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Message added by daredevil

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Can provide multiple add/remove maps in same post.

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@mraw  UJE_00 is one of my fav maps. but people hate it more than Castle Attack and Oasi combined.  



P.S.: Removing big maps without replacing "playable big maps" will result in a small rotation. 




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@daredevil my weekly rotations have these maps on there - I can slightly modify some of the lists so there is one week that matches the current/upcoming rotation. Setting this as the baseline can ensure we make incremental changes along the way


@tipsy totally understand, unfortunately there are not many big maps that are stable and able to handle the # of players...my thinking is if we can swap it out after a short amount of time ppl will simply appreciate the change and once they start crapping on the map it'll be auto rotated out.


January and February are (hopefully) my slower months and I want to test a few more maps which have recently been uploaded to the forums Files section.

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7 hours ago, daredevil said:


Again, you are misunderstanding the ask. This is feedback/suggestion topic and not every post will be acknowledged. You have wrong expectations and hence the issue in your mind and crankiness. 

Funny, I've had my hand slapped for "feedback and suggestions" and told this thread is ONLY for map suggestions. But when I said something about my suggestions being ignored, the "crankiness" came from the Jay 2 suggestions I made, which got ignored, and changing some limits on Jay 1 that allow overuse and spamming of some heavy weapons.


7 hours ago, daredevil said:

I liked both of your maps that you suggested in your latest post because they are evaluated and played before. What is missing is which maps you dislike from the current list. If folks do not protest your disliked maps, I can remove them quickly.  

You misread it then. The maps I asked to remove are Kyrkra and mostly Riverport. ETD0 would be a good one, too, come to think of it. Those three maps have survived every rotation change for a very long time. One to add would be Tankbuster and Hotchkiss and Egypt - even if just for a short time. (Edit, I see Mraw posted Hotchkiss above) but tbh, for ME, MY opinion is add whatever you like, just give a break to a few very long-running maps

That big list of potential weekly map changes (that I also linked above) would have been the best plan. I assume most, if not all, of these maps are already on the file server, so changing rotations takes ONE file change and a server restart. 


(This post should be considered Feedback)


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6 hours ago, mraw435 said:

@tipsy totally understand, unfortunately there are not many big maps that are stable and able to handle the # of players...my thinking is if we can swap it out after a short amount of time ppl will simply appreciate the change and once they start crapping on the map it'll be auto rotated out.

True and way too late now but lowing slots on Jay 1, and a redirect to Jay 2 would have been VERY helpful to Jay 2 and allowed the smaller maps to come up more often


@Lusciousdrunk I'm not sure oc the exact cap but i know ive kept too many maps in the testserver folder and things crashed so there is definitely some type of limit lol


@-=HipKat=- the redirect function broke with ETL. Conversations have been had with the the legacy development team but it is still an issue (as far as I know). 


@captnconcrete ill send ya a message shortly, thanks!!

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All I have to say is we should keep Minas. People have a love/hate with it where the shooters (non-obj players) hate it and the obj players love it. I think it helps break up the small map shooter mentality and also is one of the few Axis offense maps.

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On 1/3/2025 at 11:02 PM, Gameplan said:

All I have to say is we should keep Minas. People have a love/hate with it where the shooters (non-obj players) hate it and the obj players love it. I think it helps break up the small map shooter mentality and also is one of the few Axis offense maps.

I absolutely agree!

I have been thinking a lot and talking with players on the server, and came to the following conclusions:
My suggestions on how to improve the server greatly

1. Player feedback: Having this forum is a great tool for us to keeping the server popular. For us to improve it even more is to actively include the user data from the server itself, is there a way to see which maps are upvoted and downvoted on the server? Is there a way to see how many people join the server when a certain map comes on and how many quit the server? This would be good indicators.

2. The server is popular, with many players, but (as others pointed out many times here) there are not enough large and stable maps to support the servers demand, in the long run this will make players tired of the same old large maps.
What to do? We need to organize a team of capable people to make a selection of existing excellent large but unstable/unplayable maps, and turn them into stable maps that can run on the server. This I believe is an important task, and work and effort is necessary.

This will have a big effect for the server and increase the quality of the server a lot!

