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Suicide to avoid getting fragged


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Today I got a question about killing yourself to avoid the kill going to another person. Usually, the kill would go to the other person anyway (as it is the case with smgs), but this was kinda specific. Player would kill himself when he was about to get panzered in a closed space, at close range with no chance to survive (the player with panzer also got killed).


I haven't seen a rule about it, but it sure isn't good practice (killing yourself; blowing yourself with panzer is another story).


So the question is: is it allowed and should there be a rule about it?


Please discuss.

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Today I got a question about killing yourself to avoid the kill going to another person. Usually, the kill would go to the other person anyway (as it is the case with smgs), but this was kinda specific. Player would kill himself when he was about to get panzered in a closed space, at close range with no chance to survive (the player with panzer also got killed).


I haven't seen a rule about it, but it sure isn't good practice (killing yourself; blowing yourself with panzer is another story).


So the question is: is it allowed and should there be a rule about it?


Please discuss.


lol its annyoing buts its allowed. stopping people killing themselves everytime they had low health,no ammo, had poison in their blood etc would get rather tedious and diffuclt. it happens , just as people will clusterf u ck, people will waste arty , people will masterbate with the heavy weapons and people will nade spam. its annyoing but nothing illegal

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Yup, I love /kill ing right before a panzer blows himslef up lol

I remember when one could /kill on F|A even after getting hit and the other player wouldnt get the kill. I got super addicted to doing that when someone started to backrape me. I have a feeling someone reported me to Dare and he changed it :hmm:cry (This was on ETPub btw)

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i would say get an smg and stop using the panzer and you dont have to deal with that problem, i for one will kill out if a panzer is about to get me. and at any rate if you cant get more then one kill with a panzer at time you have no buisness using it.

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i never use it fight it out to the end but do see alot use it in fights right before they know they not going to win and die is annoying but whats you gonna due..

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One part of kill yourself before geting panser makes that those dudes improve his shots or learn how cancel it.

To me it´s ok because if you use it correctly, you can do a good estrategy controling the spawn time as the way those panserpusy explote in tiny pieces lol

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/killing is a big part of game smarts. Sure its not as usefull in pubs as it is in competition. You watch competition they /kill maybe 10 times per round. Its a good thing, respawn with your team and no risk of going down for full spawn. I used to use it all the time when i played competition back in TWL. If you dont /kill and go down full, puts your team in a bad spot.

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