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  1. Thank you all so much!!! I will be trying these solutions as soon as I finish the mountain of work in front of me Back in the saddle soon!
  2. Hallo peeps! I have been working entirely too much as of late, and then when I sat down to enjoy a bit of my holy and most sacred Wolfenstein ET, I find that my client, upon reaching the main screen, goes all stuttery and my mouse freezes for long laggy periods (unplayable, can't even click things consistently) and I have to alt+tab and shut it down. I miss the =F|A=MILY! Can anyone offer wisdom? Signed, A grateful-in-advance absence of degrees in Kelvin.
  3. My great friend J. Even III (now a physician, then a drunk like all of us) showed me the game right around my birthday in 2003 (July). I was an old hand from Quake 3 (LAN tourney moneywinner) and a dedicated clan member on Soldier of Fortune II. As such, I was instantly addicted to Enemy Territory (especially rifle grenades, the first instance of it I remember in gaming). I've taken breaks here and there (out of country, kids being born, getting married, etc.) but I always come back to W:ET. It's where I met my gorgeous, amazing wife, and 14 years later I play sometimes just to honor that.
  4. Congratulations you wild, frenzied animals of digital murder! If I weren't eager enough to log on and give free R-nade flight rides, NOW I AM!!
  5. I know I'm in for good (and friendly) competition when EvilButters Jstudent and danger are hangin on jay1.
  6. I'll jump in here and commit a resounding second to this motion. I was also a Quake 3 junkie, and there's no greater rush than carrying an enemy flag coast to coast under heavy fire. At some point, you stop feeling the keyboard, as though your Will and the Machine became one in a bewilderingly beautiful hymn in praise of flight. *cough* getting sentimental. I would love to see some CTF, especially perhaps on jay2, silent1, or jay3 (Beginners) - in place of having ALL unique-objective maps, beginners might be able to slip into the game more easily with a couple of tried-and-true CTF maps. I will interject that I don't really like BBA CTF- it's a great concept and beautifully drawn, but it has too many weird ledge-corners and mysteriously sized blocky features that catch and snag you in your progress. I could most certainly get behind a few other ET CTF maps, and I'd suffer the presence of BBA for those who like it (and are probably just better at it than I) Great suggestion, has my vote!
  7. Enemy Territory is that perfect confluence of gamer satisfaction fields that has, and most likely will always appeal to me. Rapid-fire respawn pvp? Check. Adrenaline-inducing, heart-pounding firefights? Check. "RPG" model of experience gain/continuous achievement? Check. Nostalgia for the golden days of PC Gaming? Check. Unimpeachable theme (WW II)? Double-check and mate. While we may miss the old days, old servers, old friends, etc.... the game goes on. Be one of the proud Immortal Soldiery. Reinforce the offense. Deploy mortar. Check for funtimes.
  8. UPDATE: did the new /cl_guid and updated my GUID here.
  9. Hello Fearless Assassins! I am back in country (finally) and so very happy to be home. I apologize for the extended absence, and RedBaird told me my GUID is different which is strange, I also had a jaymod update bug even though my version is 2.2.0 but that one seems to have self-resolved. Anyway, so glad to be back in civilized country. Missed my =F|A=mily terribly. :D:D:D Ooooooh.... is it COLD in here?!
  10. Hello =F|A=mily! I have been out of commission for a few weeks, owing somewhat to moving into the new place, getting the kids registered for school, but also by a fairly crippling illness in my lower GI tract, which became even more frightening when I started losing blood where the sun doesn't shine... The update is that I have had a new CT scan (with contrast) and the major scare that was in our minds has been somewhat resolved- there is no cancerous mass. I do still have some serious inflammation and an unknown cause, so I go back in to see the gastroenterologist next week. It's been a miserable time physically, and I haven't felt up to much more than the necessities of life (kids, cleaning, cooking, laundry, dishes, work, wife). I hope to get the problem resolved, and I'll be back on the servers more often. Much love to all: Zer0
  11. Welcome to the Fearless Assassins servers!! I try to rotate and play on different ones, even if it's only NPCs (bots). Looking forward to fragging with you!
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