3. Existing playable maps on the server, can be improved to satisfy a larger number of players.

There is one very visible contradiction on our server:

Many maps on the server suffer from a love-hate syndrome, they are both extremely popular and extremely unpopular by large amount of players.

Knowing that it is impossible to satisfy everyone, we can still do our best to address issues with existing maps on the server. Many maps can be improved and adjusted so as to satisfy more players: Here we need the feedback, ideas and suggestions from all players, we all need to ask ourselves: How can current maps be improved?

Problem 2 and 3. most of all need a dedicated team of people who would like to work together to solve issues with existing maps. It is a very rewarding work that will be appreciated by a lot of people.



My suggestions how to improve certain maps:

The map is excellent in many ways, however with a large player count it can become really difficult for the Axis to succeed in their attack, leading to the attacking team very often ends up losing when the server is full. This is not fair, and its a general problem on many of our maps.

One way to adjust it is to reduce spawn time as the time of the map comes to and end, for example if there is only 5 or 2 minutes left before the Allies win, the Axis can have their spawn-time reduced to half or even more, while the defending team can have their spawn time increased more. The spawn time should be then adjusted dynamically when a new gate is blowed up, so as to make the game play fair.

Another thing that can be done: When the time is running low and Axis are not able to blow up a gate, instead of just making it impossible for Axis to continue, we could make it even more exciting by allowing satchel charge to be able to explode the gate when remaining play time reaches 30 seconds. This means that Axis will still have one last chance to blow up the gates with a Cvops, making the map even more exciting, and keep all players on alert.



How to satisfy most people on the server
Minas is a great map, despite it being disliked by a number of people, it is still loved by many. One of the reason the map works really well, is that the play time of the map is dynamic and not fixed. We are not stuck with a 30 or 60 minutes long map, where one team is stuck and unable to move forward.


In Minas, for every gate the Axis explode, 5 or 10 minutes is added. This is done to prevent getting stuck, and results in the players always having a dynamic, fun and action packed experience of balance.


This is a really great dynamic function between the objective and the play time of the map.

The similar thing can be done to maps like Venice, which is often unevenly stuck. For example give Allies 10 minutes when the tank passes through the first gate. And similarly give Allies another 10 minutes when the tank breaks the doors to the library, finally another 5 minutes when the boat is stolen.

This way we can avoid the eternal recurrence of being stuck in that map, forever and ever.

Similar thing can be implemented with Goldrush, River Port, Italy, Kerkyra, Teuthonia, Capuzzo Airport and other maps with similar process type objectives.

I would say we should consider adding this to as many maps as possible, as this will reduce the complaints on maps, as these complaints often stem from the same (often great and fun) map being painfully stuck for a long time, it will increase the intensity and the fun on the server and urge everyone to play more objective based and more attentively. It will also increase the fairness of the team play and make people more patient to stay on the server despite it not being their favorite map that is played.

Overall this would greatly improve the server experience and the complaints and fights about each map will be reduced as well, creating social harmony on our server.

Please do share your thoughts on these ideas, and step forward to help making the server more fun, more balanced and greater for all players. Thank you for taking your time to read!



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I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Not sure if map settings support these ideas, but nice you're offering them.

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to reiterate what gameplan said, thanks @tyrlop for the suggestions! We will need to look into the map goals and see what is possible to alter spawn times/map times for individual maps. I do agree there are certain technical aspects of some maps we run frequently which will make it more enjoyable. 


Once we look into this a bit more and see what is possible - we can go from there! (i do enjoy Minas for the reason you stated -- adding a bit more time and being heavily objective based which i personally like -- getting to the end of minas is always a treat). 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Remove minas

cca 30% of players either leave or go to spec when this map loads

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8 hours ago, boki said:

Remove minas

cca 30% of players either leave or go to spec when this map loads

And in a week people will be begging for it to come back...


I noticed on Oasis, that it's taken the Allies almost the full map to take the CP the last 4 or 5 times I've played it. Either the teams are perfect for that or people have figured out how to protect the CP very well

On 1/24/2025 at 8:55 AM, boki said:

Remove minas

cca 30% of players either leave or go to spec when this map loads

The server is nearly full right now. We can ask to let  this map go, but you also need to suggest a replacement. 


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Right now it was 27v27 Too, but half of axis team is doing useless shooting åt back instead fighting åt gate. Boki shoud start kicking ppl 😅

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