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Funsounds on NQ3


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Hello everybody,

I thin it would be pretty cool to have some funsounds on the NQ3-Server, wouldn't it be? I was just on the NQ1 (my first time i guess) and I was very excited about the Songs and so on, its just funnier with some background music or songs, which say something what could be in condition to the last actions happened (like kills or something).


I'd like to hear if it's possible to include them, and of course some oppinions from other nq3-players, some won't like this idea, others do. Maybe someone has ideas for a compromise or something in that way, maybe restrictions for the times how often sounds can be played after another.



Thanks for reading,

kind regards

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Now, a bit more of a kind reply ^^

I understand you like the sounds, but I really don't, and I think we nq3-guys are a bit allergic to them.


If you go to nq2, you might understand why. Getting Iloveyou'd everytime someone kills you gets a bit (read: very) annoying after a while. And muting or warning will not improve atmosphere. I prefer a server with not too much sound, so I can put my volume high (you can here people walking and don't hear 'I love you!' clanging in your ears.


So I'm sorry, -1 for me.

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Hey Joker,


Well since we have many servers around with different modes and features, im not sure if adding this to NQ3 would be a good add.


Every server has its particularity and people usually play in a specific server because of some features that are pleasant for them. For example: people complain a lot about the adrenaline in our server, but we know there are other servers where there's not adrenaline, so you can go play there. Understand? Thats variety and we all are identified with a type of server and thats why we keep playing there.


And as far as i know, most of us in NQ3 dont appreciate much of a Vsay spam. We are all a bunch of grumpy old people! :P



Ideas are always welcome and maybe others will like this one you came with, but i know that cool vsay sounds can be a pain too and cause a lot of problems on servers with players with bad attitude.





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No plz no extra "fun" sounds on NQ3. Spamming will probably go out of control and i think the F|A admins already have a dayjob on NQ3 with !warn and !put the prostackers that are around there.

Those sounds wont make it more  fun,but thats just my opinion.


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sorry -1 on that idea from me as dani stated above we have 3 nq servers 2 with fun vsays and i hate playing on them thats why i play on nq3 

if you like the vsays feel free to play on those servers but i think the crowd that plays on nq3 play there because  its quiet and you dont have morons spamming vsay every 2 seconds

my second reason for my no is our mute on nq3 is not working correctly and if someone starts spamming we cant do much about it and that would just be a nightmare 

we do thank you for your suggestion but i relay dont think its a good fit for this serve 


ps yes MOST OF US are old and cranky :P

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When you feel like playing with a bonus sounds stop by NQ1 server, and when you do not feel you can go to NQ2 or NQ3 :)

Nq2 has them too if I recall correctly :)

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From time to time, I do enjoy vsays. However, because NQ1 has the fun vsays, and NQ2 is simply... overloaded, I'm going to have to say no for NQ3 having them. I frequent the JayMod servers, and I swear muting spammers has become a job.

However... I do like the idea of a compromise. Unfortunately, putting restrictions on vsays also puts restrictions on the main chat. And us admins... well we talk a lot. ;) If you want some laughs however... I'll be sure to use some fun admin commands when you're on. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i do miss the 'i got a feeling' vsay from NQ2 (or as i call it 'my Julez-kill-sound').

However I totally agree that we do not need sounds spamming us when playing.

As the oldest and grumpiest person on NQ3 i'd vote -1.

I do however think it is good that suggestions are brought up. It shows people are somewhat engaged in the development of NQ3.

So keep the suggestions coming!



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Well i do miss the 'i got a feeling' vsay from NQ2 (or as i call it 'my Julez-kill-sound').

However I totally agree that we do not need sounds spamming us when playing.

As the oldest and grumpiest person on NQ3 i'd vote -1.

I do however think it is good that suggestions are brought up. It shows people are somewhat engaged in the development of NQ3.

So keep the suggestions coming!





Now picture in your head Snoop and vsay sounds on NQ3, ooops... :P


The is no old and grumpy people there, just mature players that enjoy a fun and nice enviroment.

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