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lol. not typically but there is an art to it. as long as you smoke first and slowly crawl up the ladder then you should be fine :) if im drunk first and then smoke, that ends in what we call "The Dizzies" and lots of vomit and sleep lol. there is an art to this science and i have mastered it haha



ps. there was something else in my system that day and i think it's what held me together lol. and no, we werent driving. we both had pairs of subs in our cars and we were just parked out front blasting music car hopping. lol. good times.

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every Mexican with big eyes that i know are extremely loud and obnoxious and think they are funny when they are not. good thing i dont really know you :P lmao. my experience comes from living in Texas lol


and next time, dont have your sister pose for a pic with you man. its gross  :lol

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