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The meaning of ur current game name - Why did you choose this game name?

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The origin of my name is simple. I was playing cod2 ( which I use to do all the time ) while stoned, and I saw a dude with the name HermantheGerman. I laughed for a good 20mins over that and then decided I wanted my own game name that was relavent to ww2 but was also cool and catchy. After a little brainstorming I came up with, Yatzithenazi! Been my tag for around 4 years now.


What pisses me off the most tho is when I play ww2 games and the server admins don't allow you to have nazi in your name. I understand the gravity a lot people feel with that term, but to me the world is wayyy past that. It's a historical term now, not derogatory language.

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I've been using my gamer tag for about 10 years now. No, my nickname has nothing to do with my personality, it is rather a combination of two of my favorite bands (Disturbed and Creed) during the early 2000's.


Disturbed was the first Parental Advisory CD I ever bought (and is the first part of my name), and One was the name of one of my favorite Creed songs at the time. Hence, Disturbed One... easy, right?


Reallity, actually comes from an old clan i used to be in a few years ago. We had 01 reallity 02 reallity etc.. When the clan died i kinda kept the name because i thought it kinda suited me.

In real life i'm kind of a joker type. I make jokes and try too fool people all day long. And i noticed that since im getting older it becomes more and more important to be serious at times. To keep it real so to speak. Therefor its important not to loose myself in my jokes and be serious when its needed. Thats why the nickname Reallity reminds me of this utterly important part of my life.


Oh and yes its deliberately spelled wrong^^ keeps me from getting too serious.


Weetbix Kid is from a cereal here in Australia, Was shortened to Weetbix because my name was to long using FA tags, MaKy is a combination Of both our names, as we played under the same name on the same PC for a while (MA= Marc and KY= kyla)


Well, simply because I bring total destruction (A)

And that's why I actually chose for Mayhem ;)


That moment where time slows down, and your diving into a group of axis with a cooked nade and all around you has erupted into a bloody crossfire, cries for medic. Chaos!


Used that nick since 03, then after becoming a member here I changed it to chaotic :fD


I have named myself after a character with a cool name from my very first shootergame with multiplayer. The game was called Renegade from the Command and Conquer series. Such a kick-ass game, I believe there are some people who still play it online. Of course my character had a railgun:)

I think it would be awesome if we had Renegade servers as well, the games are still for sale:)


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