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Anime/Manga Recommendations

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I thought I should start an Anime/Manga Recommendations topic since I cannot seem to find one. Although I hope they can create a sub section for us in this forum since there are a lot of things to discuss about for anime fans.


I think I should start this topic by listing my own favourite anime genres. Admittedly, I love romance animes so most of the animes I watch have romance even if it is not obvious. :)


My favourite anime genres:





Ecchi (It is embarrassing but...)


MyAnimeList: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/blackknight8653


Do you have any good animes to recommend? :)


Don't be shy. Zelly, Meow, Heretic121, RedAngel, Dest!ny, and the rest. Share your recommendations and your favorite genres. This way members with similar genres can share their recommendations with each other. :)

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Was never a big anime fan, but does "everything by Studio Ghibli" count as a genre?  ^_^

I really like the old classics, not counting any Ghibli: Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Wings of Honneamise, Golgo 13, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Fist of the North Star.

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My favourite anime genres:





Zetsuen no Tempest



My favourite anime genres:


Ecchi (It is embarrassing but...)



To Love-Ru. First season is kinda meh, but after that it's a lot better.

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I thought I should start an Anime/Manga Recommendations topic since I cannot seem to find one. Although I hope they can create a sub section for us in this forum since there are a lot of things to discuss about for anime fans.


I think I should start this topic by listing my own favourite anime genres. Admittedly, I love romance animes so most of the animes I watch have romance even if it is not obvious. :)


My favourite anime genres:





Ecchi (It is embarrassing but...)


You can find MyAnimeList in my profile.


Do you have any good animes to recommend? 


Don't be shy. Zelly, Meow, Heretic121, RedAngel, Dest!ny, and the rest. Share your recommendations and your favorite genres. This way members with similar genres can share their recommendations with each other. 


Yesssss thanks for starting this thread! Maybe we should all put our MAL in here as well? If that's the case, mine is here: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/AugustHorch0


For not only you (blackknight), but for everyone wondering, check out the following shows I really enjoyed:

For romance, definitely check out:

Nisekoi (currently watching, loads of fun) - lots of comedy, harem (though don't let that stop you from watching)

Chobits - lots of comedy, slight ecchi in the beginning, you may not enjoy the premise depending on the person

Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions - romcom between two younger people who are struggling to grow up, very heart-warming

Clannad + Clannad After Story - One of the most cherished of its genre, watch this if you like romance at all!!!! Go though the first season whether you like it a lot or not. To be honest, the first season is good, but the second season is where the show gets its praise. 

ef: A Tale of Memories then ef: A Tale of Melodies - very serious romance, but great story and characters

One Week Friends - Insanely sad premise, but very heart-warming romcom of a boy trying to help a girl, even though she loses her memories of him every week. Highly recommended. 

Plastic Memories - Please, please, please watch this!!!! One of the most well-crafted and beautiful stories I've ever heard (and my personal favorite), with realistic and lovable characters and a truly unique premise. Listed as sci-fi, but treated as a romcom (and a darn good one at that). I mean, look at this smile! http://blog-imgs-64.fc2.com/y/a/r/yaraon/qlF9BwH.gif

The Pet girl of Sakurasou - again, great romcom and one of the most highly rated ones. Check it out, definitely one of my favorites as well! 

Toradora! - To be honest, I liked this show quite a bit, but not to the extent the internet seems to love it. Great story, check it out! 

White Album 2 - "realistic" romance. If you're tired of how you think romance stories should go, then give this a try. I hated the ending, though others loved it. 

Your Lie in April - Story of a girl rekindling the love of music in a boy after the tragic loss of a family member. Easily one of the most beautiful stories in existence, and a true, true masterpiece. Watch it, then let me know what you think! Stunning visuals ahead: https://38.media.tumblr.com/9060cffb1646400f643ea86a61fc2f6e/tumblr_nn2a54vn5V1urgg6bo2_500.gif




Ecchi (because c'mon, these are really funny):

Absolute Duo - not the greatest story ever, but has its fill of action (actual action, not "action" :P)! 

