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You lazy turd haha. And it is one of my favorite places. Dont hate!

Turned sideways, snapped neck. Ded.

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A couple weeks ago when I was at the New York Botanical Gardens. It was a lot of fun and I recommend it to everyone! :D

mila kunis o.O

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Hmmm. Wonder what this means for how my day is going to go. Open drawer to get pants to take a shower, see something brown run off some black shorts out of the corner of my eye. Pull out my blacklight and see the color of scorprion. Move some shorts around, and BAM!



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A couple weeks ago when I was at the New York Botanical Gardens. It was a lot of fun and I recommend it to everyone! :D

sprained neck but was worth it

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Summa summa summa


HOT damn! Summer has the temperature to start any fire, and what a fire it would be.



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Aren't runners supposed to get line and light in order to be better runners?

That would be distance runners such as people running the 800m, 1600m, and 3200m but sprinters are usually big guys. I also play football too that is why I'm big

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