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B3rk0 last won the day on January 4 2018

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    Motorcycles and some girls... not all!
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    ET: 3-3

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  1. Hulk

    Obi Wan Kenobi Reaction GIF by Star Wars

    1. B3rk0


      Hi my friend
      Long time since i speak to you.

      How are you doing?

    2. Hulk


      Yes, it has been some time since we last spoke.I am doing ok, life has it challenges. Been kinda rough last 3 or 4 months for me. How are you doing these days? 

    3. B3rk0


      Well, more or less the same.
      I learn to live with some health issues, but im good... i guess. 🙂


  2. Hulk

    Hey Berko! Miss ya brother, hope your still doing ok.

  3. Hulk

    Hope all is well! Just saying hello👍

  4. Heya Kiba How's it going with that vape?
  5. Christopher Colombo didnt found shit 😁
  6. Should be a nice starting kit See also: http://vaping360.com/squonk-mods/ And this should be a good choice for you: https://www.directvapor.com/starter-kits/vaporesso-revenger-x-220w-tc-vape-starter-kit.html/?A=1118
  7. If I was on the States for sure I would give you one of my mods and tank for free bro.
  8. Hi Kiba Well i vape for 4/5 years now, my amout of nicotine started with 12mg and now im at 2mg (ultra lights), i vape more for the flavor then for the nicotine itself. I do not advise you to spend a lot of money in a starter kit, because for sure you will move on to a better mod in the near future (And belive me you will). So im going to give you some links where you can see whats coming new, reviews, and what to buy, so check this guys before you buy something: Rip Trippers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgZd5ygXFoQry9KDGlddSBg Suck my mod https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaABLqKOy33BcQBU0bG1mmA Mike Vapes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt3WcCLs8Zm-zZNcqgixyMw DJLsb Vapes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo4AFXAUeus3oMgp4JZEjxA You can buy cheap stuff in this online shop (where i buy mostly all my stuff): https://www.gearbest.com/ Here you have promotions where to buy with best prices: http://vape.deals/vvpor-black-friday-starts-now-sale/ This site is if you want to start make your own liquids: https://www.lediypourlesnuls.com/ http://vaping360.com/how-to-make-diy-e-juice/ https://www.nicvape.com/How-To-Make-e-Juice Advices: 1. Dont buy ejuice from chinese stores!!! Only buy them from your local shop or online certified shops. 2. If you are starting now i would advice to you to go for a squonk mod or a good vape starter kit, check your local retail shop for advice. Also on ejuice you have to try what flavor you like the most and what amout of nicotine you should start on. And mate... you are going to cough so dont be scared it normal, because you are you accustomed to smok and not to vapor. 3. Once you start to vape you still are going feel the need to smoke, do not carry tobacco and try not to smoke, i took an year to real stop smoking. 4. Money: I spend more or less 100 euros a year in new vaping mods and tanks, and this is the problem if you like gadgets 😉 This is my current mod: Fell free to ask me for any doubts you have abou a mod or a tank, good vapes bro 💪
  9. These
  10. Happy B-day amigo
  11. WB Madmate
  12. This is where all the magic happens 😅
  13. Happy b-Day bro. 😍
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