Infinite Stratos - Harem with an AWFUL mc, but really enjoyable for the mech fights 

Is This a Zombie? - give it a try, though BE WARNED, it is INSANELY weird! One of my personal favorites, though! 

Heaven's Lost Property - my gateway to anime, and one of my absolute favorites! WAAAAAAY out there story with the most memorable first episode ever, has its fill of tender and loving moments, lots of comedy, and plenty of action. Watch it!!!! https://i.imgur.com/JqhnY.gif




Other favorites of mine:

Angel Beats! - My second favorite of all time, it's a show that WILL make you experience the extreme of every emotion. Wonderful characters with lots of truly fantastic moments of people overcoming the struggle of survival. HIGHLY recommended. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130806134927/angelbeats/images/0/06/Angel_Beats!_Yui.gif

AnoHana - very tragic story of a girl who died at a young age and her friend that continue to see her ghost. Sad story, 10/10 will feel again. 

Another - labeled as a "horror", and I was definitely horrified. I don't want to tell you too much, but you shouldn't judge until you've seen past episode 3. 

D-Frag! - hilarious comedy about crazy high school students and one sane one struggling to get along. I really enjoyed! 

K-On! - Most famous moe Slice of Life show, really cute story and tons of enjoyable characters 

Non Non Biyori - will heal any wounds. Give it a watch and try not to smile, I dare you. 

Madoka Magica - One of the most highly acclaimed stories in anime, this show is NOT what it seems. I don't want to spoil a single thing, but this is NOT your typical "magical girls" anime and it is NOT for kids!!!! You should not judge until you've seen past episode 3. https://i.imgur.com/gdtPoKN.gif




Anyway, I have more recommendations, but this took waaaay too long to type, so I'll update later :P  All of the shows in large letters are my favorites, please give them a try and let me know if you liked them too! 




EDIT starts here: 

Continuing with one of my favorite genres, Slice of Life:

If you didn't see above, try out K-On! and Non Non Biyori! More to follow:

Is the Order a Rabbit? - Cute show about a few girls running a coffee shop, getting a second season this fall! If you're on the fence, check out this clip, you'll want to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccsGw5HuBaA

Student Council's Discretion - Comedy Slice of Life about students in the student council and the crazy conversations they have everyday. The male lead is the only guy in the council and he think the girls there are his harem! Very funny show, but it's recommended that you see other shows first in order to get the references to other popular anime. 

Usagi Drop - An adult takes on the role of caretaker of a chile when his relative passes away and so he must grow up in his own way to raise this little girl. Insanely heart-warming story that will typically be loved by the older audience who has gone through the same thing. AVOID MANGA SPOILERS AT ALL COSTS. 

WataMote - Holy crap, the cringe. Have you ever though, "man, I'm a nerd, but at least I have some good qualities..."? Watch this, you'll feel better about yourself. Truly cringeworty, but absolutely hilarious! Most people can't get past the first few episodes, can you?

Yuru Yuri - My personal favorite Slice of Life, this is about a group of.... well... gosh, how do I put this.... it's a group of girls with very "out there" personalities living everyday life. A story with no main character (https://i.imgur.com/1O6at.gif) and plenty of laughs, how can you not like it! https://i.imgur.com/t3M3v.gif seriously though, you're probably going to be weirded out by this show, but hey, I liked it hahaha 



More randoms that people may enjoy:

Girls und Panzer - Have you ever wished that you could drive a tank and use it in combat without any fear of getting in trouble or hurting somebody else? Welcome to this world where girls must fight in tanks against other schools, but nobody gets hurt! Check out this gif, you may enjoy: https://i.imgur.com/DDEPh7k.gif

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Despite the name, this is no party! A group of students is transported to a world where nobody can escape, and only torture is on the road ahead. Absolutely the most horrifying thing I've ever seen with tons of gore, lots of terrifying moments, and I never want to see it again. Awful story, but hey, the scare tactics worked on me and others enjoyed it. 

Ghost Stories - What happens when a kids show gets sent to America for a dub, but they don't send a script? They make it the most hilarious thing ever, of course! Watch the dub, the sub is just a crappy kids show. 

