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You want fun , instead of playing objectives , to much waiting for game days , event's? So come to play every second Sunday from 12 to 15 CET on our F|ABeginners2 server!!! No more sharing panza's , everyone will have it . Want to try your K43 or M1 skill's , come here and get some headshot's. You want to grill in those cold day's , okay come to server and try mighty flamethrower🤔 Something is missing , "kein problem" make sure to contact our member's and add your suggestion what to play on next map! Everyone is welcome , have some fun and enjoy it! Also to thank's @K3rmit for making me suggest this event and @RendeL for approving this kind of fun!
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Hello ! Guys i search 2 days around internet but cant get help, so i try it here....:) I decided to host a new server after 15 years non playing ET , but after those years i forgot alot of set up stuff , now i added bots and edit names..fine..BUT i cant find info how to add levels , cant even make myself founder level 999 -all ,can u guys anyone help me plz ? i host server 2 days , need little practice Thanks u all!
We are happy to announce our new recruiter from s1 @dju! On behalf of the FA management, we would like to congratulate you. Dju or "biju" how i like to call him, became a silent pillar, respected admin, he gave many contributions to the server and his spot now is well deserved. Besides, i would like to thank you personally for your friendship for all these years of coexistence. Silent is a better place with you there, my friend. Big congrats and keep up the good work ❤️ Wait a bit until @daredevil set you up on forums.
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ET Server How to Add Custom Maps to Campaign or Objective Cycles?
modem24 posted a topic in ET Discussion
Hello all! I've been an active ET gamer since around 2003 and finally have gotten back into it with friends and now hosting a dedicated server. Everything is working except... one of our favorite maps simply will not load within ET. The file is RTCC2.PK3 (Return to Carnage Canyon 2). The file is in the correct location on the server and on the clients. If I run a self hosted server on my PC (like we used too...) the Carnage Canyon shows up with the 3 map or 6 map campaign. I would like to have this setup on our dedicated server for internet play for those of us who don't get together in person enough anymore. I have been trying several modifications to the config files but so far nothing has worked. Here's what I've done so far... 1.) I initially added the following to the server.cfg file: map "oasis;fueldump;carnage;" Result - all default maps loaded. Excluded and additional maps were ignored. 2.) I uncommented exec campaigncycle.cfg in server.cfg. In the campaigncycle.cfg file I wasn't sure the proper syntax to load the map as the cfg file references campaign groups in there. 3.) I commented out the campaign cycle and uncommented exec objectivecycle.cfg. In here I added a new first line of set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map carnage ; set nextmap vstr d2" The result was that nothing changed. Can someone point me in the right direction for getting custom maps added to a map rotation cycle and what I need to do? Thanks! -
=F|A= presents: F|A ET:LEGACY We listened to your feedback and remodeled server to give you the best possible experience from ET: 32 slots Legacy mod Friendly Fire enabled XPSave Skills enabled Objective oriented gameplay Competition oriented maps Server IP: I would like to personally thank: @daredevil for listening to our ideas, changing everything ASAP and guidance over all remodeling process, @RendeL for starting that server journey and leading it in the first phase, @kajto3 and @TomekKromek for technical support and solutions, and every person who helped us with testing and provided suggestions. Thank you! Please be aware that server is fresh and we could overlook something. Don't hesitate to let us know: Server issues/suggestions report here. Map issues/sugestions post here. We will fix everything as soon as possible.
