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    ET: 2-1
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  1. Norris, Chuck Norris. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

    1. PiaNist


      is your Norris a she-male? XD

    2. Spaceballs
    3. LuCkY*13


      Be carefull about what you sayd i heard he have eyes and ears every where...shhhhh

  2. It smells like fish

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceballs


      my nose tells me.

    3. SkuLLc0LLector


      ok now its getting creepy ! Were you at my house last night ??!!

    4. Spaceballs


      might have passed your house - unintentionally =)


  3. I think a major issue here is that you can play CS:GO without really having to choose a specific server. You can play by choosing a game type such as destruction, deathmatch, etc. and the mainserver will do the connection for you. So I regularly play CS:GO, but rarely on clan servers. Only via random server connection upon selecting the game mod. The game itself though is pretty good - I like it very much.
  4. It is never a bad idea to install ET. It is a great game and you will see a lot of people on the FA ET servers. Just go ahead and install the game.
  5. Hi Guys, I just realised that Jay 4 is down. It is already reported on tracker, but when I checked the server list on the website, it says that not only Jay 4, but the Minecraft and TF2 servers are down as well. The CS:S server is down as well (though I think it has been down for a longer time now?) What happened? Did they crash?
  6. Spaceballs

    Closing down.

    I lost my common sense and am therefore closing this blog. No sense writing about something I don't have. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you anyways =) That much at least has to be said! Best regards, Spaceballs
  7. Sounds fun =) I'll tryand pop by if I can.
  8. I really like this idea. The spoiler shows just how many tutorials there actually are and I think it would be useful to rearrange them in a way that people can find the necessary tutorial faster.
  9. I got to meet your knife quite few times by now. Good aiming there =) Keep it up!
  10. and another $ 10 from me.
  11. If you say that Obama has done nothing, ask yourselves why that is so. And have a look at the House of Representatives. You will understand that Obama couldn't do shit with all those Republicans blocking everything. So don't complain. US politics is just f*cked up in two camps, who just know how to block, but not how to think *together*. It is almost the same in Germany btw... getting uglier with the elections approaching.
  12. Hi, thanks for reporting. Admins will look into this matter when they are on the server at the same time. However, if you accuse someone, you should also submit proof. Perhaps you can provide screenshots / demos next time? Otherwise we cannot ban him. Best regards, Thistle
  13. I don't wanna tell what's on my mind.

    1. Spaceballs


      It's too stupid....


    2. Jefke


      ponies, no doubt

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