Hyouka - Labeled as a good romance, but good luck trying to find any conclusive romance in this show. It's better once you think of it as a detective show Slice of Life rather than a romance. 

Kokoro Connect - What happens when an entity takes complete control of a group of students lives? How much can you ruin some person's life before it becomes unbearable? Beware, this show has only one season because of a stupid thing done by some of the actors, but the one season is pretty darn good. Fantastic first arc, imo. 

Nagi no Asukara - I really can't describe the story too well, but know that even if people raised underwater trying to get along with surface-dwellers doesn't appeal too much, the visuals are FANTASTIC. 

SYD - Innuendo after innuendo, I promise you'll never want to make a dirty joke after this again. Hilarious, but weird. 



Shows I'm currently watching that I'd like to recommend regardless of incomplete status:

Aldnoah.Zero - Got to watch the first three episodes at the dub premier at Otakon, and I was BLOWN AWAY. Once the rest of the dub releases for streaming, I can't wait to marathon this. Very action-y and has a fantastic plot. If you like action, you will love this show (from the first 3 episodes, at least). 

Nichijou - I watch an episode or two of this every once in a while, just like it's meant to be watched. Comedy, Slice of Life, very funny, but as far as I can tell, no real story! Great for laughs, just don't expect to marathon. 

No Game No Life - Like Aldnoah.Zero, I got to see the english dub premier of the beginning episodes at Otakon, so I'm currently awaiting the rest to reveal before I marathon it! One of the most interesting plots I've ever seen, and as gamers I promise you all may be able to relate! Give this one a try, it's very highly acclaimed! 



As for the rest of the shows on my list, I liked them all, but struggle to recommend them to general masses. A lot required a special state of mind. 



Another EDIT, added some gifs 

Edited by ronaldounit0
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I was never that big into anime, but I always liked the horror/supernatural style anime like Hellsing or Deathnote

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here's my MAL profile http://myanimelist.net/profile/meowesti , feel free to add me as a friend.


I have, at the time writing this, 179 completed anime. (TV series, movies, OVAs, specials, etc).


First, here is my Top 5 (You can find it on my MAL profile):


1 - Steins;Gate http://myanimelist.net/anime/9253/Steins;Gate

2 - Fate/Zero http://myanimelist.net/anime/10087/Fate_Zero

3 - No Game No Life http://myanimelist.net/anime/19815/No_Game_No_Life

4 - Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji http://myanimelist.net/anime/3002/Gyakkyou_Burai_Kaiji:_Ultimate_Survivor

5 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann http://myanimelist.net/anime/2001/Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann



Alright now I'll break down my favorites into genres!



- Steins;Gate http://myanimelist.net/anime/9253/Steins;Gate

- Sakasama no Patema http://myanimelist.net/anime/12477/Sakasama_no_Patema

- Death Note http://myanimelist.net/anime/1535/Death_Note

- Ghost in the Shell http://myanimelist.net/anime/43/Ghost_in_the_Shell

- Zankyou no Terror http://myanimelist.net/anime/23283/Zankyou_no_Terror



- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann http://myanimelist.net/anime/2001/Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann

- Code Geass http://myanimelist.net/anime/1575/Code_Geass:_Hangyaku_no_Lelouch



- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji http://myanimelist.net/anime/3002/Gyakkyou_Burai_Kaiji:_Ultimate_Survivor

- One Outs http://myanimelist.net/anime/5040/One_Outs

- Death Parade http://myanimelist.net/anime/28223/Death_Parade



- Fate/Zero http://myanimelist.net/anime/10087/Fate_Zero

- Fate/Stay night http://myanimelist.net/anime/356/Fate_stay_night OR http://myanimelist.net/anime/22297/Fate_stay_night:_Unlimited_Blade_Works_%28TV%29

- No Game No Life http://myanimelist.net/anime/19815/No_Game_No_Life

- Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) http://myanimelist.net/anime/16498/Shingeki_no_Kyojin

- Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis http://myanimelist.net/anime/21843/Shingeki_no_Bahamut:_Genesis

- Akame ga Kill http://myanimelist.net/anime/22199/Akame_ga_Kill!