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We are glad to announce our new Staff members @Lt Steiner and @mraw435 We want to thank you for hard work and dedication towards our clan. Your PM is always open and you are ready to help anyone who need the help. You are easy guys to talk and you are able to fix difficult situations. You not add fuel to fires, but you are firemans to calm ppls down when there is difficult matters discussed in server or site. Clan can benefit a lot for your help in Staff and your way to solve difficult situation and your kind and respectfull way to talk to peoples. My own special thanks @mraw435 Thank you for your help on our Jay2 gameday project and Jay2 matters. I know as recruiter+ members need us more on popular servers, but you still doing a lot for jay2 in undercover. @Lt Steiner I always enjoy to talk with you and you been great supporter and help for me. You earned your promo base your hard work towards clan and i am happy to see you as staff, but i am more happy when i can call you as my friend. Thanks mate! Congratulations! Enjoy your promo! PS. Big thank you to everyone who has been helping us. We had great year of 2023. We got many new members and as we always say future of us is in hand of next generation. I am interested to see how our 2023 class progress and when we get our first recruiters or staffs from that class. We had great gamedays and a lot fun in 2023. Many of us found new friends and some got great stickers and letter from Paul. Because you members, we have Fearless Assassins, clan where to come play, relax and enjoy some games what we love. Thank you and Happy New Year!
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Hello everyone to my corner. 😎 In this topic I will be showing the progress in creating my maps. Feel free to ask, suggest something, and maybe it will be useful to me. The current production focuses on creating a map of Warsaw.
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We are glad to announce our new 2 recruiters! @razjee and @White Raven You are both doing amazing job and this is how we can thank you. You spend countless hours in the shadow helping everywhere. We know that we can count on you and that you will fit in this new position On behalf of the FA management, we would like to congratulate you. Keep up the good job.
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We just released new vsay sound pack for noquarter server (5.5MB), so just connect to server and you start downloading with new fast redirect you can create your own config with all vsay you want, or you can bind with key for examples: Bind <key> vsay baska "[n] ^2think that everyone hate this song " it will show & play in game: =F|A= Medic think that everybody hate this song Shortcuts you can use with your binds Shortcuts [a] - Last person who gave you ammo [b] - Last teammate who inflicted damaged to you [c] - The amount of damage that the last teammate inflicted to you [d] - Last person who killed you [h] - Last person who gave you health [k] - Last person you killed [l] - Your current location [n] - Your name [r] - Last person who revived you [p] - Teammate you are pointing at [s] - Your health [w] - Weapon you are currently holding [t] - Ammo for current weapon I added new !command available for all level !head (with sound) !owned (with sound) !pwned (with sound) !lag (with sound) !bye (with sound) !pizza (text only) !beer (text only) !coke (text only) Special !command for admin: !teams (level 2 +) will show waning text to even teams with annoying warn sound (5 seconds) !even (level 2 +) will show warning text to even teams with sound !speak (level 1 +) will show warning text to use english on main chat or PM (with notify sound) the list of all vsays that can be bind are: baska "You'll be my only, no need to worry..." blur "Whoo hoo! Well I feel heavy metal..." james "WOW! I feel good..." baby "Baby rap..." crazy "Crazy! you're crazy boy..." dontgo "Don't Goooooooo..." feeling "I've got a feeling... hoooo.. hoooo.." love "Falling in love...!" fkyo "F### you!!! F### you very, very much" gbye "Good bye my Lover, good bye my friend!!!" gipsy "Volare oh oh... Cantare oh oh oh" missy "Get your freak on!!" hate "She F###ing hates me!!!" come "Come my lady! come come my lady" likeit "That's the way I like it!!" nani "Oh, you don't need nothing at all with me!!!" nikoo "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals..." ohlalala "Oh La La La... oh la la la!!" pain "Jump around!!!" para "Para pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!!!" sera "Que sera sera sera!!!" scatman "Pi pa pa para po..." sexy "Damn it's a sexy fish!!!" tictac "Ich Find Dich Scheisse..." skully "Begging... begging Put your loving hand out, baby!!!" thunder "ACDC - Thunderstruck" u2 "Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhh...!!!" banzai "BANZAAIIIiiiiii..." banzai2 "BANZAIIIII!!! BANZAIIIII!!!" batman "Batman!!! Batman nanananana!!!" crybb "is crying...!!!" cryhome "Don't cry here ok!!!" cut "You can do it. Cut his f***ing head off!!!" duke1 "My guns bigger then yours!!!" duke2 "Damn I'm Good!!!" duke3 "What a pussy!!!" duke4 "I got balls of steel!!!" falling "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" farted "Who the f### farted!!!" f***you "Who the F### are you?!!!" halle "Haaaaaaaallelujah..." boom "BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT..." lesbian "I'm sooo lesbian right now!!!" jeffa "Oh Jeff fa fa oh jeff fa fa..." lag "think LAG LAG LAG LAGI!!!" laugh1 "HAHAHAHA hahahahaaaaa..." laugh2 "HOHAHAHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaa..." laugh3 "Huhuhuhuhuh hahahahaha..." laugh4 "HEHEHEHE huh huh huh hahahahaaaaaa!!" laugh5 "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Wunderbar..." loveyou "I Love You!!!" mendoza "MENDOOOZZZAAAAAAAAA!!!" ninja "Go ninja Go ninja go...!!" pika1 "PiiiKaaachuuuuu!" pika2 "PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" nice "Nice shooting man!!" stfu "SHUT THE F### UP!!!" stfu2 "Is it possible for you!!! to shut the f### up for 10 seconds!!!" teams "TEAMS A#######!!!" thunderc "-T-H-U-N-D-E-R-C-U-N-T->" wawa "Wawawa... wawawaaa!!!" wazup "WAZZUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!" saygn "Say good night to the bad guy!!!" balls "All I have in this world is my balls and my word..." break "Oh I'm Sorry-Did I Break Your Concentration?" game "I don't play this game!!!" godzila "is happy" goodm "GOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!" goodn "Goooooood night ladies!!!" man "Who's the man? huh! who's the man?!!" next1 "Just Don't kill me... please!!!" next2 "Say another mother f###ing word and this shit is over!!" next3 "Who lock the f###ing door! huh!!" wars1 "You Don't know the power of the dark side!!" wars2 "Don't failed me again!!!" wars3 "I am your father!!!" who "Who the F### said that?!!" baska2 "Ra Ra-ah-ah-ah...Roma Roma-ma...GaGa Oh la-la!!" baska3 "I want your love and All your lover’s revenge..." baska4 "I can't wait to see you again!!!" baska5 "Girls, they wanna have fun!!!" breath "Take my breath away!" chacha "Everybody in the party do the cha cha!!" clothes "we don't have to take our clothes off!!" confession "I got a confession?!!" dontstop "Don't stop, make it pop. DJ, blow my speakers up!!" hot "Fly like you do it.. like you're you do it..!" jack "Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left!" puerto "Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai Puerto Rico!!" whoyou "Come on now!!"
We are happy to announce our new STAFF member @!MX On behalf of the FA management, we want to congratulate you and thank you. Trustful , dedicated and always taking care of others- You have been so helpful over the years on many ways - [and also a good friend 😄] Thank you for the work you provided for FA . Congratulations!
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Hey everyone, so on JAY1, a little something I noticed. As you probably know, I love sniping and sometimes, when I find a good spot, I can kill a lot of people before dying but one nice thing on the server is that you start with 10/150 sniper ammo which is awesome because you can stay in your spot for a very long time and kill a lot of noobs worthy enemies. However, if I die and go back to the same spot, I often accidentally pick up the remains of my sniper and find myself with only 10/40 bullets which is often not enough. Of course I wrote a little script to bypass this little inconvenience: set autoactivate vstr autoactivate1 set autoactivate1 "cg_autoactivate 0 ; echo ^1autoactivate 0; set autoactivate vstr autoactivate2" set autoactivate2 "cg_autoactivate 1 ; echo ^1autoactivate 1; set autoactivate vstr autoactivate1" bind w "vstr autoactivate" But I often forget about it, forget which key I should use and since it's circumstancial at best, it's not that big of a deal but I was wondering if there could be an easy fix so that if you walk on a floor weapon, your ammo count doesn't suddenly drop. A fix may benefit more players because it happens with every weapon and especially SMG: as a medic, one spawns with 30/150 bullets and when one walks on a floor SMG, one's bullet count drops to 30/120 which isn't as annoying as with the sniper but can still be detrimental in the long term. And the whole thing does not make a lot of sense anyway since you should not find yourself with less ammo after picking ammo on the ground... 😛 Anyway, tell me wether it's just not important enough (which I would understand) or it can be tweaked so that the bullet count doesn't drop too much at all. Regards, RASHOMON e: maybe there's a more suited forum section where I should post this....
