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Posted (edited)



Imagine this situation. You have your primary weapon. You can't reaload (because no ammo) and your 1 pistol (luger/colt) is full. All people know primary weapon is better than secondary (easier to aim or make more damage).


So what is the best moment for change weapon (for pistol)? I talk about a range of ammo.


Example, i look a match between to pro team (et). And 1 guy has thompson with just 4 ammo, and dont change for pistol. So what is the range for change weapon? (example, between 0 to 4 ammo you need to change weapon).


Same question for all gun (without mortar and panzer).


And if you want, same question for akimbo! (but i'm more interest about one pistol).



Edited by Dhmo

I know this doesn't answer question but,


Make sure You have client cvar set: /seta cg_weaponCycleDelay "0.000"

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Personally i switch to single pistol when theres about 5 or 6 bullets left in my smg, I think its easier to aim with pistols but they take more time to fire, I just like to save a couple for if I want to damage someone a bit from a farther distance since long distance is hard to do with pistol, especially facing someone with an smg


In the middle of a fight I let my guns go to 0 bullet before switching


When not in fight, if I have 3 bullets left I'll use it because it's enough to kill someone (3 hs). But that's when I'm just playing for fun. Sometimes I keep a 1 bullet gun just to try to get a hs with it lol


I haven't done any scrims/matches in forever, but I would probably switch under 5 bullets.


A pistol with 8 bullets is much deadlier than an SMG with 4. If you think it's that much harder to use I'd suggest practicing your pistol aim.


I personally don't even look anymore, you learn to have a feel for how many bullets are left in your gun. If I think it's low I'll switch to pistol without looking (sometimes it'll still have 6-10 bullets in it xD)


Yeah like meow said i would just use the single digit amount of bullets to try to kill someone with a few headshots and if that doesnt work out in the middle of a firefight, Take cover behind something and switch to the pistol and try your best to aim for the head. Im definetly no pro but in that situation its the best i could think of other than running and healing xD

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If you are skilled enough, use sten/mp34 and kill enemies in 16 bullets :P => No need to change to pistols.
By my own experience I just don't like pistols :)



  • Clan Friend

it depends if it's public server or real match imho


in public servers you are almost never without ammo, and you have akimbos (in etpro matches there is no xp, so you never get akimbos as far as I remember), plus in pubs you rarely selfkill (some players never).


If it's a real match and you're going to selfkill and maybe you just want to deal some damage it's different than a situation where it's critical for you to kill someone.


*Sometimes* you could even switch to pistol when you still have ammo, for instance if you are a lone medic (assuming you can heal yourself and take cover), but you are engaging enemies in long range, and you just want to keep them a bit busy while your team mates attack them from another route (but you want to keep your ammo for when you are close) you can fire a bit with pistol, I don't know, it's all personal preference in the end.


And it all depends on your ability. If you are a very good aimer and you headshot easily, you can do a lot of things with few bullets, if you are a bad aimer a whole clip is not enough.


I know that it's not an answer, but you need to play and play till you know what you can achieve with a specific amount of bullets and health, in order to decide when to reload or heal and when not.


After all using your pistol, then switching to smg to finish the enemy is not much different than using your smg first. You are still inferior to a player with smg and full clip anyway

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Best way to learn ET is spec pro players, or learning using single pistol. When im in battle i never watch how many bullets i have in MP40/Thompson i change when i feel that bullets is ending. Usually there is 0-6 bullets left.

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2 or less bullets,you never know your opponents hp so you might get a lucky kill with 3 or 4 bullets..


Personally, if I am in combat, I'll just use all my bullets since I don't have time to look at how many I have left. If I just killed someone and I have about 10 ammo left or below in my thompson, I switch to pistol. Then on next fights I get a few hits in with the pistol and if I run out of ammo with it but I think that the enemy is almost dead, I switch to my SMG to finish him more easily - I usually use akimbos more than single pistol though, so it's much quicker to switch weapons than reload those things.

Like other people have said, you need to try by yourself and see what you can use those last bullets for.


I just love how ppl use autoreload in public. When being in middle of the fight and enemy starts reloading I´ll switch to pistol\akimbos as it is much faster and the kill is mine 9 of 10 times;) And yes it come by feeling after so long time as I just switch it before it runs empty(not sure how much is left, swithiching when theres a good moment), then empty akimbos and then still have some in smg, empty that if necessary and then reload smg. Find a safe cover then reload akimbos as it takes forever to reload em. Also single pistol has the advantage of quickest reload, so you can reload it even in middle of the fight.


I use which ever gun has more ammo in pro... Then I'll switch to the other...

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Posted (edited)

It all depends on the situation. There are far more factors than ammo alone to dictate what is your best move. 

Edited by Raider-

Find a safe cover then reload akimbos as it takes forever to reload em.

dont use double akimbos nab :P

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