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Leagal vs illegal scripts


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Recently I have learned how to script in W.E.T and was wondering, just what scripting is crossing the border into cheating and what is not?


I have seen scripts that do a number of interesting things such as:


Stops the recoil in the mobile mg42, and in the garand sniping.

one button press grenade throwing.

instant weapon switching.

I wont use these because I feel they are not entirely legal, as instead of the scripts I use, which are graphical tweaks, or personal preference tweaks.


I use one button to switch between my pistol and my smg, as a toggle script.

I have another to switch between my favorite FOV.s and mouse sensitivities.


I was wondering, where is the line drawn?


I have my boundaries set to.

If it speeds up any weapon switching, or messes with the preset times to do things in the game, I wont do it.

If it has more than one command per keybind, I wont do it. (like a medic heal script, or fast grenade throw script)

If it changes the way the weapons handle, beyond the personal preference threshold, I wont do it.. (anti recoil scripts)


I admit It would be nice to hit one button that switches to a grenade, throws it , then switches back to smg. I just don't think it is really all that ethical.. or is it?, lol


Sorry for the post, I just know what I can do with the scripting, and not sure what the boundaries are.

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Basically, the parameters you set for yourself are exactly what you should follow.


On the other hand, I myself, use a single button on my mouse to switch to medic packs and throw them till I release. I could easily do this as a toggle between smg and medipacks (In hind sight this would solve some problems), then just hold fire to throw them. Since I would begin holding fire as soon as I hit the toggle anyway, I don't really feel like this is giving me any sort of time advantage. It just allows me to move actions from my left to right hand. In truth I still use number key switches more often than not. Which hand I happen to use at the time is based on complex deep synapse response that I don't understand myself, specifically not to a degree where I could explain it lol. The delay during the switch is the same, so I'm still just as vulnerable during that time.


It also provides its own disadvantages. For instance, I might only have 2 bullets left on my SMG when I switch to packs with my mouse. In a normal key sequence, I would be able to go immediately back to pistols instead of SMG. In my case, I fire off two amazingly well aimed headshots worthy of the gods, hear a click and die.


So perhaps your position on this specific type of bind is unfounded or maybe not, its really your call not mine, but everything else you said seems to be 100% the case to me. In terms of illegality, this will keep you out of any trouble you could get into. I am unsure, unfortunately, on the exact specifics of what is generally limited and what is not. Preventing or removing recoil, will definitely get you into trouble lots of places, I can say that for sure.


addendum: Never seen much reason to use this setup with grenades. Maybe people are throwing a lot more grenades than I am? I also tend to use more than one grenade at a time when I bother to get them out. In that case binding them to a script that switches backed to SMG is going to be a disadvantage again.

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This rule.. as many others.. is subject to interpretation..

But the correct analysis of the rule comes by understand its purpose..

The purpose of this rule is to create a "equal change" environment for all the players.. where

one can have as much change to kill as to get killed.. and the only unbalance comes from skill..

and since there is much more to this game then simply firefight (yes I know its hard for some to believe.. but its true ;) )

I believe that scripts that are applied to the global game play should not be censored.. ex: throw med packs, drop and arm dyno, auto reload, switch weapons..

anything that IS NOT to be used in the heat of the firefight, can be scripted independently on the number of lines, complexity or purpose of the script..


So a main criteria may be, any script that contains +attack with a "fire weapon" bank... should not be allowed.. other obvious ones are, aiming and position scripts (aka mortar scripts)... anything else stands in a grey zone that fluctuates according to personal perspective.. but unless there are real complaints about "uneven" game play.. don't believe the clan with bother much..

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Any anti- recoil scripts are illegal, other than that its pretty much preference. I personally just use FOV script switch and class scripts anything else to me is useless, there are many different scripts out there, only ones imo worth using class selector scripts, fov script, spawn point selector script, and spawntimer script. Although spawntimers scripts or most of them only work in 2.6b, pub/jaymod/noquarter will kick you for them since they arent comp mods something to do with too many cvar changes when ya selecting allied/axis and the right spawn times then of course inputting them and spamming them in team chat.

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What an excellent question. I would say, if other players in the game are calling you out, then you are crossing the line and need to modify your behavior.


If you are playing too well, you will get attention, and if you are doing anything that gives you an excessive advantage, you'll probably get kicked. Even if what you are doing isn't illegal yet. Every banned cvar was once legal before someone abused it.


Scripts are similar I guess.

