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ET and extreme sniper scripts


Extreme Sniper scripts  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think extreme sniper rifle scripts should be fought?

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well, i use 3 different zoomfovs 110, 70 and 20 (default). i wonder a bit, why you dont recommend to use this setting. i have watched that youtube vid, and its clearly to see, that you use it too. at least on that movie, idk who you are on server. <_<


That isn't him on the vid. That's bossHK.

Here's a video suicidal made.

But in anycase the disadvantages on using it outweigh the advantages in my opinion. That's one more split second you have to waste pulling up binoculars before shooting, along with having different magnitudes of recoil to deal with and remembering which one you are on. My playstyle is very mobile when fighting other snipers, and it just isn't something that suits me.

The main advantage I see is having a wider area to see, which helps immensely in tracking someone circling you. I've got nothing against people who use it, its just another preference to me like most other cvars. How one person prefers to play is different than others.

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I don't recommend it because that just makes you think your a really good sniper. MadMack told me that he used to tweak and thought he was really good, until he went on a server that did not allow tweaks and realized how bad he plays since he relied on his tweaks. Ever since, he has sniped without tweaks such as bobroll and bobpitch set to 0.

Edited by Latino**555
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  • Clan Friend

thats exactly the vid that i had in mind. :P there s a binoc before he goes scoped.

hmm I tried this binoc thing and on etpro it doesn't work, only on etpub...

maybe I had never seen it before since I used to play only etpro, that's why I had never seen anyone doing it in close range


I don't recommend it because that just makes you think your a really good sniper. MadMack told me that he used to tweak and thought he was really good, until he went on a server that did not allow tweaks and realized how bad he plays since he relied on his tweaks. Ever since, he has sniped without tweaks such as bobroll and bobpitch set to 0.

bobroll and pitch to default would be an instant headache for me

imho if something is really lame, then it should be blocked/not allowed by rules/configs. but if it's allowed, then it doesnt make sense not to use it

so we shouldn't spawnkill because in some servers it's not allowed? lol


I share his point of view but not on those 2 settings, it would make the game unplayabl, but for example I understand those players who like to play on servers without xp, who disable akimbos etc. because they want to train the way they will play in clanwars. Same thing. But they can't tell a player 'don't use akimbosyou nob' it's their choice.

Edited by SunLight
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That's the one thing I don't like about dp. They have an obsession with tweaking. They don't see the difference between preferences and tweaks. Those cvars were put in the game for a reason. Some of them seem like a bad choice on the devs part, but every game I know of have settings you can change to fit your playstyle. I absolutely hate bobs. Always have. Yet they kick for having bobs set at 0. But oh well, I don't like sniper servers. Too much waiting for so little amount of fun finding someone.

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afaik bob is forced to 0 on all FA servers.



On a side note, I tried using the cg_zoomdefault, and it really threw me off. Not gonna try that again

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In silent(etpub) mod you can't use +lookdown etc commands. If it works show me video and we will look into it.


For jaymod nothing can be done. Jaybird doesn't want to release source code even though I offered 300$ to him. There is nothing much you can do over it. Was sick of mod bugs and hence offered some money.

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In silent(etpub) mod you can't use +lookdown etc commands. If it works show me video and we will look into it.


For jaymod nothing can be done. Jaybird doesn't want to release source code even though I offered 300$ to him. There is nothing much you can do over it. Was sick of mod bugs and hence offered some money.

lol really?

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lol really?


Yes. Was sick of XP/admin loosing PM's, mod bugs, .6 omni's memory leak, security loop holes, etc. I offered him actually a while back but he never replied.


Even Dr.Evil said he can build new files with .8 support or so a while back and he never replied to that also. He wants to keep the code with himself. Mod will be long dead if redsector wouldn't have jumped in the ship.

