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Software for Counter Strike Series FPS Game

3 files

  1. Amx Mod X For Linux and Windows

    Amxmodx For Linux and Windows
    Linux Amxmodx Version : 1.8.1 Windows Amxmodx Version : 1.8.2

    Amxmodx With all Modules Present, Supported By :

    Counter Srtike 1.6 Counter Strike Condition Zero Counter Strike Source Counter Strike Global Offensive

    ** Tested In Windows XP | 7 ( ALL VERSION ) | 8 / 8.1 | 10 | Server
    ** Tested In Linux CentOS 5 / 6 / 7 | Debian | Ubuntu

    ** Note : To Make Amxmodx work you must have Metamod/ Metamod Source Installed



  2. Meta Mod CS:GO Linux & Windows

    Metamod:Source is a C++ plugin environment for Half-Life 2. It acts as a "metamod" which sits in between the Game and the Engine, and allows plugins to intercept calls that flow between. It provides a mechanism called SourceHook, a very powerful library for intercepting, overridding, and superseding virtual function calls.
    Although Valve provides their own C++ plugin environment, we found two major reasons to develop Metamod:Source:
    If separate plugins use their own hooking mechanisms, conflicts will arise. The centralized SourceHook environment solves that by providing a unified gateway.
    Valve's layer has idiosyncracies, such as not fully unloading from memory and poor console and programmatic control. Metamod:Source is explicit, flexible, and open source.

    It is important to note that Metamod:Source is not the same as "Mani Admin Plugin," "SourceMod," or "EventScripts." It is a very small library wrapper designed to load and pass a few pointers to C++ plugins. It provides almost no unneeded functionality (such as gameplay mods or MySQL support) and incurs no overhead on its own.
    Metamod:Source is licensed under a very liberal, open-source license. You are not required to release any source code to your plugins, as the license allows commercial/proprietary use. (Note that you might have to follow the license agreements of third-party software, such as Valve SDKs or other libraries.)



  3. Source Mod Linux & Windows

    SourceMod is server modification for any game that runs on the Half-Life 2 engine. It is a powerful, highly optimized platform for scripting plugins and handling server administration. The default package comes with a base set of plugins, but there are over 450 plugins in the community.
    Basic Features (Users)
    An easy to use, deeply fine-grained permissions system (SQL compatible)
    A highly configurable admin menu
    Reserved slots
    Flexible map management plugins (nominations, rock the vote, etc)
    Basic commands such as kicking/banning/slapping/muting players, changing cvars, etc
    Various voting commands
    Chat spam protection
    Comprehensive chat triggers for both users and administrators
    Easily translatable

    SourceMod is highly optimized and ideal for getting the most performance out of your Source servers, without the complexity of writing C++ code.
    Scripting Features (Developers)
    Administration - Comprehensive API for developing administration systems.
    Clients - Working with in-game client information and callbacks.
    Commands - Creation, hooking, and overriding of client and server console commands.
    ConVars - Creation, hooking, and retrieval of console variables.
    Database - Abstracted database access.
    Engine - Access to many Half-Life 2 engine features, with more constantly being added.
    Entities - Changing and retrieving entity properties, both named and numbered.
    Events - Creating, firing, and hooking of Half-Life 2 GameEvents.
    Files - Access to the filesystem.
    IPC - Advanced inter-plugin communication, similar to AMX Mod X.
    Menus - Abstracted menu API for creating uniform menus across mods
    Messages - Sending and hooking UserMessages.
    Parsing - Advanced, highly optimized text parsing.
    Timers - Creation of timed events.
    Translation - Multi-Lingual phrase file lookup.

    What makes SourceMod different? (Developers)

    Speed - SourceMod is lightning fast, and this is not an idle boast. Every plugin is loaded into memory and converted to raw CPU code. Great care is taken to make sure every hot area in SourceMod is as fast as it should be. The scripting language is statically typed and does not require garbage collection.
    API - The majority of work in SourceMod occurs in making the API the best we can. When adding any interface or function, we ask the following questions:
    Does it represent an optimized solution?
    Would anyone use it?
    How confusing is it?
    Does it match the most probable common usage?
    Will it be possible to extend it in the future?
    Does its name represent what it does?
    Does its name conform to other similar functions?
    [*]Extensibility - SourceMod is completely extensible. SourceMod provides a complete C++ API for extending both SourceMod and the Plugin event/native API. You can also write C++ plugins.
    [*]Open-Source - SourceMod, its extensions, and its plugins, are all open source under the GNU General Public License!



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