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Other 2018 - Donations - Post in this topic once you donate

von Rantala
Message added by daredevil

Thank you everyone for helping with donations. Staff, members and regulars appreciate your donations to website and servers alive. Donations keep the community alive or else we would just be like Xfire, Evolve, Movie Pass, etc. websites over the time. 


Thank you once again and major thank you to the people who donated more than 100$. I believe if everyone donates 50$/year, we just need 100 members but since many can't, few people share that remaining amount and donated way more then 100$. Special appreciation for those donors. 


Thank you. 


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Donated 18 dollars :) for them silver VIP and the rest is just a add-up :)


Transfer ID: 6RM25594E3909641F


Silver vip added to profile and 3 dollar added to donation goal. Thank you for buying vip and sending donation.

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$50.00 Donation: ~Paypal~


Transaction ID: 32547402B3811440D






Good mood today! So I thought id give a little something.


$10 for F|A. Woot Woot!


Confirmation number: 74A46938PE566323J




First donation, but not the last. A bit of my savings I can spare: $25

FA is ET. Keep up the good work!




Donations added to goal. Thank you for the donations :)

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Donation amount: $10.00 USD




thats all i got but dare sorted it it shows i donated 10 usd 


Added to goal by DD. Thank you for the donation :)

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$20 for the Gameday dedicated to Exploid (and  Abnerdog


Confirmation number: 0Y182532K54923709




As Cheep has done, A little something in the memory of our fallen FAmily.  $40 in their honor



Transaction ID: 9K697594A9060434P




$20 Donated. Transaction ID: 7N7002165H385992G



Donations added to goal. Thank youf or the donations :)

Edited by von Rantala
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