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All about those little things that make or break your day

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American liberties in jeapordy!

I don't know about the rest of you, but im sick and tired of our rights and liberties being taken away one at a time slowly so the majority of clueless people dont notice.   Point #1 The war on terror   If theres ever an easy way to distract the attention from our rigjts its to say "we need to be more secure, and that means we have to give up rights like privacy and the 4th ammendment." This is bullshit. I believe the original Afghan media confirmation of Osama Bin Ladens death at Tora Bora

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

I got the media blues....

So its time for another (long awaited i know) entry in my blog. Its been awile.   As for this entry of things that tend to drive me nuts or ruin my day... we now have the media. Which is nothing new. But for anyone living in America who has any idea of the dangerous waters we have been in for the past decade knows that we have piss poor media coverage on important subjects! From out boohooing over a stupid AAA credit rating (which our government has been abusing anyway), to the ridiculous Tray

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

=F l A= facebook group???

So I was pondering just now why F l A doesn't have a facebook page/group?   I would think that people from the forums in the groups could recruit friends that are gamers that would join the forums and/or possibly be donors! +++ right????   The reason I am posting this in my blog is because when I searched FB for F l A I found 2 groups called "fearless assasins" one open one closed. They're a group of people from pakistan. It was a little weird. didn't look much more into it from there hahah

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

The crazy hoe and the vertically sliced orange

Ok so I got a comment that said my blogs were getting a little bland so I hope this little story about an ex-girlfriend of mine does the trick. This is a true story...nothing has ben changed.   For the most part we've all had "one of those" crazy girlfriend/boyfriends that have been...well... F'n crazy as hell. This storyis about a primpy girl who was pretty cool but most of the time was a b*** and so prissy that...well you'll read.   So this girl I had been dating was sick. Flu. I the gentl

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

The Magic Bradley GT

So I came home yesterday from a gig to see an oldschool early 70's bradley GT in my driveway. Thought my Aunt had given it to me for my birthday cause I always bugged her to sell it to me if she ever sold it. Been in storage for 25 years.   And there it was.... Hahaha! Wrong! My fricken dad bought it! That a**h****. Thanks for nothin Auntie!!!!

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Kewpee Burgers...the best stolen flavor!

So I'm from Lima, OH. There has been a local burger chain here since the early 1900's. Right around 1920 if I remember correctly. If you ever go through Lima, OH on Interstate I-75. Stop and get the famous burger! It's the f***in bomb to put it bluntly, but still a simple burger.   Sometime in the 60's I think Dave Thomas came to Lima for a Grand opening of a wendys as he always did. And he went to Kewpee and loved the burger so much he ended up coming back the next week! Of course...to get mo

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Obama the Destroyer

Obama...where do we begin? Racks up more spending than all other presidents combined helping "us" and creating jobs for "us". Oh the first TRILLION didn't work we better spend another 500 billion that'll work. No. Get the f*** out of our country you socialist bastard. This is america. This is capitalism.   We don't want you're Obamacare government healthcare. We don't need job creation offices or bigger government. We need huge tariffs on goods. See the work come flying back in! You put 20% ta

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

In the event of a disaster....

I myself would first either steal an army tank from work if I were there at the time. Or prepare to make the drive/hike to my work to steal a facking army tank. I would then stock all my weapons and food inside the tank. Then my mission would be to obtain some sort of gas powered pump to refuel.....from there I don't know. I would Probably go looking to find all the lost hot chicks and make ouy way to a south american beach. I mean...who the fack is gonna stop me in a tank? Hahaha

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Marijuana keeps me sane

I fear that if I could no longer smoke pot....i would eventually go insane and be hauled off to some kind of institution where they would most likely pump me full of horrible anti-psychotic medications.... What's worse? It's those little things...

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Electric Fence

Ahhhh it's good to be back from my litle vacation in hell. Have had alot going on lately and I haven't been on BUT I'M BACK MU-HUKAS!!!!!   so one of the things I've been doing is building a pole barn on my grandmas farm. I was out cutting down tall weeds with a badass oldschool sythe. Well after about an hour into it the end came loose and it flew over the fence and landed about a foot on the other side. In the horse pasture. No biggie right? Wait!!!! Shit!!! There's an electric fence there.

