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how to aim with "inaccurate" guns


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I'm not a very skilled player but I admire the way others seem to be able to aim with inaccurate guns like the AK 74, i.e. guns that kick when you squeeze, or, say, the p90/ak74u, etc.


I have tried burst-fire but when i do that i always lose a 1 v 1 firefight


I have also tried adjusting my aim lower and to the left to combat the kick but this doesn't work well beyond short-distances...yet I see people sniping with AKs all the time (Forsaken for instance)...


any tips/hints for a guy trying to adjust his game into a more tactical aim-down-the-sights/skill-based game?


thanks for your feedback!


also whenever i use acog the sway is so bad i can't hit diddly squat...i guess i just need more practice but do you guys have any tips on that?

I don't think acog is suited for any particular weapon except maybe the g3, even then, a lot of guys like to go with the silencer on the g3.


to be honest even though acog increases FOV for snipers, the sway really kills my accuracy, i quite prefer the hold-your-breath accuracy of the normal scopes...


what do you guys think?

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The best guns of the game are Ak47, Ak74 and bolt action snipers. I personally found the acog garbage on literally every weapon except snipers, if you seek a tactical aim-down-the-sight game, i can suggest you to not burst with any weapon.The ak47 is particulary powerfull in hardcore mod when you only need 1-2 bullet to kill, go try the ak47 with no attachment and tell me what you think (dont burst, the recoil is low but the fuzzle is bright). Most people spray and pray with the ak74u because with steady aim, it got such a small crosshair. Almost all weapon i play them with no attachment except M4 with red dot, M16 red dot, g36 red dot, g3 red dot. I like to think that im a good player :rolleyes: so if you need anything else, feel free to ask :)


Oh and by the way, on wich server you play most? ^^

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For me I always do like 3 to 4 shot burst fire with any type of weapon (besides sniper and shotty) so the recoil doesn't make it jump and spray everywhere. It's also something you have to practice with and learn how to do on your own because its kind of hard to explain how to be accurate with it. I would just suggest that you should always lead your target about a few inches infront so that way the burst fire should be able to get them. Other than that I'm having difficulty trying to explain any more helpful tips. lol.

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My mouse sensivity is such that with a single sweep I can make (at least) a 180degree turn, such that you can always run and hide. If you can't get enough accuracy with that, make more room for your mouse.


For SMG's, don't use it for long distance, you have a deagle for that which is perfectly capable of sniping. Furthermore, use hip accuracy on SMGs and ``learn'' where your crosshair is such that you don't have to waste time on aiming (right mouse click that is).


I hate ACOG, because a deagle is just as useful for me in aiming, but this is because of my playing style. Sometimes I get sniped down, but a second time I approach them differently or use smoke rather than sniping back. For the G3 I indeed rather have the silencer, but that's more because I play stealth and I have a silencer on pretty much every weapon which has a silencer :P Hence, finding another way to backstab them :P


And, of course what Spitfire says, with a assault weapon or LMG, never spray with it. I actually use SMGs as a spray weapon every once in a while (close combat), but with hip accuracy that isn't a problem. But even with hip accuracy, for assault and LMGs that isn't sufficient to keep it under control while spraying.



Last tip, don't compare yourself to Forsaken.

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I love the AK-47. I like both the stock iron sights and a reddot. I find I switch back and forth every couple weeks. I have one w/silencer for stealth maps, and one without for full-out assault mode. I try to stick with short burst fire because I get the most accurate results that way, but find that it's easy to fall back into spray mode sometimes. Also, like mentioned, get fast with the "aim down sights" button, that skill will help you alot. The other biggest key to accuracy, use the least mentioned weapon you have, the mind. Study opponents habits, predict their movements and camp-outs, and try to not develope your own habits. Habits get you killed.


I too hate acog, and never use it.


Oh, PS, well spoken rolf, that last bit about forsaken, that guy is off da hook good.

Edited by soulJAHmon
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With the p90, you want to move fast, like a ninja. Basically, red dot, indoors/close quarters, spray the crap out of them. At longer range, just spray in small bursts, but short range let it all out. At least, that's how I do decent with it.

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yeah my biggest tip on operating the ak-47 well is the same as above. Learn how to use short bursts to shoot your target. After like the first 3 shots it starts to go all over the place. And of course keep practicing the AK until it becomes much smoother to handle. I haven't operated an AK-47 on one of my classes in awhile. (I usually stick with m4red-dot or m14red-dot) BUt whenever i run out of bullets, picking up an AK is a godsend and a good weapon to have.

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hi magoo thanks for your feedback. yes, i've heard of your legendary exploits...i too play on the Abner doghouse server most of the time. I'm trying the AK47 with no attachments and i quite like it. i think the red dot sight takes away power from the gun...which is weird cuz it's not supposed to...


