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The worst situation in which you were?


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This topic gave me the idea to make a topic about that...have you already come within a hair's breadth of dying? What was the worst situation in which you were?
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Well aint gonna talk much about it

but ive died almost once while a operation ( removing cancer ) they touched a part in my body which caused me to lose very much blood which i was dead for 2-3 seconds, they bring me to life with those electricity thing ( dont know how it called ) its almost 2-3 years ago so :)

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Too many to list here. Just a few......


1) Crash landing on approach in medivac Cessna 421.

2) Engine fire mid flight in another.

3) Autorotation hard landing in a Bell 206 in thick brush that was hard enough to break the skids.

4) Factory fire where the roof collapsed down on us.

5) House fire that roof collapsed while on it.

6) Middle of a gang war on Ocean Blvd. in Corpus Christi.

7) Working high water rescue when in became a flash flood that killed 26 people in 1990.

8) Guy wrecked into our ambulance because he was mad we were trying to save his father's life and then pulled a gun on us.

9) Drove "NASCAR Style" through a car crash while they were wrecking all around me at 70 MPH.

10) Fell off while tubing in middle of a lake with no life vest and the boat didn't see I fell off for 2 minutes.


Those would be top 10.

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Too many to list here. Just a few......


1) Crash landing on approach in medivac Cessna 421.

2) Engine fire mid flight in another.

3) Autorotation hard landing in a Bell 206 in thick brush that was hard enough to break the skids.

4) Factory fire where the roof collapsed down on us.

5) House fire that roof collapsed while on it.

6) Middle of a gang war on Ocean Blvd. in Corpus Christi.

7) Working high water rescue when in became a flash flood that killed 26 people in 1990.

8) Guy wrecked into our ambulance because he was mad we were trying to save his father's life and then pulled a gun on us.

9) Drove "NASCAR Style" through a car crash while they were wrecking all around me at 70 MPH.

10) Fell off while tubing in middle of a lake with no life vest and the boat didn't see I fell off for 2 minutes.


Those would be top 10.


Are you a stuntman?

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I almost drowned in Austria once.. does that also count?


Oh apparently I also almost killed myself when I was a baby... wrapped myself up in my blanket, my mom was sleeping but she woke up and felt something was wrong so she came to my room and saved me... atleast, that's what she said! I don't remember!


Darn, my life is not as interesting as docwarren's

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Too many to list here. Just a few......


1) Crash landing on approach in medivac Cessna 421.

2) Engine fire mid flight in another.

3) Autorotation hard landing in a Bell 206 in thick brush that was hard enough to break the skids.

4) Factory fire where the roof collapsed down on us.

5) House fire that roof collapsed while on it.

6) Middle of a gang war on Ocean Blvd. in Corpus Christi.

7) Working high water rescue when in became a flash flood that killed 26 people in 1990.

8) Guy wrecked into our ambulance because he was mad we were trying to save his father's life and then pulled a gun on us.

9) Drove "NASCAR Style" through a car crash while they were wrecking all around me at 70 MPH.

10) Fell off while tubing in middle of a lake with no life vest and the boat didn't see I fell off for 2 minutes.


Those would be top 10.


Were you piloting that Cessna?

Edited by Scream
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Oh apparently I also almost killed myself when I was a baby... wrapped myself up in my blanket, my mom was sleeping but she woke up and felt something was wrong so she came to my room and saved me...




when i was in army in my freetime i was swimming and underwater my eardrum popped and i lost my track where is surface


I love that it was a leisure activity that almost got you...not the whole army part...



Too many to list here. Just a few......


1) Crash landing on approach in medivac Cessna 421.

2) Engine fire mid flight in another.

3) Autorotation hard landing in a Bell 206 in thick brush that was hard enough to break the skids.

4) Factory fire where the roof collapsed down on us.

5) House fire that roof collapsed while on it.

6) Middle of a gang war on Ocean Blvd. in Corpus Christi.

7) Working high water rescue when in became a flash flood that killed 26 people in 1990.

8) Guy wrecked into our ambulance because he was mad we were trying to save his father's life and then pulled a gun on us.

9) Drove "NASCAR Style" through a car crash while they were wrecking all around me at 70 MPH.

10) Fell off while tubing in middle of a lake with no life vest and the boat didn't see I fell off for 2 minutes.


Those would be top 10.


You need to stay off of airplanes...and also out of gang fights.

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As a kid I slipped and had to run down a small mountain in France. Luckily another couple stopped me before I lost my footing and tumbled down the mountain. That's about it, really. I lead a pretty uneventful life.

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Rpg round hit my post, myself and another survived that one.


Next day:


Going to get coffee at the messhall, at change over for guard duty, the barracks was hit by a suicide bomber.


Later that evening:


My platoon Commander and I find ourselves standing on a couple of soviet T-72's weapons drawn. This incident was pictured on the front of TIME magazine.


Later that week:


On patrol and my squad found ourselves in a fire fight, that morning only 3 of us came back to base camp.

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Before my current job, I was a flight nurse/medic. And before that, a firefighter/medic.


But if you've seen me on COD, you know that I just LOVE to fall off buildings like a stuntman.

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This guy pulled a knife on me while I was going out of McDonalds but the police were driving past us and saw (next to a major highway)


These people were about to stab my friend and I jumped in to get him out of the situation


Climbed an electrical fence but didn't know it was an electric fence (either not working or wasn't turned on)


My friend almost pushed me off our building during 4th of July because we aren't the brightest of people


@Docwarren, it may seem creepy but I wish I was living your life

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As a kid (maybe first grade) my mom and i were riding on a rainy road near a huge lake . Long story short the wind and rain was too crazy and we swerved off the road , down a bumpy hill and crashed into a huge fence with logs on the edges . The fence saved both of our lives because the lake was on the other side and neither one of us can swim .

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I was in the bathroom at a Drive-in Movie where I grew up, when 4 toughs came in and started kicking me around and slapping me. Then one of them pulled a knife and said he was going to cut me.

I knew I was dead at that point. But, then 3 buddies of mine from my school, walked in a saw what was going on a beat the living shit out of those guys. I was 14 years old and weighed about 105 pounds, and the tough guys were all juniors and seniors and big. I was pretty shook up over that for a long time. Then when I hit 17 I grew about a foot to 6'3" and weighed 225#. I joined Golden Gloves and started lifting weights. I was determined to never take a whooping like that again. When I was in college I worked part time as a bouncer at one of the local dives. I learned a lot there, about how to take care of rude behavior in people.

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