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Name: Brian


Nickname: Natchos


Age: 23


Country: Mexican mother, German father, born in France, living in Belgium.


Are you a parent? Nope.


How many siblings do you have? 2 Bros


What's your shoe size? 43


What do you do for a living? Doing my master's degree in Marketing


Greatest fear? Spiders, I hate spiders.


Most exciting thing you've done? Road trip in the USA


Most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Peeing myself while beeing drunk


First thing you look for in a new friend? His house


Farthest you've been from home? USA


What brought you to the FA servers/forum? Great atmosphere :)




Cat or dog? Dog


What are your hobbies? Playing American Football since 7 years now.


What kind of sports do you like? Soccer, american football


What's your favorite color? Green


How about your favorite type of music? Hip/hop and House music


Favorite song? Have to many!!


What's your favorite tv show? That's 70s Show


What kind of movies do you like? Comedy


Favorite movie? Fast and furious


What makes you happy? Going out with my friends


What makes you sad? The terrorist Attack in Brussels


What is your favorite drink? Corona Extra


What is your favorite food? Tacos


Favorite actor? Sophia Vergara, so damn hot


What are the 3 best games of all time? Fifa, ET, GTA


Do you play console? PS3/PS4


What Platform is what happens most of your game? PS3


What is your favorite website? Facebook


I think that's it!







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Heeey there Brian, good to see you on forums!
Welcome and enjoy yourself :)


Heya Brian, :welcome to the forums


Greetings fellow FG42 player, enjoy your times on the forums ^_^

:welcome Hi Brian! Hope you will enjoy here on forum and on FA servers.

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