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  1. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones! Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2021. As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2021 (#TBMOTY21) The voting is going to end with the year, so no more votes will be counted after 2021-12-31 23:59:59 (UTC+1). Please vote for your Map Of The Year 2021 and enjoy the holidays with your friends and family! Sincerely and with best regards, The TrackBase Team
  2. Hello TrackBase community! As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2021 As you might already know from last year, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones. So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we want to elect the "Map Of The Year 2021" (MOTY21). How can I participate? You can post your most favorite map in this thread. Don't be afraid of posting if someone already posted that map, since we want to pre-elect the most voted maps on the forum and will start another, final voting after Chistmas Eve. How long do I have time? The pre-voting phase starts now and ends at 24-12-21 23:59:59 UTC+1. Posts after that won't be counted. I don't have a TB account but still want to participate. How can I do that? Well, since not all of you may have a TB account, we wanted to give you a chance to vote as well. We're posting on our Facebook & Twitter page about this as well. With the hashtag #TBMOTY21Pre you can participate. Just name the map in your post and add the hashtag. Why should I participate? Well, since that's a serious question, here's a quick and teasing answer: Just as last year, we're giving away 2x 150 TBP (1x pre-vote, 1x final vote) for two lucky randomly-picked winners. I thank you in advance for your help finding the most loved map of 2021! /The TrackBase Team
  3. You are correct. ETMASTER.NET is developed & hosted by TrackBase. It was indeed hosted on a different server back in the days when the issue arose for the first time. We were unaware that the service had stopped on our server but have restarted it as soon as the issues with ID Software came up again. This is the reason why the same file still works but did not work for a day until we adressed the different IP in our code. Sometimes problems are only seen and reported once people rely on it as the only option. ETmaster.net is a secure alternative to the standard ET Master Server by ID Software. They had issues with their servers in Texas, because of extreme winter weather there. Make sure to keep etmaster.net in your server config as your alternative master server provider. /JoNny
  4. A new PHP package has been released by TrackBase. Anyone who wants to fetch data from TrackBase but did have problems with cURL requests, we got you. With the new library you can now make API calls with just two lines of code. All necessary information is placed inside the README file and you can easily integrate it in your project with composer or a manual autoloader. Check it out at: https://github.com/trackbasenet/dev-api Disclaimer: A developer account is required for making API calls. It is free and can be registered at https://developers.trackbase.net/
  5. Thank you! @daredevil @rambozo37
  6. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones! Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2020. As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2020 (#TBMOTY20) The voting is going to end with the year, so no more votes will be counted after 2020-12-31 23:59:59 (UTC+1). Please vote for your Map Of The Year 2020 and enjoy the holidays with your friends and family! Sincerely and with best regards, The TrackBase Team
  7. Hello TrackBase community! As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2020 As you might already know from 2018, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones. So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we want to elect the "Map Of The Year 2020" (MOTY20). How can I participate? You can post your most favorite map in this thread. Don't be afraid of posting if someone already posted that map, since we want to pre-elect the most voted maps on the forum and will start another, final voting in two weeks. How long do I have time? The pre-voting phase starts now and ends at 24-12-20 23:59:59 UTC+1. Posts after that won't be counted. I don't have a TB account but still want to participate. How can I do that? Well, since not all of you may have a TB account, we wanted to give you a chance to vote as well. We're posting on our Facebook & Twitter page about this as well. With the hashtag #TBMOTY20Pre you can participate. Just name the map in your post and add the hashtag. Why should I participate? Well, since that's a serious question, here's a quick and teasing answer: Just as last year, we're giving away 2x 150 TBP (1x pre-vote, 1x final vote) for two lucky randomly-picked winners. I thank you in advance for your help finding the most loved map of 2020! /The TrackBase Team ORIGINAL POST: https://bit.ly/TBMOTY20Pre
  8. JoNny

    ET Jay #1 Bots on Jay1

    I think the main reason for (the high number of) bots on Jay#1 is to show a decent number of players in the (ET Internal) Server List. This makes it look not empty. To satisfy the OP's request and the idea from FA, a solution to it could be to let them connect but stay in SPEC. P.S.: I feel the argument, high number of bots in spawn is annoying. I'm already annoyed by players too slow to move out of the spawn sometimes 😄 /JoNny