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Marijuana what???

Yeah so I've been smoking pot and watching Tom Waits on Youtube. I get a facebook msg saying to call this number for the Avalon Bar, they wanna book me... Blah, blah, blah I call em set somethin up. I goto save the number after i hung up. And did it while watching the videos. 2 mins later I pick my phone up, it lights up, and Im looking at Tom Waits' contact information..... I wrote Tom Waits instead of The Avalon Bar when I saved the contact. Its those little things

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Welding sucks

Not only am I a government/military certified tank mechanic. But also a gov military certified welder. Which means the dept right now needs Styker vehicles. Which means I have to weld. And it sucks. This summer in Ohio has broken record. And when it's 99 degrees outdide with 105 heat index and your inside a megastructure (no really our plant was on "Mega Structures" on the discovery channel) with a bunch of ppl welding and grinding and banging crap, then you gotta put on a coat hat and gloves, a

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Sierra Nevada Beer

One of my favorite beers of all time is Sierra Nevadas Pale Ale. If you can get ahold of it try it it's great! If you like pale ale or even IPS's this beer is for you. Just look for the green box!!! they also make Kellerweis, Torpedo IPA, and 2 more i belive. An amber I think.   Sierra Nevada brewing company thank you!!!

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Let's talk beer...

So because I like alot of imported beer, I try alot of new ones all the time. Thought maybe I'd share. I have some Einbecker - Mai-Ur-Bock German Import   Its pretty damn good. At 6.5% alc vol its got a good bite to it. And it has a little bitterness like a light heinekin, but not to much. I myself do not prefer it. And a nice smooth hoppy after taste.   Einbecker Mai-Ur-Bock, you get a 9.0 on DH's beer-o-meter scale!!!

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Good cop, good cop

Yeah so I was speeding out on a back road in the country today and got pulled over. Go figure right? Coolest cop that ever pulled me over. As I tried to tell him I was on my 40 mile trek home was why I was speeding he kept interrupting me sayin "it happens" "we all do it sometimes". He informed me that my license plate sticker was on the front and not the back and gave me a warning for 74mph in a 55mph zone. Not to shabby....its those little things

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Straw eyes

Why do bars put those little straws in my whiskey on the rocks? Or any drink for that matter in a short glass? Yeah, yeah, yeah, to stir it up....   Is it just me or are the straws engineered to fit in the bottom of the glass and seat perfectly into your cornea when taking a drink?   And you know damn well you can't drink the beverage through the tiny straw so you gotta go for it. It's just after 5-6, you forget to hold the straw down. It's those little things...   ! - (

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Bad Drivers Part Deux (told ya there would be more)

Yeah, on a 40 mile run to work. A little late. I have 3 semis, a motorcycle, and a white impala leading the pack on a state route going 45-50. They were spaced out enough to safely go around and this took about 10 mins. Last semi , I pass.... This whole process took almost 15 mins of me maintaing composure while running late. I get by the semi...ahhh there's the white impala that's been goin 45mph for the last 15 mins and a clear stretch of highway to pass!!! I go for it...the a**h**** nails it!

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

The day the music died...

This is a story from 2 years ago that I was just thinkin about and I thought it'd be good for the bolg....   Summer 2010: Coldwater lake, Michigan   Long story short it was our 2nd day into Memorial Day weekend and of course we were getting trashed. Almost all of my friends and I are musicians. A reasonably large clique at that. We had a large tupperwar coolaid container full of tequilla and lemonade. If you've never had it try it out. Going tthru campsites with some friends jamming guitars

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

Bad Drivers (I'm sure this will be part 1)

So I'm on my way to work today taking the same route as normal. SR 33 east to I-75 North... I'm hungry. Thinkin about stopping off along the way for a whopper. Sounds perfect right? As I'm driving down the highway I'm in the fast lane, approaching a red sport car and a semi in front of it. In the slow lane. As I get up beside the car (note: I was doing about 68-70 mph. The car was just a little slower than me. Prolly 65) they turn on their turn signal to move into my lane. He doesn't even see me

=Death Hunter=

=Death Hunter=

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