The best guns of the game are Ak47, Ak74 and bolt action snipers. I personally found the acog garbage on literally every weapon except snipers, if you seek a tactical aim-down-the-sight game, i can suggest you to not burst with any weapon.The ak47 is particulary powerfull in hardcore mod when you only need 1-2 bullet to kill, go try the ak47 with no attachment and tell me what you think (dont burst, the recoil is low but the fuzzle is bright). Most people spray and pray with the ak74u because with steady aim, it got such a small crosshair. Almost all weapon i play them with no attachment except M4 with red dot, M16 red dot, g36 red dot, g3 red dot. I like to think that im a good player :rolleyes: so if you need anything else, feel free to ask :)


Oh and by the way, on wich server you play most? ^^


thans for your tips! I have tried deagle sniping but I can never seem to be consistent with it. I guess I just need more practice.



My mouse sensivity is such that with a single sweep I can make (at least) a 180degree turn, such that you can always run and hide. If you can't get enough accuracy with that, make more room for your mouse.


For SMG's, don't use it for long distance, you have a deagle for that which is perfectly capable of sniping. Furthermore, use hip accuracy on SMGs and ``learn'' where your crosshair is such that you don't have to waste time on aiming (right mouse click that is).


I hate ACOG, because a deagle is just as useful for me in aiming, but this is because of my playing style. Sometimes I get sniped down, but a second time I approach them differently or use smoke rather than sniping back. For the G3 I indeed rather have the silencer, but that's more because I play stealth and I have a silencer on pretty much every weapon which has a silencer :P Hence, finding another way to backstab them :P


And, of course what Spitfire says, with a assault weapon or LMG, never spray with it. I actually use SMGs as a spray weapon every once in a while (close combat), but with hip accuracy that isn't a problem. But even with hip accuracy, for assault and LMGs that isn't sufficient to keep it under control while spraying.



Last tip, don't compare yourself to Forsaken.

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I'd say the P90 is really easy to use in terms of combating recoil..


I would also say the best way is to have a fairly low sensitivity.. That way you can move your mouse a lot to combat the recoil without making it worse.

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I'm going to go ahead and post this here since I say is almost daily ingame. If you take a gun, the ak for instance, and point at a spot on the wall and press nothing but the mouse1 button. The gun is not going steadily climb upwards from recoil. To me that is what recoil is, I think what all of you are considering recoil is the gun animation of the gun moving up and down as you fire, thats just a animation and if you ignore it you will be good to go. I dont use hardly any gun but the ak47, but ive tried it with several so some may not be like.

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Coming from using the MP5 to the AK74u I thought the 74u was horrible. The MP5 being super accurate and having next to no recoil made using the 74u feel weird. But I got used to it after a few games, reasons for using it would be the great bullet penetration. You don't want a red dot sight on the ak74u though as the stats show it will lower damage. You want to equip stopping power and deep impact I think those 2 being the best perks for the gun. Also the AK74u has a vertical kick in its recoil, for using it mid range I find moving slightly left and right will help giving you a much more accurate shooting then just standing still, that should also help you from getting shot. Also in close range you don't really need you use your ADS as you are likely to hit anything in range as long as your hip fire aim isn't horrible. Also the 74u is only good for medium range fights or close range encounters, so you need to be moving all the time. The AK47 is a much more deadlier gun with better range I often use this one in the bigger maps.

Edited by Blackops
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Coming from using the MP5 to the AK74u I thought the 74u was horrible. The MP5 being super accurate and having next to no recoil made using the 74u feel weird. But I got used to it after a few games, reasons for using it would be the great bullet penetration. You don't want a red dot sight on the ak74u though as the stats show it will lower damage. You want to equip stopping power and deep impact I think those 2 being the best perks for the gun. Also the AK74u has a vertical kick in its recoil, for using it mid range I find moving slightly left and right will help giving you a much more accurate shooting then just standing still, that should also help you from getting shot. Also in close range you don't really need you use your ADS as you are likely to hit anything in range as long as your hip fire aim isn't horrible. Also the 74u is only good for medium range fights or close range encounters, so you need to be moving all the time. The AK47 is a much more deadlier gun with better range I often use this one in the bigger maps.

Actually, the Ak74u is the most powerfull gun in the game (ak47 not so far) because of 1 thing, the bullet damage doesnt decrease at long range. If you got a super accuracy, you can kill anyone close combat to sniping with this submachinegun AND you get the extra mobility from the small gun to bunnyhop/jumpslide in doorways.
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Naw... its the p90 all the way. With Red dot and silencer it is great close quarters and medium distances. Spray and pray all the way! DDDrgn got it right! :)

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