- Log Horizon http://myanimelist.net/anime/17265/Log_Horizon

- Sword Art Online http://myanimelist.net/anime/11757/Sword_Art_Online



- Black Lagoon http://myanimelist.net/anime/889/Black_Lagoon

- Kill la Kill http://myanimelist.net/anime/18679/Kill_la_Kill

- Canaan http://myanimelist.net/anime/5356/Canaan

- Requiem for the Phantom http://myanimelist.net/anime/5682/Phantom:_Requiem_for_the_Phantom



- Zetsuen no Tempest http://myanimelist.net/anime/14075/Zetsuen_no_Tempest

- Kara no Kyoukai http://myanimelist.net/anime/2593/Kara_no_Kyoukai_1:_Fukan_Fuukei

- Mirai Nikki http://myanimelist.net/anime/10620/Mirai_Nikki_%28TV%29

- Durarara http://myanimelist.net/anime/6746/Durarara!!

- Guilty Crown http://myanimelist.net/anime/10793/Guilty_Crown



- Kiseijuu http://myanimelist.net/anime/22535/Kiseijuu:_Sei_no_Kakuritsu

- Another http://myanimelist.net/anime/11111/Another

- Elfen Lied http://myanimelist.net/anime/226/Elfen_Lied

- Shinsekai Yori http://myanimelist.net/anime/13125/Shinsekai_yori



- Nichijou http://myanimelist.net/anime/10165/Nichijou

- Amagi Brilliant Park http://myanimelist.net/anime/22147/Amagi_Brilliant_Park



- Kokoro Connect http://myanimelist.net/anime/11887/Kokoro_Connect

- Yamada-kun to 7nin no Majo http://myanimelist.net/anime/28677/Yamada-kun_to_7-nin_no_Majo_%28TV%29

- Angel Beats http://myanimelist.net/anime/6547/Angel_Beats!



- Highschool DxD http://myanimelist.net/anime/11617/High_School_DxD

- To Love-Ru http://myanimelist.net/anime/3455/To_LOVE-Ru

- Sekirei http://myanimelist.net/anime/4063/Sekirei

- Sora no Otoshimono http://myanimelist.net/anime/5958/Sora_no_Otoshimono

- Queen's Blade http://myanimelist.net/anime/4719/Queens_Blade:_Rurou_no_Senshi

- Highschool of the Dead http://myanimelist.net/anime/8074/Highschool_of_the_Dead

- Kore wa Zombie desu ka? http://myanimelist.net/anime/8841/Kore_wa_Zombie_Desu_ka


Well that's it for now :P I've seen more than this but I think this can help you find something interesting :D


Edit: I have not put alot of "Romance", but alot of these shows have Romance at some point!

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(Making us go all the way to ur profile to see ur MAL instead of just giving us link. HMPFF)


It says your watching akame ga kill finish that.


All I gotta say is watch Hunter x Hunter, it does not get enough love.





I'll just leave this here from /r/anime:



You might as well click it you can't read it here.

Single: https://i.imgur.com/iDj47Lx.png

Album: http://imgur.com/a/yyrny



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I'll just leave this here from /r/anime:


You might as well click it you can't read it here.

Single: https://i.imgur.com/iDj47Lx.png

Album: http://imgur.com/a/yyrny




Since we are a different site, we should give credit to /u/lukeatlook at r/anime for the flowchart you provided, found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/3fvf62/wip_recommendation_flowchart_feedback_request/


Just want to make sure the guy gets credit, it took a lot of work, it seems ^_^

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(Making us go all the way to ur profile to see ur MAL instead of just giving us link. HMPFF)


It says your watching akame ga kill finish that.


All I gotta say is watch Hunter x Hunter, it does not get enough love.





I'll just leave this here from /r/anime:



You might as well click it you can't read it here.

Single: https://i.imgur.com/iDj47Lx.png

Album: http://imgur.com/a/yyrny




Haha I am sorry I did not mean to :P I am just embarrassed about some of the animes I watched. I have edited my main post with a link to MyAnimeList. Thank you for the recommendations. I have not updated MyAnimeList as some I have completed watching or I am watching now but on MyAnimeList it is currently planned to watch.