ET Server ET - Jay1, Jay2, Silent and HC - Network maintenance
daredevil posted a topic in Site Announcements
Received notification from datacenter. Sharing in case if players, notice the issue.- 1 reply
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I am creating a 420 mod. I have the main menu and loading screen done but im just lacking knowledge in how to make skins for players and custom weapons like a blunt or bong for a knife. Any advice is highly appreciated. Might catch me on F|A Jay2
Dear ETPlayers, regulars and members The Fearless-Assassins community is proud to present you our new =F|A= |CLASSIC OLD MAPS| SERVER FF off No Adrenaline No double jump Original weapons Classic maps JOIN THE FUN! /connect or /connect Enjoy Original 6 + 4 classics Original 6: Battery Railgun Oasis Goldrush Radar Fueldump Extra 4: Frostbite Special Delivery_TE Supply Depot Adlernest
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We will start updating again NQ #1 stats. Some automation will be required to clean up old stats. Will be fixing soon stats for silent #1, HC and beginners #2.
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It seems like ET master list is being used to force players to redirect to certain servers. Please use below patch if you use 2.6b: It will support both 2.6b and ETPRO. Thanks
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Hello! I hope this is the right category! I don't remember exactly when I started to play ET, but one of the first servers where i played was called something like "Pandoras Box". I'm looking for someone who would remember server and the clan. I'm not sure but clan tag maybe was "RWG" or something like that. I would like to find old playmates, but don't remember any names 🙄
I have high ping, poor network connection, northern Australia, told him this many times, useless tool thinks somehow there is an advantage to having a high ping, somehow, my kill rate of 5 to 15 per game reflects this to this dumbkopf. All the other mods shut up about it, I asked one of them to let the others know, maybe he did maybe he didn't, maybe somebody could let easy know how the internets work, so he can shut his mouth and play the game, thats why we are all here no? Sick of dealing with this guy Other mods you can ask about this, redbeard, invader, some more I talked to, cant remember their names.
Hi Five! From french Canadian player, Where should I got to apply for admin control for server (ET) FA Silent Recruiting XPS ( I had an invitation from FA Nancy player. Thanks
Back on public demand - ETPRO servers - are coming back online again. Their are some security issues with Trackbase ET 3.00 windows binaries resulting in DDoS from our servers to other random sites. So while we worked on the patch - we had to shutdown ETPRO servers for a while. We don't believe in screwing anyone else actively or passively and that's why we took the step to shutdown the servers while work on the new patch. For now we are running default ET 2.6b binaries and not ET binaries from Trackbase. Here is server info - ETPRO Public Obj Server - /connect We will be adding more ETPRO and Scrim servers by this weekend. They will be available in US and GE location. Their is an on going effort to promote ETPro and we will try to help as far as we can.
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In the last few weeks we have made enormous development to show gaming player stats for few servers. For now we are supporting NQ and silEnT mod servers. In the future we plan to give gift cards for xx amount once you have claimed certain amount of awards. We will soon start to give monthly awards to the players who have achieved rank #1 in certain weapons and/or leader-board. We also soon plan to add dynamic awards based on your game play and those dynamic awards will show up on your stats page. As of now your stats profile photo is generated dynamically based on your last class selection! To get future updates, follow this topic and to check current updates, please visit below link - 1. =F|A= HARDCORE XPS 2. =F|A= SILENT RECRUITING XPS 3. =F|A= BEGINNERS #2 XPS 4. =F|A= NoQ #1 XPS Soon we will be adding gaming stats for Jaymod, ETL and ETPRO servers. We also have updated forum so that you can put your player ID in your profile. How to do it? Go to stats page and open your profile. For example - =F|A= SleeStak / server - =F|A= SILENT RECRUITING XPS - his profile ID is 25. Now you can grab the ID and put the ID in your forum profile page under Account Settings. I have attached screenshot on how to do it. So now any user who will click on that ID - will be able to open up your gaming stats profile page for that server. In future - based on your GUID submission, will be able to auto populate your K/D and other stats. But off course, we have a long way to go their. Please share this topic with your gaming friends! If any of you has any feedback, please feel free to share.
