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hobbit last won the day on December 21 2010

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    Fantasy, Hockey, ET, RtCW, CS, computer security and computer forensics
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  1. where you at nerd

  2. Bro your still alive?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hobbit


      Lmao yea brother, still here. Like nabish said, play under zyzz brah on jay1. but playing less and less these days... How you been?

    3. Peter-


      Been back for about a year now. Yeah I understand :( you should stop by hc some time. Were on usually around 4pm to 8pm central time.

    4. hobbit


      I definitely will! More and more I miss the good old days lol

  3. ❤️ I hope everything goes well, send you a hug

  4. Where are you?!

    1. hobbit


      I come around here every few months xd. Still play on the servers every so often though

  5. DareDevil has granted your wish.  Check the jay1 map topic : 

    We are playing it right now :)




  6. hobbit

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    I'd love to see UJE Christmas tank back this year, had a lot of fun on it last year
  7. launched et after god knows how long because i was invited to lan that some players from back in the day are putting togheter so i thought i shouldy try and see if i can still play... i realized that i really suck and now i finally know how it feels to be you in et. 


    just wanted to leave this here


    have a good day sir

    love u

    1. hobbit


      Good to see youre still around! Time for you to get an updated version of your map released for one of the servers. Good luck with that lan. I still occasionally play on Jay1 so maybe i'll see you on there if you ever hop on 

  8. I see that you still visit us from time to time.


    I happened across your post while searching for help for someone with the same problem. 😄 




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBaird


      Yes, the name lives on in our collective memory.


      The ET name-stealers like it, too. 😄 

    3. hobbit


      I still play on Jay1 just under a different name most of the time 🤫

    4. RedBaird


      OOPS!  I forgot the origin of the term, "Hobbit" and the movie that it came from!  


      The means that not all of the ET-Hobbit-names are actually name-stealers from 'our' Hobbit!  😮 


      Huh!  My mind was 'stuck on ET' when opining about the name-stealers last January! 😄 at RedBaird. 


      [et.trackbase.net] » Player Search [Hobbit]


  9. Haven't really followed the NHL much this season, especially not the final 1/3, so probably will have some picks terribly wrong 16. Preds 15. Lightning 14. Knights 13. Pens 12. Caps 11. Jets 10. Leafs 9. Bruins 8. Sharks 7. Ducks 6. Flyers 5. Kings 4. Wild 3. Blue Jackets 2. Devils 1. Avalanche
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