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*ReVeRZe*..!?'s Achievements

  1. Asia is wonderful, such different culture and personality. I'm astonished on the sight seeings

    1. RedBaird


      You are surrounded by things that are new to you, or at least in different styles. :D

  2. Away for at least a month on journey across asia. Might end up longer, hope to see you guys soon!

    1. RedBaird
    2. GISM


      Have fun! Damn I'm so envious... :)

    3. Smileyyy
  3. I'll be away for the next couple days. Take care lads

    1. RedBaird


      I'll take what I can get...you take it easy. :)

  4. Another tiran returning. Welcome back dude
  5. Welcome back Smiley! I look forward to meet you on servers.
  6. Can you explain these to me?
  7. Been busy at work due to holiday period closing in. Will be able to visit servers this weekend

  8. I used to play at 9.37 sens old mouse
  9. File Name: cfg Rev File Submitter: *ReVeRZe*..!? File Submitted: 11 Jun 2017 File Category: Player Configs Cfg Click here to download this file
  10. Perhaps you could help me calculate my sensitivity? I got new mouse and laptop, and the sens i use now is way too high
  11. https://fearless-assassins.com/topic/3727-fa-2-jaymod-sound-pack-vsay-list/?hl=%2Bpack+%2Blist
  12. Welkom terug, jij ook al :D

    1. Jhonny/Shinobi


      Soort zoekt soort :P

      Thanks !

  13. Occupied with work for big potential projects, should be able to visit servers in weekend

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