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It is extremely hard to prove someone is scripting while sniping because of how simple the mechanics are. All you do is pull your mouse down, if you have good muscle memory you can repeat this so easily and quickly that it appears your gun barely moved at all. With this said, you can most certainly use sniper scripts on every mod through 3rd party applications. Just like the mouse tells the computer how far and fast it is being moved and to where, a script can do the same. It would simply act as a 2nd mouse being plugged in enabling it to move your mouse simultaneously to your movements. Thus meaning you can still move your mouse, but if you macro this script to mouse4 to execute every time u push the button, and bind mouse 4 in game to +shoot;-shoot then boom every time you take a shot, the aim drops pinpoint as if a mouse told it to. The thing is, how can you ever prove this is possible unless you watch the person play in game. His script controls the speed, and direction as to where it moves so he can make it look as legitimate as possible. At what point could this be considered cheating because I have a spare sidewinder mouse that can record macros this is built into the mouse from which the customer pays for. Now is it considered cheating if I bind my mouse4 to execute several actions such as +use;+use;+use;+use... and so on so that I can spam push faster than I can click. Some people may say well why would that matter, well it can help block doors and spam push people such as you getting them trapped into a corner. Not to mention you can add time delay and such to the macro so that u can pinpoint scope+shot time so that u can repeat action.


With DPI selection mice you can set different dpi settings and profiles in which some allow you to adjust the dpi for x and y movements. You can make your vertical higher, or even turn horizontal movement to zero. These 2 type of adjustments can make it easier to snipe with practice. Making Y higher can make you be able to bring your mouse down faster so you aren't fighting for mouse pad space. Making your X to zero can make it where and stand still target is a dead one by allowing any pull downward on mouse will be directly down in game so that all you need to do is pull down at the speed of fire and boom your aiming just where u were before you shot. I'm not saying these methods will make you shoot better but their certainly techniques that change the way you accomplish the same thing. I don't find these dpi settings cheating at all because well if your able to move your mouse up, down, left, right then your using dpi settings too, their either the default same or tweaked but everyone still has a value to their sensitivity. BTW dpi is dots per inch referencing to laser and optical mice sensitivity. Every mouse has specific dpi settings so this trick isn't just limited to optical and laser mice, their just the easiest to configure.


Now I won't ever need this kind of junk because on a good day I can snipe just like any script or setting can, but what I want to ask is "are these considered methods of cheating?" I say no because in the end your still aiming yourself. Whether you moved your mouse 10inches or zero, you still lined up those shots and took them from what ever strategic angles you provided yourself. Some auto-aim assist program didn't play a role in directing your aim onto your target and I think that is where we need to cut the line. Is the person physically moving their mouse at some point to line up the shots, or is it a program doing it for them. I don't think the amount of distance a person is required to move their mouse should matter, because if they took the time to find settings that work best for them, than more power to them, why didn't you put in the effort to improving your game. Just don't hack, that's all I really care about.

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I thought about how a macro would work, but I figured that pb was designed to stop those sorts of things. But I have no clue if it actually does. Changing your pitch and yaw sounds complicated. Setting yaw to 0 on the mouse would make you extremely easy to counter, one strafe and safe. I like everything the same. Makes it simpler =)

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  • Clan Friend

In silent(etpub) mod you can't use +lookdown etc commands. If it works show me video and we will look into it.


For jaymod nothing can be done. Jaybird doesn't want to release source code even though I offered 300$ to him. There is nothing much you can do over it. Was sick of mod bugs and hence offered some money.

There is a thing you can do on etpub, that is using the binoculars bug to snipe in close range. Which you can't do on etpro, in fact if you watch that vanhaomena fragmovie he snipes in close range without switching to binoc first. Which is harder because you have a small fov.


On etpro there is something which forces you back to cg_zoomDefaultSniper, which in turn is limited to some reasonable values.

What's the point of being able to have 120 fov when you snipe? That makes no sense because with a zoomed view your fov should be much lower than 90, let's say less than 20-30.


if you want to disable many other scripts (speedjump script, trickjump scripts (like supply east rock jump), 180 turns...) you should think about disabling the wait command. It's a bit drastic, maybe... but I can't think of any other 'normal' usage of that command...



External macros making movements for you should be regarded as hacks imho, as any other thing which is not part of the game.

Of course there is a line between scripts which are ok, scripts which change the gameplay and hacks. Being able to write a decent config is part of a player skill but some thing can be easily copied and change the way the game is played.

Probably they changed that thing on etpro because they thougth it changed the gameplay in a way they didn't like for the competitive scene. Same with prone delay, etc.

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