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    market manager

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    Hardcore ET
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    trapping ,steelhead fishing
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  1. I got windows 10 installed and went into silent but got kicked for name usuage can someone set my levels please.
  2. not sure of my date but 2007-2008
  3. Boy I could have used the russians lmao.
  4. I haven’t been able to play as much as I’d like been rebuilding a rental property that the tenants destroyed been working on it all summer .The other reason is I found out a year ago I’ll need to have an aortic valve replacement in the near future and after work and working on the house I’m just out of gas lol.As my aortic stenosis progresses I’ve noticed an increase in tiredness,breathless bouts when lifting multiple boxs(I’m a meatcutter) and a general decline overall in how physical I can be. The cardiologist gave me 1-2 years before I would probably need open heart surgery,That was a year ago.Im hoping to get another year before all this shiz hits the fan lol.Ive been a wolf addict since the game came out At one point I had a server in 1.33 version called the bad server hosted by the Bad Clan.Hopefully we have the house completed in the next week and I can get some more game time in.
  5. i been smoking cigs for 50 years and stopped when I started vaping a month ago,All I know is I feel great since I quit.I started blending my own e juice a few weeks ago and it seems much tastier that store bought.I made some grape apple thats really good and for those beer nights I made a churchill tobacco menthol blend Im mixing at 70 vg 30 pg ratio with 12 nicotine at this point after my vacation to jamaica in a few weeks I'm gonna drop to 6 mg nicotine.Im usnibg a cheap penguin by aspire and just picked up a zero on sunday.The zero is working awesome so far its draw activated so no buttons to fry your coils lol.
  6. I don't have a problem with it.Free county here lol.I control the population of coyote on a few cattle ranches and what makes me sick is to see a calf with its nose bit off and drown in its own blood! It's a cruel world out there!
  7. Doctordan70s as I only like the medic position!
  8. Same here ,peace man gets irritating just kidding bro .I love everyone in China and silent.
  9. Excellent job!!
  10. We do have some nice pale coyotes here
  11. Fixing to try to do it I’ve been reading and studying on what I’ll need equipment wise.I’m going to try with a local ipa that sells their kits here locally.
  12. No pics yet but defiantly love Jamaica!
  13. Do you want food pictures? Got a ton of pics when I get back I’ll post up a few,the internet is fairly slow at my room location
  14. Greetings ,ya mon I ‘m in Jamaica for a week.I’m staying at jewels paridise cove and the food is awesome , the weeds pretty good to lol.Missing my gaming but what can you do.
  15. This is one on a board drying. a Teddy bear the wife made from a opossum I trapped.
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