ET Server NoQuarter 1 stats - Much detailed compared to just K/D
daredevil posted a topic in Site Announcements
Hello All, We have re-worked on NQ1 stats and made it much faster compare to before. Their is still a lot to be done but we have reached to the point where we can use it - We will be starting new stats for silent mod soon as well and same for jaymod servers. It's going to have different look and feel compare to NQ ones. Will also add stats for NQ2 soon. As Paul from Trackbase have decided not to fix security issues in Windows ET 3.00 versions, which are really worse, we will be replacing stats to our own system slowly. Please report any issues, here and we will gladly look into it, ASAP. We will be removing old data every 2 weeks. So every midnight - we will update the stats. For silent mod it might be instant! Stay tuned! Thank you- 10 replies
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Greetings summoners, nvm scratch that, we are still at our beloved game ET and it seems it's recent activity has brought up quite some familiar faces back to the scene again. Recent RTCW cup has been quite successful, so we thought why not making something similiar to ET, Sebhes has done the first step of creating ETernity cup, but since it's still a bit of time to play it, we decided to prepare something for all the enthusiasts to test their rusy skills on the battlefield again. I would like to kindly invite those who are not yet part of our Discord channel to join us, as it seems Discord is picking where IRC left, proper place to gather (yes, ET gather, same as we used to have once upon a time on IRC), meet new and old faces, have fun enjoying daily scrims, currently there are around 350 players and more are joining each given day. So if you feel you want to enjoy old memories again, play daily 3on3 or 6on6 scrims, dont hesitate to join us and experience all those memories again! Recent ET survey has given a lot of feedback and perfect opportunity to see just how many players are actually standing behind their votes, so this is your chance to enjoy our beloved game yet again and have fun doing it along with your mates. I present to you hopefully one of the many one day cups to come in near future. ET Ultimate Weekly #1 6on6 ODC Cup date and time: Sunday, 20th of January, 20:00 CET (GMT +1) Team format: 6on6 Signups till 19:50 CET (GMT +1) Check-in start from 19:30 till 19:55 CET (GMT +1) Click here to sign up! Additional information: Broadcast: Yes Shoutcast: No Each team captain needs to join Our discord channel and PM me to be given appropriate role. Schedule for the ET Ultimate Weekly #1 6on6 ODC is: Round 1: radar Round 2: sw_goldrush_te Semi Final: Supply, loser of first map selects second map Grand Final: Both teams pick a map from the mappool - In case of 8 teams or less, round 2 will be removed. The mappool for the ET United ODC is: Adlernest Bremen_b3 Frostbite Karsiah_te Missile_b3 Radar Supply Sw_goldrush_te Admins: Aniky ScoOf Sebhes If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact an admin. Contact: Join our discord here
We are live with the player stats for =F|A= SILENT RECRUITING XPS. We will enhance current stats in next few weeks and add more features to it once we are done working on Jaymod stats. Jaymod stats is next priority. For NQ1 - we are already live with the stats but we will be completely re-doing NQ1 stats once we are done with Jaymod stats. To play on silent mod server - type below in console - /connect Stats URL - Feel free to suggest, ideas and provide feedback. We will be adding graphs for your K/D over the past 2 weeks, top fragger, etc etc. We will also tuning for performance from database size once we hit bottle neck and once we have sufficient data. Over the period we will make it sustainable for longer period of time. Stats are live and max delay would be 5 to 15 min for now for silent mod servers. silent1 is first one to get it. Next in line is Beginners #2 and Hardcore. We will be tweaking time delay once we have more data to play around to strike the balance between performance and live data. For NQ #1 server - /connect Stats URL - For Hardcore Server - /connect Stats URL -
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About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.