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"Hit Sound" is good or bad for shooting SKILL?


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  • Clan Friend

In long range, or for players hidden in camp spots where you can barely see them or you just guess, it's useful to have them.


And in general it's useful, to guess how much damage you dealt (but sometimes I stop shooting because I think the guy must be dead, and he is not :D)


The negative thing, especially if your ping is high, is that hitsounds have a delay. Hitsounds for headshots only seems a good compromise, you know if you are aiming well, but you aim with your eyes, not your ears.

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Like sunlight said, it can be usefull to know that you've hit someone when you cant really see tham.

Its really a personal thing, a bit like having the gun showing, some don't and just have a crosshair.

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In several maps known by heart like venice or marrackech I personally prefer to play with no sound at all if I only want to kill. Weirdly I tend to aim the head more often, maybe you should try?

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Hitsounds on definitely. You will know if it makes sense to chase a frag or better back off. On long range when you don't have a clear sight of a player you can aim by hitsounds. But they seem to be bugged on jaymod at least, sometimes you hit and don't get hitsounds. They won't make you a better aimer but will help you to get information and to make decisions.


Imo hitsounds for grenades, rnades, panzer, airstrikes and artillery should be disabled everywhere like on etpro, it's like wallhacking :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need the hitsound due to all other games with hit mark or hit sound :P

Maybe a bit of topic, but on beginners (think it is) I don't have any headshot sound and I have heard that it is a jaymod bugg. Is there any way to fix that?

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