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new wolf game due out soon


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The rumors were right. Bethesda today announced Wolfenstein: The New Order, a new entry in the seminal first-person shooter series heading to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and next-generation consoles during Q4 2013.


The New Order is set in 1960 after the Nazis won World War II. Gamers play as the familiar American war hero B.J. Blazkowicz and are tasked with launching an "impossible counter-offensive" against the Nazi powers that have taken over the world.


Set in Europe, The New Order will have players infiltrating Nazi strongholds and battling legions of enemies, while taking control of "super weapons" that the Nazis have used to dominate earth--"and beyond," Bethesda teased.


The New Order is in development at MachineGames, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bethesda parent company Zenimax. The studio was established in 2009 by the founders of Starbreeze Studios (Chronicles of Riddick) before being acquired by Zenimax in 2010.


The game's debut trailer is available above. Check back every day this week for more coverage from GameSpot on Wolfenstein: The New Order.

The most recent entry in the series was 2009's Wolfenstein, which was developed by Raven Software and published by Activision.


Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/wolfenstein-the-new-order-revealed-6407979

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Still don't understand why they don't just remake ET, exactly the same as it is right now, just with better graphics. Why mess with perfection? :)

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Yes, multiplayer in last Wolfenstein was just terrible. Singleplayer was not so bad. ET is different story (last Quake Wars). Unfortunately Wolfenstein The New Order will be "action-adventure shooter" game so i don't think that multiplayer will be even close to ET.


Itself, the game may have great potential, very good story. But it bothers me that they release date it already at the end of 2013 (so there's not so much time). So Bethesda is doing exactly the same thing as it was done with last Wolf. Conclusion: Wolfenstein became a budget, second class game.

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I was hoping Bethesda was developing the new Wolf. I have impression they have gift on making games with dark atmosphere. Last one was "Dishonored" and I enjoyed the artwork and game play. Also they have lots of other best sellers in their list. Wolf have always tickled nervous more or less so there was hope till I read its "sister developer". After last Wolfenstein lets only wait they didn´t make it even worse, not theres much room for it;)

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I would rather not have multiplayer.  ET's biggest draws (at least for now) is due to the low system requirements and free.  Put out a new multiplayer game that requires a ton of power and is not free and you will not only keep a lot of ET players away, but will thin out ET server population.      

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Interesting but few things concern me:


1) "...heading to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and next-generation consoles during Q4 2013". Why is PC after Xbox and PS3? Sounds like a console port to me and if that is the case the i'm not interested.


2) Looks like another dark-themed game from that video. The last Wolfenstein was ok but it failed to trully shine light on the nazi regime.


3) Robots? Really? I know that the super-soldat theme was fun and well executed in RtCW, but since the last Wolfenstein this derailed significantly IMO.


4) No MP? Well I'm slightly dissapointed, but then again, I rather not have MP in the likes of the last Wolfensten - that was a shocker.


5) I really hope there will be more Blaskowicz vs. nazis than anything else. RtCW gave us a good balance of several themes - archeology, supernatural, WW2, stealth, gunning and acton.



Hard to say more at this stage since we only got a glimpe of this game. I would have prefered the first featurette having Blaskowicz gunning and running through a nazi facility producing one of these robots. In the end it could pan out and show the entire factory and the army of these robots.

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