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Scripting for me it's more like a personal choice then anything else, of course there is some script or tweaking i can give example, using them it's more like lame then illegal cos for our servers we are using anti cheat system add to this, our own rules (I know it's not perfect but still it helps to have a clean & legal place for all) now come to scripting everyone make his own choice... for script like: fov toggle, spawn selector, team selector and weaponbank toggle all those examples need at least 2 key hits to be done. instead of hit 3 keys you hit 1 to make all

example for a weaponbak script: when you hold a button(ex. mouse4) you select weaponbank4(grenade) and you throw it, release the button and you are back to weaponbank3 (thompson or mp40) there is nothing illegal here

script for sprint and shoot: in normal mode you hit (3keys in same time) Shift + W, Z, S, D + Mouse1 . in scripted mode You HIT (2 keys in same time) W,Z,S,D + MOUSE1 no need for Shift. very useful


now some script are more lame to use but still not illegal. example:

when you start shooting rate+snaps+maxpackets+m_pitch+m_yaw+fps and more changing until you stop shooting


now what will be more interesting is help all our players access to scripting and help them to make their own config and give a chance to play equal to others players

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Stops the recoil in the mobile mg42, and in the garand sniping. -Not allowed. +lookXXX scripts are not allowed.

one button press grenade throwing. - Allowed.

instant weapon switching. - Allowed.


I use one button to switch between my pistol and my smg, as a toggle script.- Allowed.

I have another to switch between my favorite FOV.s and mouse sensitivities. - Allowed.


I was wondering, where is the line drawn? - No where. Line is drawn when I check logs and found someone is abusing bugs which existed on 2.55 or some mod's.


If it speeds up any weapon switching, or messes with the preset times to do things in the game, I wont do it. - Allowed.

If it has more than one command per keybind, I wont do it. (like a medic heal script, or fast grenade throw script) - Allowed. I have my one key binded which sends packs and then when i release it puts SMG back.

(anti recoil scripts) - No allowed.


In addition to that maxpackets, timenudge, etc toggling whenever you shoot is not allowed. I normally bind /players to my key and I can catch easily who ever is continuously changing maxpackets or timenudge while shooting.

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I used to use scripts and to be honest I'm a lot better without them. That's just my preference though. I don't really tweak a whole lot in my config either. Some players get so up there own assholes with scripts and tweaks and this and that. It just seems like a giant waste of time to me.

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I used to use scripts and to be honest I'm a lot better without them. That's just my preference though. I don't really tweak a whole lot in my config either. Some players get so up there own assholes with scripts and tweaks and this and that. It just seems like a giant waste of time to me.


If the way you spend time enjoying yourself is playing this game, then I see no reason why it would be a waste of time to try and do it in the way thats most comfortable and enjoyable to you.


Similar to that way that, if what you spend your time doing is watching television, owning a giant display isn't really a waste of money. If thats how you relax and enjoy yourself, then do it as big, and expensive as you want. Thats how I feel about it. Enjoy yourself, above everything else.

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If the way you spend time enjoying yourself is playing this game, then I see no reason why it would be a waste of time to try and do it in the way thats most comfortable and enjoyable to you.


Similar to that way that, if what you spend your time doing is watching television, owning a giant display isn't really a waste of money. If thats how you relax and enjoy yourself, then do it as big, and expensive as you want. Thanks how I feel about it. Enjoy yourself, above everything else.


Good point sir.

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I use a 71fps bind for sniping and pistols,

125fps to smg and all other weapons

gamma script

class selection

have k, 5, 6, 7, r, weapalt bound to mouse

mouseup to smg

mousedown to pistol

name toggler

crouch toggler


I don't feel the 71fps bind is expoiting anything because it is in the quake3 engine, and anyone has the ability to use it.


Anything that cannot be scripted into the game by way of a normal .cfg config, would be considered cheating in my opinion.

(Except binding connection settings-that is pussy bullshit)


There are plenty of resources around to learn how to script.


I had a fps toggle and m_pitch toggle, but those are useless to me now. Most exploitation scripts such as machine gun pistols and hax speed weapon changes are implementable anymore due to game updates.

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Well thank you all very much for the answers you gave


I have already tried a one button medpac toss but it does not work right, gets stuck on medpacs, or keeps throwing till I am out of energy




bind CAPSLOCK "+vstr pacOn pacOff"

set pacOn "weaponbank 6; wait 10; +attack"

set pacOff "weaponbank 3; -attack; -attack"


also, how would I go about doing the instant weapon switch?, having that script might stop the problems with the bind above.


Oh well, back to looking stuff up to see where I have erred.

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Well thank you all very much for the answers you gave


I have already tried a one button medpac toss but it does not work right, gets stuck on medpacs, or keeps throwing till I am out of energy




bind CAPSLOCK "+vstr pacOn pacOff"

set pacOn "weaponbank 6; wait 10; +attack"

set pacOff "weaponbank 3; -attack; -attack"


also, how would I go about doing the instant weapon switch?, having that script might stop the problems with the bind above.


Oh well, back to looking stuff up to see where I have erred.


it's gonna be hard to make it work with your script, try this and it will work ^^


unbind CAPSLOCK 
set pacOn "weaponbank 6; wait 5; +attack"
set pacOff "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3"
bind CAPSLOCK "+vstr pacOn pacOff"

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