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    =F|A= Kay
  • Admin
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    COD4 #3
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  1. Hello, come back u! give signals of life!!

  2. Come back, I'm not done killing you!

  3. Kay

    COD4 Server CoD Promotions

    Congrats guys!!
  4. I just created a map rotation poll under the CoD4 discussion forum- go vote on your favourites!

  5. Hey folks! I would love your input on what maps you'd like to see this time around. No promises that the top maps can/will be included in the rotation, but this information will help us make a suitable rotation everyone can at least enjoy to some extent. Below i've included some pictures of the maps to remind you, if you aren't sure which maps are which. Just go ahead and place a vote next to all the maps that interest you.
  6. Hi, we are working on putting in a new rotation right now. It may be a week or two due to some unforeseen matters, but it'll get done. I may make a poll for the maps... EDIT: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/84387-late-2016-early-2017-map-rotation-poll/ here you go, all!
  7. happy Canadian thanksgiving 8)

    1. RedBaird


      "Damn! The Canuckians beat the Yanks to it! :( ", I just replied to another Canadian's celebratory status update here. :)


      Actually, that is still tomorrow for me here on the West Coast.

    2. SinfulRaevyn


      Happy Turkey day! <3

    3. Raskin
  8. Hey Codiaz! It's nice to see you are enjoying playing CoD4 on our servers! (: However, it is actually against our rules to wear the =FA= tags while playing, unless you are a trial member+. That information can be found here (rule #11). If you are interested in joining F|A, please read the relevant wiki pages and check out THIS page on how to join our community. If you continue to be an active member on our forums as well as a responsible player in-game, your chances of being accepted (and chances of getting to wear those tags!) will be much higher. If you have any questions about our community, how to apply to become a member, or anything else, please feel free to contact me.
  9. Yay!!
  10. Tomorrow CoD!
  11. We like to cook a big family Sunday night dinner! Potatoes, carrots, corn, green beans, gravy, etc; & chicken or turkey for those that eat it (:
  12. CoD4 one week!!
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