Zetsuen no Tempest


To Love-Ru. First season is kinda meh, but after that it's a lot better.

Yesssss thanks for starting this thread! Maybe we should all put our MAL in here as well? If that's the case, mine is here: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/AugustHorch0


For not only you (blackknight), but for everyone wondering, check out the following shows I really enjoyed:

For romance, definitely check out:


Plastic Memories - Please, please, please watch this!!!! One of the most well-crafted and beautiful stories I've ever heard (and my personal favorite), with realistic and lovable characters and a truly unique premise. Listed as sci-fi, but treated as a romcom (and a darn good one at that). I mean, look at this smile! http://blog-imgs-64.fc2.com/y/a/r/yaraon/qlF9BwH.gif

Thank you for the recommendations Meow and ronaldounit0. I love Plastic Memories which was from last season. I like Isla and the ending is sad (I am not going to spoil it.) but it is hard to convey my thoughts if I don't so you can read the rest of my thoughts if you want to. :)

While I was watching I was hoping that they have some way to extend her lifespan. The anime makes me think a lot about how in the future if we are indeed able to create such androids who act and behave like humans, the reality is they will have a limited lifespan like humans do (Their lifespan might be shorter like in the anime.) If humans begin to see androids like humans in the future (just like the anime), I believe those emotions shown in the anime would indeed occur. It is like losing a part of someone you love even though you know they are androids. It makes you wonder about how precious life is when you live everyday knowing that you have a limited lifespan and that one day you have to move on. Sometimes, I also wish we could be immortal as I am sure there are many who fear death as well. I understand that death is just a way for the old to make way for the new. It is the cycle of life but it is just difficult to accept that we have a limited lifespan. I know it may sound weird but sometimes I wish humans can live forever despite knowing that living forever have its own sadness.



Isla's smile :




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 I like Isla and the ending is sad (I am not going to spoil it.)


You spoil it right on the next sentence xD

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Now this is some topic. The best animes I have seen till now are :-


Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Little Busters, Tokyo Ravens and Rental Magica still more to go :D :D 

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  • Clan Friend

Nice thread, I should watch more anime :) up to now I watched only a few. Also that chart is amazing.


As regards manga, I have read just Elfen Lied ('read' is a big word, let's say 50% of the time looking at the page and 50% at the dictionary ^^). It's much longer than the anime (like 2x), and also the story and the ending is different.


btw, what about visual novels? Anyone has ever played/read some? I played Kanon and Clannad a bit (and also watched both anime, for Kanon obviously the newer one, not the old version), but you know, you can do many paths in visual novels so you need to play them lots of times to read every possible combination.


Actually, I couldn't have imagined that Kanon's visual novel was labeled 18+, the anime had none of that 'kind' of stuff... :D tbh, the visual novel as well, aside from some short scenes over a story that takes hours to read, and you can also skip them (I don't know if there's people who actually skip them lol)






Ayu: "I felt anxious because I was alone"
while saying so, Ayu looked so innocent while wiping her tears

1 kiss her
2 stroke her head


if you pick #2 nothing happens. But who actually picks option #2 instead of #1? :P


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 Thank you for the recommendations Meow and ronaldounit0. I love Plastic Memories which was from last season. I like Isla and the ending is sad (I am not going to spoil it.) but it is hard to convey my thoughts if I don't so you can read the rest of my thoughts if you want to. :)


Isla's smile :





A smile that lights up the whole world :) 


I've been waiting so long for somebody to talk Plastic Memories with ;~; You sir, have amazing taste :D Also, before I get to my thoughts, I'd like to say, you picked my favorite gif of the show too, so nice haha (full gif here: http://blog-imgs-64.fc2.com/y/a/r/yaraon/qlF9BwH.gif) Ok, my thoughts (and to anyone who hasn't seen the show, the thoughts are basically "MY GOSH THIS STORY IS AMAZING" but there are spoilers, so beware!)