  9. Arta Beta 1 out - frame drops like hell Glider 3.0.2 please check the amount of players. Makes no sense to play this big map with less than 32 players. /JoNny
  10. So, I had the great pleasure to play 30mins of ammodept today. What. The. F*ck. Do you guys even test your maps out before installing them? I've honestly never seen a map that would benefit one side more than the other. This session lost so many players due to the unfair structure of the map. Additionally, the map is not beneficial for your fps. Mine dropped by 66%. Another map where I experience big fps drops was breakout2. Please consider removing ammodepot asap. Do it for the players' fun when playing this game. /JoNny
  11. Dear members, guests and tracking enthusiasts, TrackBase is becoming 10 years old today. Paul van der Knaap had published TrackBase as a better tracking alternative on 10th October 2010. A lot has changed since then - except for one: Our love to Enemy Territory and FarCry, and TrackBase of course! 😄 Following changes have been implemented: [ET] Changed the clan ranking method: The rating from all players is taken into account now. [ET] Support for Server URLs has been added. Any server that has .URL filled will feature this url on it server page [ET] Levelshots and Command Maps can now be clicked, the image will open enlarged. [ET] Clan logging has been extended! A lot more actions are now being logged, so abuse is no more option and can always be tracked. [ET] On user request: Map ownership for map creators. Any map publisher may now request ownership over their map. This comes with the feature of being able to edit all the map details and be able to upload new versions that will be published after a review. Go here to see your map ownerships. [ET] An overhaul to the home page. You can see more relevant information to you now on the top (right). Polls and video suggestions have been moved down. You can now switch between the ranklist and TSP toplist. Your favorite server now updates information, so you don't have to refresh and can get the latest player or map information right away. [ET] Introducing "Clan of the day": Every day we are calculating a new clan of the day. This feature is intended to support smaller clans that might not get to the toplist. With a little bit of luck, your clan can be "Clan of the day (COTD)", too. [ET] Not just your home page updates in the background. Also the server information page has been updated accordingly. You won't have to refresh anymore. Additionally, average ping and the NxAC flag has been added. Server monitor URL, server signature URL and server shortcut URL can now be copied to the clipboard with a single click. Also, all servers that have a shortcut will now be linked all over TrackBase with it. No more IDs to remember. Server usage charts have been fixed. [ET] Removed random and best maps when a search is performed. Also you can now re-order the search by your wishes. A few more details are now shown right away. You can vote for a map right from your search. [ET] On user request: Removed the requirement for a minimum of 3 characters when "exact playername" is checked. Also, all results are now shown in a paginated view. You can additionally re-order by your choice. TSP rate and rank has been added to the results. [ET] Since the serverlist and server overview are the most used pages on TrackBase, searching for a server has now also gotten a lot easier. A few more filters have been added. And you can re-order by your choice. [FC] Added the video filebase on popular request. You can submit new YouTube videos for your filebase now. [FC] Fixed a long lasting bug that would not calculcate the awards every day. Now you can at all times see a new award winner! .. and many more bug fixes and stability improvements. Additionally, since TrackBase just turned 10 YEARS today, we were working on more user requests and FOUR new platforms that, however, didn't make it until today. We're working hard to finish them up and roll them out until the end of the year. These are: TrackBase Dashboard - This will be your new starting point where all relevant information will be available, and more. TrackBase Support - This will be a new central place for all support related topics. FAQ, Forms and Tickets included. TrackBase Matches - This will be interesting for all teams that want to play competitively. For all games. Create your team, search for and invite members, find and play matches and see your win statistics. All in one place. TrackBase Statistics - This will be a rather small informational site for all statistics nerds that would like to know more about the data TrackBase is gathering. At last, I want to thank you - our users - for your continued support in TrackBase. Thanks also to all people suggesting features and reporting bugs. Thanks to our beta testers, our premium members and current and past TrackBase staff. It wouldn't have been possible without each and everyone of you! Thank YOU! Finally, I'm gonna impersonate Bernie Sanders and... Please consider supporting TrackBase through a donation, if you love what we are doing! P.S. If you didn't find the feature you were hoping for or have already requested, then don't hesitate to join our Discord server and contact us. We are already working on other already-requested features that didn't make it in time of todays launch. Sincerely, JoNny and the whole TrackBase Team.
