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Chilling with friends. I'm in the green Polo starring into space.



Later on that night, I got high as a mofo laughing at a napkin at a random IHOP.



I'm in the black shirt celebrating with some friends after we pwned a few tests. That bar/club had $2 for Red Stripe. Horay!


Raulph lauren polo, i'm digging this :D

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this past summer at my wedding. me teh tall bastage.


and just for reference, my dad beside my is 6'1" and i'm NOT standing on anything




Remind me not to piss you off :blink:

Edited by FiveMagic
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I'm blonde, that's all the image you'll get :D


Blonde hair or blonde like your not very smart blonde? haha jk




ok this is me with a friend , im the one with the blue jacket :hi

i was a little bit drunk in that moment :D


Phantom you look like your ready to start crying :rolleyes: haha

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