"If my lifespan was predetermined, I wonder how I would handle that?" This story took the thought that every human being has at one point had and made it into a reality. What would you do if you knew you were going to die soon? If you were in love, would you risk deeply hurting that person for your own happiness? Or would you barricade yourself from the outside world, not letting a soul into your heart? 


"Having happy and beautiful memories won't always bring you salvation. The more beautiful a memory is, the more painful it can become. It can even become terrifying. Both for the one who's leaving and for the one left behind..."


My favorite line from the entire show highlights that Isla wanted so much to make her last days memorable, but didn't want to risk hurting anyone else. She chose to bottle up her feelings in hopes that this way, Tsukasa wouldn't get hurt. But Kazuki made her realize that Tsukasa would feel hurt either way when the end came, so why make his last memories of her bad ones? 


"When you told me about your feelings, I thought that I shouldn’t make any more memories! Because we’ll only get torn apart and it would only make our parting more painful. Because as the one left behind, you’d be the one getting hurt! For your sake, above all else, I… I decided that I should stay away from you. That’s what I decided. And yet… I tried to imagine it. I wondered… how you would remember me in the future. Probably cold, lonely, and sad… only that version of me. You wouldn’t have anything good left to remember me by. And that’s not… that’s not what I want! What I want… Is to make more memories with you! I want you to remember that I was here!!! Until the end! Until the end…"


And so she realized that despite the pain and hardship that they were bound to face, the time they spent together was worth it. As the saying goes, "it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". 


Up until the very end, Tsukasa never showed any sign of regret. He showed Isla the same love that he always had despite knowing that one day soon, she'd no longer be with him. We finally see how much pain he's going through in a few scenes:

1) The look of sadness as he turns away from the others at work (Michiru is the only one to notice). 

2) When Tsukasa must ask for Isla's permission to sign the retrieval form, he asks if she'd run away with him (this hurt to type...)

3) The Ferris Wheel scene; "That's the first time you let me see you cry..." (OH GOSH WHAT HAVE I DONE ;~~~~;)

In just these three scenes, we see that as much happiness as Tsukasa was given, he was given an equal amount of pain. But you know what? I think he's glad he did it. Not only for himself, but to see that up until the very last moment, that Isla was happy. Despite the pain, I don't see how he could regret that. 


I hope one day, we'll all be reunited with the people we cherish. 





This entire show, from beginning (seriously, best first episode I have ever seen) to end (my gosh, what a finale it was), had me at its mercy. I was happy for them when they were happy, and I felt so much pain when they weren't. The story was phenomenal, the characters were easy to relate to (and just look at how perfect those two were together), the message was beautiful, and I will recommend it to absolutely every one of my friends. Very few times do I find a story where I feel as though I had truly come out a different person, and this is one of them. Honestly, I have no shortage of good things to say, it was the best story I have ever heard. 



Now this is some topic. The best animes I have seen till now are :-


Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Little Busters, Tokyo Ravens and Rental Magica still more to go 


I got to see the first couple of episodes of Tokyo Ravens but I'm currently finishing other shows before I can go back, great show! Which was your favorite?


Nice thread, I should watch more anime up to now I watched only a few. Also that chart is amazing.


As regards manga, I have read just Elfen Lied ('read' is a big word, let's say 50% of the time looking at the page and 50% at the dictionary ^^). It's much longer than the anime (like 2x), and also the story and the ending is different.


btw, what about visual novels? Anyone has ever played/read some? I played Kanon and Clannad a bit (and also watched both anime, for Kanon obviously the newer one, not the old version), but you know, you can do many paths in visual novels so you need to play them lots of times to read every possible combination.


What did you think of Elfen Lied? I have the anime on my PTW, but I don't know when I'll get around to it. 


Heck yes VNs count! I haven't played a VN just yet, I'm awaiting the english translation of Angel Beats 1st Beat to release, then that will be my first. I have seen and loved Clannad, but haven't seen Kanon yet, would you recommend it? 

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btw, what about visual novels? Anyone has ever played/read some?


Ha! The only have ones I've played were all Eroge (18+). I wont name any for obvious reasons, but some of them were quite funny.


I have not played one in years now...I dont think I would pay for one and I dont trust the illegal downloads for these games anymore :P

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