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    ET: 2-0

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  1. U alive? :0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tipsy


      I don't know of other guys.. not many around , but yes I do play ET and same jay1 . I'm good , how is ur life going and howzzzzzzzzzz u?

    3. PiaNist


      Well i have my own family now. I still play games but not as often as before, csgo and pubg mostly. I dont think I can go back to playing ET 😬 but good to know that you’re still active admining this clan. 

    4. tipsy


      Get discord :)

  2. hello?!? its's been a while

    1. RedBaird


      It sure has. We may have to set you up again, privately. ;)

  3. Hello there! What's up? Hope everyone had a great holiday

    1. Raskin


      Wonderful! Hope yours good

    2. RedBaird


      Well, Very Good to "hear" from you!

  4. Yo sup!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rasom i do Kinza
    3. PiaNist


      i was never gone.

    4. Helsen


      just did not see you lately, that is what I meant ;)

  5. What will you get after you finish all the missions? I bought the bloodhound recently but i'm not so keen on doing the missions. I only bought the coin for decoration lol
  6. I have skype & only use it to call my long distance family or relatives. I still prefer teamspeak or steam for gaming communication.
  7. lmao! fvcking ghost! i really hate that feeling when you're the only one alive in your team and you have to clutch your way to kill enemy players
  8. Got another 7 days cooldown in csgo -_- My fault coz I abandoned my match coz Im gonna be late for work lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ancientmule


      oh snap..

      i had to wait 24 hours for a proper nivel for players to match my level.. not my fault they dont do it inmediatly.

      on the other side. sorry for you :(

    3. RedBaird


      I don't know what you guys are talking about, but my sympathies are with Pianist. I do understand the "quit game to leave for work" part. :)

    4. PiaNist


      Red,cooldown in csgo is like a ban which happens when u leave a competitive match & not finishing it. You get ban from playing competitive match for days but you can still play other gametypes of csgo.

  9. Competitive and casual Maps- mirage, cache, inferno (but whenever i do casual, people like to vote for dust2 ) For new maps, i like resort, agency, zoo, rail and log
  10. Im lovin' the new maps!
  11. "Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you"~ Tyrion Lannister

    1. I am Khaleesi

      I am Khaleesi

      Hi Tyrion this is your friend... Daenerys :-p

    2. PiaNist
  12. watching Kingsman:The Secret Service...not bad..quite entertaining in fact

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PiaNist


      well if you like spy movie..this wont let you down

    3. audrey


      I loved that movie, so fun.

    4. berlinerbol


      I found Colin Firth funny as hell in this one!

  13. lol didn't know game can do that...i've got a 7days cooldown before coz my pc crash and didnt get back to the game on time
  14. you should try...it's fun to be competitive sometimes..it's addictive, well at least for me and you'll find new gaming buddies
  15. just earned my first rank, Gold Nova II Edit: now its gold nova III
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