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  • Administrators

When we started community, we had admin level structure form level 0 to 10. After some time we changed it to level 0 - 15 and now time has come again to change it so that we can incorporate the new ranks within the community.


Here is the basic guide/structure of our new admin level structure. At present, I have only applied new admin level system to Jay2 and soon it will be moved to other mod's as time permits. I will be also updating wiki to make things more clear so each player/member knows where they stand and what they can do to get promoted.


The previous admin level 0 - 15 where missing dedicated VIP, staff, event organizer, etc levels and while updating to new one, I had kept all possibilities in mind considering present scenario and future enhancements.


It might need some fine tuning on admin commands/level considering I might have missed couple of things.


If you have any questions, please let us know here or use private section to address private questions. Please DONOT PM me to set up your levels. Please report it on tracker and I will fix it up.


Note: Migration will be handled by founders, leaders and co leaders. Staff will not be able to help you in setting up your correct levels because your levels will be adjusted according to what you have done till now for community.

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Good job.

One question: What's the difference between learning admin and no level? If they both only get /resetmyxp, then what incentive do they have and what admin commands can they use? I mean, their name is "learning admin", so I think it would be fair if they received an admin command.


mmmh to me it's confusing o.O so much new things i'll have to remember.. i guess i liked the old admin stuff better :/


this just makes ppl only do those stuff to get higher admin n not for their love of the clan D: ...atleast that's what i think, don't get mad! my opinion xD

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mmmh to me it's confusing o.O so much new things i'll have to remember.. i guess i liked the old admin stuff better :/


i would have to agree with alex. it's a little bit confusing



...but i think we can all get use to it.......


typo: Even Organizer



Otherwise I guess it's okay, I liked the old levels better but things change.


looks good in my opinion. some getting used to yes, but all is well. i'm sure there are parts of this structure that are going to be revised and edited. good job :)


Old "lvl 10 clan friend" disappeared ? There are a few non members I trust more than some trials ...


I don't understand the new 9. With 3 (useless) commands of course they will not abuse anymore, and members coming from other games will not be able to help us.

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No me gusta... if it aint broke, why fix it?

Had a hacker on tonight and couldn't do jack shit about it.

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mmmh to me it's confusing o.O so much new things i'll have to remember.. i guess i liked the old admin stuff better :/


this just makes ppl only do those stuff to get higher admin n not for their love of the clan D: ...atleast that's what i think, don't get mad! my opinion xD


Thanks to new system we can promote people based on their activity, influence on community etc.


@Ryan, lvl 4 and above can put now. You'll be 4, it's made to prevent regulars from abusing !put cmd.


@Lista, we don't have many 'clan friends' so where's the problem? Commands like ban, shuffle etc can be added on people's guid.


As for the topic, you'll get used to that. It'll be confusing at the beginning only :P

Once again dare, great job. :)

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