic marketing (as krepox kind of mentioned) it is common to 'copy' (and very slightly alter) working products while in the case of a not selling product it is common to change/edit that product instead of creating more of the same.


To sum that up: If you choose to create a new server then create jay1 EU as the server settings have been proven to sell. But if you choose to edit a server (please pick this option) then edit Jay2 to Jay2 EU and see if that takes the server anywhere


seems i hitted some nerves but don't blame me for saying the ovious

knifes nades rifles it are always the same persons complaining about it or that want a change

and interest of the servers ?

i wonder what would happen if the half of jay1 go to it then we would end up with 2 servers half full and on many moments of the day half empty 

atleast now you have 1 final server where you can go to 24/7 knowing there will be players and almost never bots

there are continuesly map updates spawntimes constantly get fixed incase a map isnt fair or a team can't win


the last month it became so crowded again we have almost the same player average as during the xmas holidays in jay1


i for one am not eager to change much nor a 1000 other players just a few same shouting people

Alright, final reply for this off topic business.


1. I am not asking for a change, at least not the change OP described. The only change I mentioned was converting jay2 to EU.


2. slim change half of jay1 would suddenly leave the server, but thats not the issue here. With an argument like this you are promoting one big active server while the others die out. Other servers that are clinging to stay actively used need all the help they can get and jay1 might be the only provider they can use without making sacrifices. (sounds a bit like refugee assistance now that I think about it)


3.A server doesnt actually need constant map updates, the problem with jay1 is that no mapmaker accounted for a server with 50 people in it, actually have my doubts if the devs of the game even accounted for it judging by how hard it is to run a stable server with such masses. Next is not at all a suggestion but just speaking hypothetically, if jay1 would be a 30 man server with the same activity itd only need 1 mappool with enough maps because there are so many maps that work perfectly for such an amount of players, the problem arises when the server is full for a long period of time and in some rotations only 6-8 maps would actually be played making it extremely repetitive.

Edited by Dest!Ny
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  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)



Not saying it is NOT allowed to play for frags only, nothing to do against it. But it is possible to make the players reach out more towards OBJ playing.

Like Dd said, 60% of the time, obj is reached on Jay 1. That's pretty decent




Moving Jay1 or Jay2 to EU server makes some sense, but it really only benefits EU players. Having the server where it's at is kind of a good "middle ground"- we all have pretty much the same latency +- 20ms.
As someone on the West Coast of the US, it's nice to have an option that doesn't involve a near 200ms latency. I mean sure, it's playable... but not optimal.


And sadly, yes FA Management is always doing our job... I'm debating whether certain replies should be hidden. I don't want to have to hide anything, and I certainly don't want to have to lock a perfectly good topic.
So please guys, let's stick to the discussion at hand, I think it's a great one with good points, counterpoints, there's solid ideas being brought up... and for the most part it's respectful. Let's keep it that way.

Exactly, I played ETPro for years at 150+ Ping. I'm very cool with having low ping for a change


"From my point of view, do you really think that players will play obj just because the only availble class is engi?"


I don't know if I sounded like I only wanted people to play engi, that's ridiculous indeed. But locking classes to a max amount of players could let people have experience with other classes, maybe some medic players will like other classes like engi, covie,.. U never know.
-> Also I don't know if this is possible but maybe there is a possibility of giving a lot of XP for doing OBJ tasks, like repairing a tank, destroying a barrier, etc..

Most already do, I play Med, mostly, but I like to sniper on many maps and play engi on some, too.




3.A server doesnt actually need constant map updates, the problem with jay1 is that no mapmaker accounted for a server with 50 people in it, actually have my doubts if the devs of the game even accounted for it judging by how hard it is to run a stable server with such masses. Next is not at all a suggestion but just speaking hypothetically, if jay1 would be a 30 man server with the same activity itd only need 1 mappool with enough maps because there are so many maps that work perfectly for such an amount of players, the problem arises when the server is full for a long period of time and in some rotations only 6-8 maps would actually be played making it extremely repetitive.

Thsi, right here is the best idea. Lower the slots on Jay 1, make Jay 2 a Euro server and Jay 2 becomes much more populated, Jay 1 becomes less chaotic, which may just prod more objective play. When the whole map is run out of spawn, hope you don't get killed right away, get a kill or 2 then die because of the insane amount of people all around you, the arty spamming, 2 mortars, panzers, 7 rifle naders, etc, THAT is what makes people go from playing obj to playing to survive long enough to miss a few spawn rotations Edited by Shana
There is an edit button, use it next time please. //Merged
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  • Administrators

I am not going to delete any post but I will give one final warning - Be respectful towards each other - It's ok to disagree on something but don't start bickering towards each another.


I will start handing out warnings if it continuous and eventually it will lead to forum ban. 


You all can post the ideas about new server but eventually, I will decide how it's going to be. I am not the guy who will always go with majority and if I had done that =F|A= wouldn't exist by now. So don't be surprised. 

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  • Administrators

 FA definitely doesnt have the best serversettings I have seen,


Please provide best settings suggestions i.e. what it is now and what needs to be changed. I assume since you have server side experience  as well you can easily provide precisely what needs to be changed to achieve better side settings.  I will go through it and if they are worth while, I will change those up instantly or asap. 

  • Like 2

plz leave jay2 alone i like that server .. becuz there is no 300pingers 100 too 500 or just straight up laggy crappy players on it...its not flooded with  to many players and handles a 14 v14 well.


ive tried  few other fa servers and everyone is so laggy i just cant. and et wasnt ment to be 30v30 20v20.

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  • Administrators

plz leave jay2 alone i like that server .. becuz there is no 300pingers 100 too 500 or just straight up laggy crappy players on it...its not flooded with  to many players and handles a 14 v14 well.


ive tried  few other fa servers and everyone is so laggy i just cant. and et wasnt ment to be 30v30 20v20.


Jay2 is not changing. 


Just to be clear with all - 


We are not currently changing any current servers. We are just adding new one. 

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Please provide best settings suggestions i.e. what it is now and what needs to be changed. I assume since you have server side experience  as well you can easily provide precisely what needs to be changed to achieve better side settings.  I will go through it and if they are worth while, I will change those up instantly or asap.

well, seeing I have spend most of my ET years in your clan It'd be hard to have a lot of experience running servers all of a sudden. But if you want me to give an example, I have always loved .EA#NoDownload (pretty sure its offline, please dont ban me for advertising :D). It had no molotovs, no poison knifes. They had stuff like trickjump protection like on the walls supply depoty so doublejump wouldnt ruin 50% of the maps. All in all it was really trimmed down and really straightforward ET and thats what I loved about it. If you are completely upfront about what you said I could contact their leaders and ask for the serverconfig.



edit: I missclicked enter so the message went without text. typed as fast as humanly possible but sniped me nontheless :'D

Edited by Dest!Ny
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Please provide best settings suggestions i.e. what it is now and what needs to be changed. I assume since you have server side experience  as well you can easily provide precisely what needs to be changed to achieve better side settings.  I will go through it and if they are worth while, I will change those up instantly or asap.



Do you have some different color text? I don't see anything bud. 




That's how I see it. Plain blank. 

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