  12. Imagine paying thousands of dollars but still sucking every night.. 😜 Impressive! 😌 /JoNny
  13. I get the point you're trying to make. Yet all I have to say about it is: It must be that simple. Members become admins and receive privileges & permissions for a reason: to use them. Yes, there are players that would go mad upon moving them. That's either VTR (or similar players) or a rater (-like person) that has a good game and you move that guy. But: what's the difference between a script moving players and an admin doing it? None. Those players would still go mad and most likely don't even know there's a script behind all that logic. In the end, using scripts should not be visible, yet actions taken explained carefully so everyone gets to understand it. So why not use a script then? Because the script would still choose players randomly. As you mentioned, there's players that would go mad about it. So? An admin could see if there's potential players willing to move. You addressed it, it could be done via pm or just calling that guy out - or just asking politely into the public chat. There's also the option to swap the teams yourself, an admin should ever be a good example, yet they should not suffer from their status, having to swap all the time. To cut this short: Admins really have to use their permissions and move people. What other reason would they have the permissions for? If there's players going mad about it: Report them internally, warn them and also explain why they were chosen. (Just don't get into a discussion.) There's always a downside to things. But eventually you would help a lot more players (a whole team to be exact) to retain their fun. And keep in mind: It's not you who made the rules and who made you move players. It's a basic rule and if players want to complain, redirect them to the homepage or contact form and they should complain about the rule to the people who made them - not to you, who enforced them. /JoNny
  14. I totally agree with you! A script would never do the job and not get close to how a human could see and manage things. As you said, there's too many unknown variables that need to be taken into account, otherwise it's going to be a "It's unfair!" every 30 seconds even though it's balanced. Of course there's more to just scores. There's the player count and who is in which team. Do good players switch teams mid-game or maybe disconnect? Is a really good player just connecting where you know he's gonna fix the scores in a moment if that player joins the right team. The only solution that I would see is to add a single bot to the better team so that there is always an enforcement in having to choose that one team. Yet, you could easily fool this as the bot would then disconnect and you could then join the other team. Therefore it is vital to have members or regulars with a basic game sense on the server. They don't have to be in spec or whatsoever. All they would need to do is: Check /scores or teams from time to time Call for "even teams" whenever he KNOWS things WILL go down (IMPORTANT: This could even be anticipated 2 mins into the game. I have heard of admins: Teams are fair, check /scores (for example 38/28) after 2 mins but with 9/6 or so at that time) Being confident enough to either use enforcment (!putteam) or join the other team themselves (if they are in the better one) Unfortunately it has become quite popular to do just NOTHING. Some wait for the next map to do something about it. Some call out for teams but don't follow the third point. Some don't do anything. I'm not saying nobody is doing a good job here. Of course a few would also act properly. Yet I have had to experience some unfair situations in which admins were not caring about the situation. The simple consequence is players leaving or being frustrated. Shuffling on the nextmap won't help anymore once everyone disconnected. A script would possibly be useful to identify possible issues regarding fairness and point them out to everyone or just admins, especially tailored for new players or admins that have not yet gained enough experience to differ complex situations or don't know the skill of some players. TL;DR: Script could only ever be a fancy add-on. The ultimate server management / handling of unfair situations will have to be done by commited members and admins. /JoNny
  15. Dear community, Today I am announcing to you our beta program. TrackBase is seeking users and enthusiasts of its platform and supported games to join together in a team where new ideas will be brought up, discussed and realized. I encourage you all to think of something that you would like to see on TrackBase or report things that shouldn't be kept in future versions. As we are approaching our ten-year-anniversary we as TrackBase want to give back to all the users of our platforms who are still active after all those years. What do you need to do? Join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/dah6x4h and/or text JoNny directly via JoNny#4423 Visit our forums and create a thread in the relevant forum: TrackBase Bugs, Feedback & Feature requests Contact us via pm or email I am looking forward to hearing your ideas and feedback from you! JoNny & The TrackBase Team
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